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Descendants of William Huggett

Generation No.  1

1.   WILLIAM1 HUGGETT was born Abt.  1779 in England.   He married ELIZABETH.   She was born Abt.  1783 in East Grinstead,  Sussex County,  England.
2.  i.  THOMAS CORK2 HUGGETT,  b.  23 March 1805,  East Grinstead,  West Sussex ,  England; d.  15 January 1892,  Pontiac,  Michigan.

Generation No.  2

2.   THOMAS CORK2 HUGGETT (WILLIAM1) was born 23 March 1805 in East Grinstead,  West Sussex ,  England,  and died 15 January 1892 in Pontiac,  Michigan.   He married (1) SARAH SIMMONS 18 September 1825 in Croydon  ,  Surrey  County,  England.   She was born 24 February 1804 in England,  and died 6 December 1880 in Olive Township,  Clinton County,  Michigan.   He married (2) MRS.  J. C.  HUGGETT Abt.  1882.

This the story of one of the great  pioneers of the United States. Thomas C.  Huggett was born, March 23 ,  1805 in East Grinstead,  Sussex County,  England. This is the southeast part of England near Hastings, scene of the Norman Conquest Invasion of 1056. He married Sarah Simmons, September  18,  1825 in Croydon,  England. One son, Jesse C.  Huggett was born was born at Croydon, Surrey County, England;William Cork Huggett was born in East Grinstead, Sussex County, England. One daughter, Susanna Huggett was born in Brighton, Sussex County , England and Winefred Huggett was born May 28,  1830 also in Brighton ,  England.  It is said the family sailed to New York aboard the Nancy, April 20,  1836. Five more children, Jane Elizabeth, Thomas Henry, George J, Agnes M.  Huggett;John Simmons were born in Schenectady, New York. Charles S.  was born in Oakland County,  Michigan in 1850. In 1852 they moved to East Bingham Township, Clinton County, Michigan. At this time there were no roads, only trails along creeks and rivers, and the land a wilderness with stumps along Clinton Avenue in St. Johns.
Indians were everywhere and Maple Sugar was used by the Indians for money;Oxen and no horses mentioned.
        We know Thomas C.  Huggett was a carpenter and probably worked on the railroad. I (, Clare Huggett)
have his marked tools and chest with saws, large jack planes, 3 footlong 8 inch slick and a broad axe with a crooked handle which you can hear for miles when being used and a curved and a straight adz.
          The terrible effect of the Civil War was evident, Jesse went and never could come home except as an old man and under another name;William and John Simmons Huggett served about two years and George J.  was killed, drowned in Cressen Creek in Tennesse. Thomas Henry Huggett was just married and Rachel was pregnant with Wallace Adelbert Huggett and Charles S.  was a boy of 15.
          It was very difficult to establish a home and farm in the wilderness with the lack of everything but determination.
          After the death of Sarah Simmons Huggett in 1880, Thomas C. , who was 83 married Mrs.  J. C.  Huggett of Ontario,  Canada. She was 72 and after an attack of La Grippe it was necessary to institutionalize Thomas in1892 at Pontiac State  Hospital, now called Clinton Valley Center.
          According to Federal census of 1840, Thomas C. and Sarah Huggett had 7 children, was a carpenter and lived at Pittsford Township, Monroe County, New York. In 1850 he was 45, A carpenter from from Troy, Oakland County,  Michign. In 1860 he was 53, Sarah 56 and listed as born in England. He is listed as a farmer with 50 acres of improved land, 70 acres unimproved, 3 cows, 2 oxen, 10 other cattle, 5 sheep, 9 swine, 39 bushels of wheat, 75 bushels of Indian corn,  100 bushels of oats, 30 bushels of potatoes, 13 bushels of barley, 400 pounds of butter, 7 tons of hay, 1 bushel,  grass seed and meat ( no horses). In 1870 only Thomas C .  and Sarah were listed with Charles S.  Huggett, their youngest son who was 20 and listed as a farm worker.  (   He died in 1874 ).  Thomas C.  Huggett died January 15 ,  1892.

                              Clare Cecil  Huggett

Fact 1: died Pontiac State Hospital,  Pontiac,  Michigan
Fact 2: buried  Bingham   Cemetery

Fact 1: Buried  Bingham  Cemetery

Notes for MRS.  J. C.  HUGGETT:
She lived with  Thomas Cork Huggett in Sarnia,  Ontario  until her death.  He then returned to his farm and was thereafter committed to the Insane Asylum in Pontiac, Michigan.
 i.  JESSIE C. 3 HUGGETT,  b.  10 September 1826,  Surrey  County ,  Croydon,  England.

He fought in the Civil War and never came home when ( according to Dow Huggett who saw him) came to visit his brother , Thomas Henry Huggett,  as a very old man under the name of JohnWilliams. He was a janitor in Cincinatti, Ohio and never married.

