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Gavin's Webpage

Welcome to the Mind of Gavin

Hello all you beautiful people...welcome to my webpage. My name is Gavin Southam...or my friends call me Gav, Gavy, sicko, pervert, southie (that's for you spida:P), blah, blah, blah; in other words, call me whatever you basically want. I live in the large state of western Australia, and for all you people who dont know where this place is...its in Australia(you learn something new everyday)...And if you dont know where Australia is, kill yourself and get the misery over and done with. I am though, originally from a small italian town outside Southern England called Santaglo(named after some guy who defended it against the romans or something). But, since I have lived in "the great southern land" for about fourteen years of my biological life, I consider myself Australian...(apart from when some an aussie idot makes a stupid mistake...then I'm just plain old english.)

When someone ask's my interests, I tell them one of two things. If its the pope(which doesnt happen often:P) I say religion, if its just a normal everyday being like me its girls and the internet. The first is pretty obvious...after all, what would the world be like without someone to cure my sexual frustations...(and I dont mean you foe...sorry bud)...I like the internet though, not because I like looking at all those pornography sites and letting my imagination go into horny mode as I fantasise about seducing all those naked women(or them seducing me) but because of this chat program i go on named IRC(internet relay chat.) You get to meet heaps of interesting people - and some boring ones - and you are able to expore the boundaries of cybersex and use your imagination to its greatest height(do I sound like a priest or what) You can always catch me hanging around Austnet on #teenfactory and #perth , usually using the nick ^chaos or more rarely Chaotic. I, of course, have many other interests. I love tennis (I'm so good I bet Pat Cash last weekend...hehehe...dreamy on Gavy!!,) reading and writing stories,(get prepared to see my books hitting our great stores around the globe), drinking ribena and pepsi, and typing with one hand on the keyboard(I wonder why.) I have blue eyes (purple my girlfriend has told me as i orgasm:P), brown hair and about 5'6. I have no idea what my weight is, all I know is that since i can fit through the front door every morning to go to high school, I must weigh less than 1000 kilos(my front door isnt that wide). I also have a cheeky but sometimes charming grin(I think?) and can easily seduce women with a sight of that smile...well i'm allowed to dream arent I...

To earn a piece of bread I do stuff dad does all the work...hehehe. I do go to high school though at Hamilton Senior High School where i fail subject after subject..greaaaat eh:P I hope to become a novelist someday, hopefully sooner than later, and then I can type stories all day while getting all hyperactive on pepsi and ribena.

On this superb webpage of mine (yeah right) I'm gonna show you the interesting things I like throughout my magnificient life...well, apart from naked women, because my friends wouldn't think much of me, (if they already do), after i happen to put a few pics of nude, gorgeous babes on here. So, well, all you perverts out there in this great world of ours has to be miss out. Sorry guys, i know how you feel...

Recommended viewing:

Don't expect anything special, the humour on this page is on par with "Weekend at Bernies" crossed between "Loony Tunes" and "Gladiators" (the gladiators part being the secret pic of me located somewhere on this page, half naked with the tight lycra outfit on, find it if u can or dare!). Please come back regularly, (after all, I have to fry your brains somehow other then use of an electric chair), I will be making changes to sections so do not assume that because one segment is boring, it will be boring in the neat future. It probably will be but hey so sue me. Enjoy yourself and have fun, I have done this page for my friends out there (yes I do have friends) and if you are offended by anything on my page, lighten up, its only a joke or go get mummy or daddy to find you the Disney web page, where you will be nice and safe.

IF you've been here before, well, maybe you have enough sense to run away, but if this page has already driven you idiotic or you were born that way or dropped on the head when you were wee one or whatever, visiting What's New might come in handy, then again it might not:P

First is Whirly Dirly, which is basically me going on and on about crap all day, blah blah this, blah blah that. Not recommended for people who are a bit on the sane side...

Second is Vampires. If your searching for the truth to the evil undead, don't bother coming in here...go to translavania or something. But, since this don't cost thousands of dollars like a trip there will, come on...and explore the crazy mind of yours truly:P The Evil Undead Beware, if your eyes have the habit of falling out of their sockets if you read to much just plain hate reading, don't even look at these following pages concerning vampires..:P

Next is the wondrful world of my pasttimes on the net, and i don't mean having a good ole perv on the pornography pages either...take the next brain-mashing step into my psychotic mind.... Very Netty Hobbies

This page is under construction so if you wanna get your IQ lowered a bit just keep on coming back...*evil laugh*

This page was last updated ummm let me check the date...(computer clocks are so handy aren't they?:) on Saturday 6th June.

Links, links, and more links...

I heard this website won July 97 in the Webpage Universe Award
Blood, guts and sex, they are all included in the books of Richard Laymon
The Best team in the AFL...go the mighty cats:P
The page for #teenfactory, one of my kinki hangouts
The greatest webpage on the planet *cough* My sis's:)
Um... see fer yourself

kinki people have visisted this intellectual depriving webpage

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