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The Oracle

The 'Mighty Oracle' is a freakish creature lurks under my bed, feeding on the angry punk rock sneers that issue from my stereo until the wee hours of the morning.It is never clean shaven and strangely enough resembles Buddy Holly. It crawls from underneath my bed once a week just long enough to pose it one question which it answers to great length using all of it's wisdom and intellect. If you don't like it's answers, don't blame me. Blame 'The Oracle'

This weeks question was -
What's the matter with the kids today?

Hmmmm. Some say that kids today don't give a stuff about anyone or anything. Some say they have no respect for their elders or people in positions of authority. Some even say that the youth of today have no incentive to succed, no feelings towards achieving. Well I totally disagree with all of these staements. It is the adult world of our time that is mixed up, it is them that needs help, it is them that needs to spend time in special correctional facilities. Not us. So maybe some of us smoke, some take drugs, some drink, but we know what life is, we know that we can't have everything, that everything doesn't always go our way. We have emotion. we don't need emotions.

So kids today don't respect their elders or people in positions of authority. Why? well obviously because those people abuse that power. Obviously they use that power to oppress todays youth. As for respect, you have to earn that.

One aspect of today's youth that I do see slowly undermining us is gangs. Gangs create an emphasis on needing others to suppourt you, needing others to be comfortable, needing to be the same to be accepted. Gangs destroy all feeling of individuality. From a small bandana to a tattoo to certain words or gestures. All these things are needed by the individual. They must be copied perfectly for the individual to fit in. He/she must assimilate to belong.

Okay, so there's more teenage pregnancy's now then ever before. And of course all these babies are neglected and starved and so on. But we all watch the news, when was the last time you saw a 17 year old boy on charges for child molestation, for child beating, for murdering his child. Not very often, it seems as all the 50 yr old single males are taking up those spots, but once again, the youth of today are just so screwed up.

They accuse us of not caring. But when they label us 'Generation X' what do they expect. They think it's alright to brand us no hopers and losers, but then expect us to jump to attention when they call. Wake up, once again, respect must be earned. Also, our lethargic attitude is not apathy, it's peaceful rebellion. And we will continue to rebel until you treat us like you would like to be treated. we are not immature, we are not reckless and we are not young adults. We are human beaings.

One can never really fully answer this question as they will always change the answer into some psycho therapy readout thingy. All I can say is What isn't wrong with the kids today?

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