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What People Think About Violence

Okay, so here are the answers that I have compiled from my survey on violence.

1.What is the most powerful image you have ever seen?

Definatly a photo I have at home of a vietnamese monk setting himself on fire to protest against the ill treatment of Vietnamese monastrys.

Of a few, a woman trapped in a car in a flash-flood (in Turkey 97/98, I think). She survived.
Farmer Bean

2.Why was this image so powerful?

The image itself ws imortalised after been used by Rage Against The Machine on the cover of their debut album. It's an image that no matter how many times I look at, it still shocks me. It contains so much power. The man is comitting the ultimate sacrafice for his beliefs and his people. It's a horrible but fascinating photo. One that will always intrigue me.

B/c it was live on video, and you could see the bystanders frantic yet helpless to help.
Farmer Bean

3.Did this image digust or impress you?

The image never disgusted me and it never will, but it doesn't impress me either. Sure the man is corageuos, and the man is brave for what he did, but his courage never and never will impress me. Sure, I think a lot of the man for going so far for his beliefs, a level which I could never reach, but I could never look up to him for what he did. Yes, it was brave, some might say suicidal and stupid, but I think it was an act of pure courage, but it was not an act that impressed me. Death could never impress me. For any reason
Idiom Neither. It was horrifying and gut-wrenching. I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone.
Farmer Bean

4.Who do you think has the most powerful image?

Definatly Henery Rollins, and for all the wrong reasons. the man is huge, muscly, he has presence. he's scary, but, he's also quite intelligent. the other one is malcom x, that man was brilliant. When ever he spoke, he spoke power, through his words he gain power from blacks and whites all over America and the world.

Who? The person who puts their life on the line to help a stranger in dire trouble.
Farmer Bean

5.Does this person scare or amaze you?

Well, Rollins scares me. His songs scare me, his look scares me. He's just a scary guy. But Malcom X, does nothing but amaze, as I shift through his speaches, watch footage of him, I cry to myself at the loss of a great man. With more like him, equality would be possible. I mourn for the white or black rasict, for the culture that they never get to experience.

Amaze. It isn't power over another person, but a strength that comes from compassion.
farmer bean

6.Do you think violence comes with power?

Yes, I believe that it does. You get people like Hitler, Castro, who use violence to gain power and inforce their power with violence. Power walks hand in hand with it. even greats like Gandhi, Luther King and Malcom X are subject to it. They preach non-violence, but they ended up dying for their causes, killed by people who were afraid of the power they were gaining.

Not necessarily. It depends on the power, and how it is gained.
farmer bean

7.Think of someone you truly hate. Have you ever thought of hurting this person? To what degree would you hurt this person? If you did do this to them, would you want to be punished or do you think that it is warrented?

Yes, I think of hurting, even killing certain people in my life, but these thoughts could never be brought to action because I think of the hurt I have felt, the beatings I have been dealt. It's not worth the effort to resort to pettty violence to solve problems. it's better to let them shit their pants for the rest of their lives because they think you are going to beat the shit out of them, even though they could easily beat the shit out of you. It's like Nofx said in 'The Brews'. Reputation gained through intimidation. It never fails.

I hate anyone capable of torturing an animal or human. I don't know what I would do if I was in a position to. I think you have to be certain of a person's guilt and circumstances before anything
farmer bean

8.Have you ever experienced first hand any type of extreme violence? If so what? What effect did this have on you?

I have experienced extreme violence. It came in the form of a racist nazi bastard sprouting neo propaganda on a train back from Sydney. The mates of the person they were spouting at proceeded to beat the shit out of the nazi's. It wasn't a beautiful and stealthful movie fight. But a ugly brawl of blood, teeth and fists. This piece of violence had two effects on me. The first been it reinforced my hate of fighting. It's a crude way of sorting out problems and it never solves anything. The second was that it woke me up to the fact that there are some pretty twisted people out there. If we all band together we can destroy these people withou violence.

9.Are you bitter because of the before mentioned violence?

No, definatly not, I wouldn't let it have that effect on me. I'm more aware if anything.

10.Do you agree with capital punishment?

Yes, I do to a degree. I believe that all rapists, padeaophiles, and child and women beaters should be hung. It's brutal, but it's all they deserve. I have copped flacked here at home for this view and i'm sure i'll cop some here for it, but it's what I believe. Those 3 crimes are the lowest forms of self gratification and unlike murder and robbery, these crimes are caused by mental instability. They can not be cured by a short stay in prison(thats all they get). They will re-offend. Sure you can say that some innocent people will be punished, but thibk about it. Would you rather die an innocent man, or rot in prison with a bunch of degenerates who want to become your wife?