Fact 1: Civil War Deserter
Fact 2: sailor on a transport ship

 ii.  WILLIAM CORK HUGGETT,  b.  31 December 1827,  East Grinstead,  England; d.  25 November 1913,  Dewitt  Village ,  Michigan; m.  ANNIE GREEN,  10 January 1850,  Detroit,  Michigan; b.  25 March 1829,  England; d.  Abt.  1907.

William C.  Huggett was born in Sussex ,  England, Dec.  31, 1827, the son of Thomas C.  and Sarah (Simmons)Huggett, the former born March 25 ,  1805 , and the latter February 29,  1804. They set sail for this country on the ship "Nancy" , April 26,  1836.  and upon their arrival located in New York, where the father worked on what was the commencement of the New York Central Railroad, which then had wooden rails strapped with iron, instead of the fine steel rails of today. Mr Huggett was a track layer and carpenter by trade. They had a family of eleven children, viz. ; Jesse, William, Sarah (deceased). George (deceased) and was a soldier in the Civil War, Agnes, John, Charles (deceased), George was a member of the Company I,  Tenth  Cavalry and was drowned in Cressen Creek,  Tennessee in the line of duty. John was a soldier in the same Company and Regiment, and Jesse was a sailor on a transport for the Union Army.
                   William C.  Huggett was married to Annie Green by the Reverend George Taylor, January 10,  1850,  at Detroit.  She is the daughter of William and Rachel Green, both natives of England, who came to the United States in 1845,  and located in Oakland County, Michigan. William C. Huggett came to Michigan in 1848, and took up eighty acres of land in Berlin Township, St.  Clair county, Michigan in 1854, it being at that time a wilderness, And the nearest market being Romeo, Michigan. August 27, 1864 he inlisted in Company H.  Fourth Michigan Infantry and was mustered out of the service, May 28, 1866 at Houston , Texas after having served about 2 years. His regiment , with others, was retained in the service a year or more after the close of the war, by reason of the strained relations existing at the time between our Government and that of France, brought about by the interest manifested on the part of Napoleon III to seat Maxmilian on the throne of Mexico. After the was had closed our army on the Rio Grande was known simply as an Army of Observation.  During his army service Mr.  Huggett was with Thomas at Nashville and was in all tha battles between Thomas and Hood in the struggle the latter made to again wrest Tennessee from the Union forces, after Sherman had started on his historic march to the sea.
              Since the War, Mr.  Huggett has followed farming as a business. He is a Republican, has been a Delegate to a state Convention at Detroit, Grand Rapids and Saginaw. He has been highway commissioner, Post Master at Belle,  River, during Harrison's  administration, a charter member of the Charles B.  Traverse Post of  the G. A. R.  at Capac . Mr and Mrs Huggett are members of the Methodist Protestent Church, of which he is trustee.
             He and his wife are now living in a pleasant little house on 30 acres of land which he has bought and brought to a fine state of cultivation. The subject is very fond of flowers and indulges his taste in that line in the cultivation and propagation of many fine varieties. He is spending his last days as an onlooker at the struggles of life in which he used to play an important and active part. He is a wide and intelligent readed, keeping posted on current events and is a highly respected citizen.
        In the character as exemplified in the life of William C.  Huggett we have the best type of American Citizen. Transplanted from the mother country at an age which makes all intents and purposes as thoroughly American as though to the mother born. Coming to this country about 9 years after his birth, he is indeed as much a pioneer, inpoint of years, at least, as many who justly lay claim to the title on account of their early nativity. In conjunction with his parents, brothers and sisters, he experienced all the privations of the early settlers in founding and clearing up a homestead in the wilderness and he was cognizant of all the changes of that marked the development of the country in its stages from the log cabin era to the present palatial surroundings that characterize the progressive farmer. He and two brothers so bore their part as patriotic citizens in the Civil War which convulsed the country and threatened its integrety, after close of hostilities, in which he has sacrificed one brother, he returned with hundreds of thousands of others to peaceful pursuits.
        In all the duties of life, Mr Huggett has ever been a good example and now in the closing days of a well spent life, he manifests the traits of  a philosopher relinquishing the active duties of life and surrounded by flowers, in the propagation of which he finds his chief pleasure, he calmly views the struggles and activities in which he was wont to engage with the zest of vigorous manhood.

Biographical Memoirs of St.  Clair County, Michigan    =  1903

He received a Civil War Pension. He fell off a bench while sleeping and broke his jaw.  He was guarding the hospital at Murfreesborough, Tennessee at the time.  He also received a heat stroke while Marching from Indianola to  Green Lake, Texas.  He recieved a disability pension until he died.  Mr.  Huggett was a Corporal.

    Civil War Pension  Application   =  National Archives  , Washington D. C.

