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Noey's Poems

The following poems were written by a very dear friend of mine named Noelle Stanton. Enjoy.

she sits in the window cill of her mind 
looking out her shaded window 
into a even shaddier world 
things go though her mind 
why care,why hold on any longer 
hold on to a name 
one of love and much sorrow 
a she spoke many times 
but nevermore will it answer 
and forever more will her love 
go unreturned and unanswered 
a smile she wears out side 
overalls of saddness not

where did it go ? thoughts fly through my mind as I fly through the air what went wrong where did we go wrong why did we go astray as our eyes fell away , as did our love it died , quickly,and with out a trace your voice once would wake me out of sleep now is a clod reminder of the love we once had as I cry into the darkness there is no one to answer my cries as I reach my arms out into the emptiness find at last , there is no one to hold me...
radio in the dark humming of the mindless muttering of the radio jockys I hear the songs but the stupid shallow words dont register even though I manage to wonder around blindly humming the stupid tune and meaningless lyrics that are stuck in my mind like gum on the bottom of your shoe all the stations promise that they are the best but in your mind don't follow rock stars like sheep obey your instinct
Quest The cars the people all going somewhere they seem to be in a hurry I'm not sure just why that is though I look around this fair city and I see nothing worth living for everyone has a plan a set point where they should be no one had a perfect childhood I see a boy naked and shivering he is five he only weighs ten pounds he will make the back page when they find his rotting body in his own waste yes he will make the back page while our dear mr clinton makes the front page with his many affairs and wrong doings we will be entertained with the many trials that are on TV they put on a play for us we are a blood hungry nation we are made up of money we have the perverts and pedofiles that go-line at 3am and make plans to rape young boys we have the soccer moms that drive minivans and misunderstood teenagers we have them all there are those who you love those who you hate and those who you love to hate there will be times in your life when a simple "because I said so" will not do you will go to the ends of the earth in order to find the answers to the things that ail you.....
two little girls how could you do this to me i trusted you with all my heart now im sitting here wondering what is going to happen next what should I do I loved you and you let him do this to you I understand that its hard to say no I have lost my voice before he was older and he made you his toy I think about it and i want to vomit I thought of only you all day I dremed of holding you in my arms and you couldn't wait for me you went behind my back my heart is full of anger my heart is sad tell me my dear what am I to do ?