No & yes. No predominantly, b/c there's too many loop holes and possibilties for an innocent to be murdered. Yes to very few circumstances where person is past forgiveness or rehabilitation.
farmer bean

11.Or suicide.

For personal reasons I am totally against this. Death is never the only way out, there is always someone to talk to. Even if it is only your God, or something unmaterial. The thing I mostly disagree with is how those left behind fret over the death. Their minds are torn apart as they try to work out what they did wrong, as they wonder if it was their fault. If they drove the person to their deaths. Even if it is an escape or the only way out, it is still selfish.

Depends on circumstances. I believe in choice. You cannot sit in judgement for someone, only offer them help and understanding.
farmer bean

12.Or euthanaisa?

Yes and no. I can't really answer this one. There are two many pros and cons. Too much debate.

Yes. As above (the two are interchangable).
farmer bean

13.When do you think violence is justified?

Easy, never. I know I said earlier about hanging rapists and stuff, but thats different. Any other form of violence is un neccessary. The world can do without it.

When it's the last option - if ever.
farmer bean

14.Is violence against animals okay?

Definatly no. Except eels, cause they are so revolting and they can't fel it. But even that is cruel, and I don't really do it any more. All animals have the same rights as humans. People who beat their pets are twisted. The act reflects upon the person. the weak prey on aminals because the are in power. The weak are always the cruel in heart. justas the strong are always pure.

farmer bean

15.Should animal torturers be treated like human torturers?

To a degree, because eventually, an animal will bore the torturer because it doesn't have the will to decide like humans do. Eventually they will move on to bigger and better things. so yes, they should be weeded out before they become a real problem.

Most definitely. I find no difference b/t the two.
farmer bean

16.What life is more important, an animal or a humans?

In seperate situations, both lives are equal. the same efforts should be made to save the animals as are made to save humans. But, if both are in danger at the same time, a humans life is higher in value then an animals. only in my opinion though.

Important to whom? I don't believe in killing animals, but if it came to a life-or-death situation, it is survival of the fittest.
farmer bean

17.Should slapstick(laural and hardy, dumb and dumber) violence be removed form visual media? Why?

Nope. It's censorship and restriction. People should be trusted to understand the context of such material.
farmer bean

18.How about medium level violence? eg. explosions, car crashes, shootings. Why?

As above.
farmer bean

19.Or hardcore violence? eg. rape, mass killing, women and child beatings. Why?

As above - only there is no need for explicity. No-one needs to see it explicitly. When it comes to the bottom-line, people can decide for themselves.
farmer bean

20.Do you think seeing violence in a movie is a good enough excuse for murder?

No, these people that say'I killed him becuase I saw it in a movie' are cowards. They are unable to face up to the fact that they committed the crime. Its just a cop out. If they are serious then they need serious help, because for a movie to have big an influnce on you, you'd have to have a very weak and feeble mind.

farmer bean

21.Should violent sexual scenes be banned?

Yes, there is no place for sexual violence to tv, movie, anywhere. it should be erased completly.

Not banned, yet not condoned or rewarded.
farmer bean

23.What is your opinion on violent music?

Violent music doesn't worry me. Really, it's just music, just words. It's good to listen to to let yourself go, relievs some stress through the agression portrayed through the music.

Hate it.
farmer bean

24.Does anarchy promote violence?

Yes, but only through those who do not truly understand. For me, anarchy is instigated by thought and words and ideas. That is what makes governments and corporate businesses fall. It's those who trash property and destroy lives that give anarcy a bad name. Stuff like that only makes THEM stronger.

Promote - not necessarily. Allow or invite? Definitely.
farmer bean

25.Do you see slam dancing as being violent?

Slam Dancing looks violent, but it's not. Your not there to hurt your fellow punter, your there to release your pain, your suffering, and just to enjoy the music.

farmer bean

26.Are security guards at shows extreme or are they just doing their jobs?

There is validity in their job, and there is possibility of it's abuse as there is in any job.
farmer bean

27.Does punk rock promote violence?

Sometimes, since many punks are very anti-nazi(eg me) a lot of hate is spawned through punk. Many people think that punk is about bashing and stomping people because of this. Also other people think that all punks are skinheaded aryans who have nothing better to do then be absolute wankers.

Most, yes.
farmer bean

28.Do you see any certain religion as been violent?

Violent, in some ways, some are. Unjust and biased better describe these. Not that I'm an expert, but the Islamic religion is one. A glimpse in the Koran is sufficient. I believe it's function is to render women as second-class citizens, and to promote self-rightiousness amongst bigotted male followers.
farmer bean

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