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Things that really shit me off

  1. People who claim to be themselves. People who think they are the ultimate legends just because they have a mowhawk or nosering or some other stupid fucking connection.These people think I'll suck their cock just because they have some freaky thing on their bodys. Dickheads.

  2. Rich Snobs. I hate the cunts. What gives them the right to look down on us just because they have a 6 figure wage. They expect to get everything before us and they usually do. Their children are pricks, always showing off their new stereo's or BMW's. Well who gives a fuck! My shitty old Datsun will always be a better car becasue I earnt it. That is a word rich kids never use. They never say "It feels good to wear these shoes because i earnt them". No, they never say that. They usually say "It feels good to wear these shoes because daddy bought them for me and they cost $40000 and no one else at the country club has a pair so that makes me really special" Wake up to yourselves! One can not survive on money alone.

  3. People who think they can boss me around, give me shit and rag on my talents without getting a response from me because we have to respect you. How bout respecting me once and a while. As for looking up to you. You have to earn that kind of respect.

  4. Racists. People who think they have the right to question someone elses right to be an Australian. Enough said.

  5. Bands or band members who think they are owed something and can treat others like shit just because they have made themselves a few bucks in the scene. This includes bands that taunt crowds, play shits shows, or get kicks out of trashing public property at, before or after gigs. You may think it's funny but we think it's fucked. Sure, I may like your music but sometimes I wonder how such magic came from such prats.

  6. Dole Bludgers. I hate people who just live off the government. Go out and get a job. You just say there aren't any, but how do you know if you never leave your free government paid for holiday house on the beach. You can't work cause you've got a bad bakc but you can find the strength to go for a surf every day. Wake up and go make something of your life before you wake up one morning and realise your just a boring old prat. Whoops, too late.

  7. People who can't recognise the fact the males and females can be good close friends without having any physical contact, sexual or non sexual. These people absolutly piss me off because I know quite a few of them and I have many close friends that are girls.

  8. Drug Dealers. You are absolute scum. Making a livng off someone who feels he needs a substance to live is the lowest act you could ever perform. Giving out free samples to get clients addicted then jacking up prices once he/she is addicted is also a low act. You people are scum and deserve to die as painfully as possible. Some drugs should be legalised to stop people like you!

  9. Posers. What do you get out of prancing around so everyone will like you. We don't really care about your new clothes, or your car or anything else you try to impress us with. If you want to be our friend just be yourself and you may find that you can be quite a nice person. I hate the way people brag about their concert experiences eg. 'I met such and such' or 'I was in the mosh and so and so spat in the crowd and it landed in my mouth. I don't give a fuck.

  10. Religious Freaks. What is the deal with you people? How can you devote your whole lives to a stupid diety you've never seen nor heard. A god that supossedly forgives all sins but still has a place called Hell. Wake Up! God is a fallacy. All gods are stories made up to control us. They have used stories of Satan, Hell and Purgatory to keep us in line for years. You people come to see me and prach and preach that if I don't change my ways I'll go to hell. Well this quote by Marilyn sums up how I feel about that notion. 'I see you all sitting there tryin' your hardest not to be ugly, tryin' your hardest to fit in, tryin' your hardest to earn your way into heaven, but let me ask you...... Do you wanna be in a place thats full of fuckwits?'

    But you still don't get the message, you keep preaching to me. Get the fuck out of my life. Who do you think you are anyway? YOU ARE NOT GOD

  11. Apathetic People. Those drug-fucked losers who just don't give a shit about anything. People who have no emotion and just sit on the fence all the time. People who don't vote and then complain about the people that get in. You people are scum. You may think it is cool to have no opinion and it s easier to live that way, BUT YOUR WRONG. Your just making it easier for them to succed. You just sit there while your whole wolrd dies around you, you say 'Who gives a fuck about pollution, I just want to surf'. Think for just a sec. One day the water will be so polluted that you won't be able to surf, but then again, you don't give a fuck. You just sit around and complain about how everyone just pcks on you. The reason they pick on you is because you have no opinion. You are an easy target. You don't care about anything or anyone. Therefore no one will miss you when your gone.

  12. People who are consdered as figures to look up to for todays youth who openly glorify the use of hard drugs. Like wake the fuck up! Writing a song about what a good time you had while fucked up on crack yesterday is not cool. It's fucking stupid. No wonder our generation is so screwed up when we have these groups of people being such stupid prats. It's like the parents and the teachersare saying 'Don't do drugs. They screw you up. You can have fun without them.' And the bands are saying 'Smoke pot, take acid, shoot up everyday. We did and look where it got us.' Who do you think the kids are going to listen to?

  13. War. Why does it happen? Governmental bullshit. That's why. But they never get hurt. No, it's just us, the middle working class that gets hurt. Our fathers are conscripted, our mathers are taken to build weapons and our house are commissioned because of room for their pompus officials. And what does it achieve, the deaths of millions of innocent men, sent to kill people they have never met or seen before, for reasons which they do not understand. the deaths of thousands of innocent women, mothers and children. Thousands of families torn apart because of the stress of losing fathers, husbands and sons.

    Now that I think about it, I spose it is worth all that to gain a small piece of land which has now been raped by explosions, gas and gunfire and probably will be of no use because of the damage.

  14. Suicide. people who commit suicide are the most gutless pieces of shit that I have ever seen. No matter what the reason, suicide is never an option. There is always another way. Shit, I'm having problems, I think I'll kill myself and let all the people around me hate themselves while they wonder if it was their fault. What a hero am I. I won't get blamed, they'll blame it on some song I was listening to or something like that. They won't work it out that I'm just a twisted fucker.

  15. The Beautiful People. How come haven't you worked out yet that we all hate your fucking guts. You are only popular to yourselves. Sure we may perve on your perfect bodies, but that is only because they are beautiful to look at. You are ugly inside, full of insecurites and uncertainties. You are Tennyson's 'Hollow Men', so full of ahte that you cease to feel. I know you loathe us. You may have friends and money and invitation only parties but you don't have the one thing we do have. Emotions. And I mean true emotions, not those 'I love you Billy, will you have my child?' Beverly Hills bullshit., I mean true heart felt love. I have now realised that I don't hate you or loathe the luxury that you live because although you seem to have everything. You really have nothing.

  16. Pauline Hanson. Number one racist bitch. Sure, she may have a few good policies, but they are overshadowed by her bigitory opinions. Fancy saying that aboriginals don't have the right to vote. the scary thing about this lady is not her herself, but the people backing her. Secret holidays with american men and the such, herviews are mildly facist but I have a feeling her funders are the full Mcoy. Sure we can just ignore and eventually she'll go away, but just remember, thats exactly what they said about Hitler.

  17. Anarchists who believe that to be an anarchist means that you fuck shit up and destroy public property. Wake up, thats what THEY want us to do. You are part of the problem
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