Fact 1: died at the home of his sister Mrs Agnes Scott
Fact 2: sickness of less than a week

Notes for ANNIE GREEN:
She was the daughter of William and  Rachael Green of England. Buried Mt, .  Rest Cemetery, St.  Johns,  Michigan. One child died in infancy and  William and Annie adopted three children,  not  recorded

 iii.  WINEFRED HUGGETT,  b.  28 May 1830,  Brighton,  Sussex County,  England; d.  19 December 1902,  Bingham Township,  Clinton  County; m.  (1) RICHARD BRODERICK; d.  15 April 1872,  Olive  Township ,  Clinton County,  Michigan; m.  (2) STEPHEN BRADSHAW,  30 September 1852,  Troy ,  Oakland County,  Michigan; b.  January 1834; d.  17 September 1861.

Fact 1: buried  East Bingham Cemetery

Fact 1: came from Nova Scotia,  Canada
Fact 2: died of small pox

Fact 1: buried in East  Bingham  Cemetery

3.  iv.  SUSANNA HUGGETT,  b.  28 February 1832,  Brighton,  Sussex County,  England; d.  15 June 1913.
 v.  INFANT HUGGETT,  b.  Abt.  1833,  Brighton,  Sussex County,  England.
 vi.  RALPH HUGGETT,  b.  25 June 1833,  Brighton,  Sussex County,  England.
 vii.  INFANT HUGGETT,  b.  Abt.  1835,  Brighton,  Sussex County,  England.
 viii.  JANE ELIZABETH HUGGETT,  b.  8 February 1836,  Brighton,  Sussex County,  England; d.  16 November 1921,  St.  Johns ,  Michigan; m.  ALBERT SMITH,  3 October 1854; b.  7 March 1821; d.  15 May 1895,  Bingham Township ,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.
4.  ix.  THOMAS HENRY HUGGETT,  b.  24 March 1839,  Schenectady ,  New York; d.  14 May 1922.
 x.  GEORGE J.  HUGGETT,  b.  1841; d.  Abt.  17 March 1865,  drowned   in Cressen Creek,  Tennessee in the  Civil War.

George drowned in Cressen Creek Tennesee in the Civil  War.  He was buried in East Bingham Cemetery,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.  He enlisted,  19 August  1863,   when he was  22 years old.  He was killed at the age of 24 ,  about 17 March 1865 in the Civil War. He was also in the General Hospital in Knoxville, Tennesee and in Jeffersonville,  Indiana from April 15, 1864 to July 1864.

                Volunteer Enlistment of George J.  Huggett
                 B.  Schenectady, New York
                   Farmer  22 years old
                   Volunteered  9 July  1863
                       Notary Public O. T.  Strickland ,  Clinton county, Michigan
                   George had hazel eyes, Dark Hair, Fair compexion and was 5 feet seven and onequarter
                   inches in height.

                         Capt.  J. W.  Fitch Recruiting Officer.  Eleventh Regiment of Michigan Volunteers

                                    MUSTER ROLL  Pvt.  Co.  I,  10 Reg't Michigan Cavalry age 22

          1.  Muster in roll  Grand Rapids, Michigan ,  14 October 1863
              Muster in date  12 September, 1863
              Joined for duty and enrolled,   19 August 1863  in Bingham Township for 3 years
              Bounty paid 20. 00
              Mustered into United States Service by Col.  Smith  2 September  1863
              bookmark 6902 - A -1866

          2.  Enrollment to Oct, 31 1863
              from second auditor's roll

          3.  November to December 1863

          4.  January to February   1864

           5.  March to April  1864
               In general hospital, Knoxville, Tenn.  since April 15, 1864

           6. May  to June    1864
              In general hospital, Knoxville, Tenn.  since April 15,  1864

           7.  July to August 1864

           8.  September to October  1864

           9.  November to December  1864

         10.  January to February  1865
              next roll of file  June  1865

         11.  Muster out roll
                 Memphis, Tenn. ,  November 11,  1865
               Died at drowned at Knoxville, March 1865, Final Statements Forwarded
               Burial tag Book Mark 6902- A - 86

                   HOSPITAL  CARD  Jeffersonville , Indiana

                      3 ward 4 bed  3667
                      Geo.  J.  Huggett Age 23
                      Admitted March 4, 1864 from Hospital Number 3, Nashville , Tennessee

                       Jefferson General Hospital
                        Jeffersonville,  Indiana

                          confunctiritis  ?

Fact 1: He was in Company I,  Tenth  Michigan Cavalry

 xi.  AGNES M.  HUGGETT,  b.  16 January 1844,  Schenectady ,  New York; d.  26 July 1931,  DeWitt ,  Michigan; m.  HIRAM J.  SCOTT,  1861; b.  22 August 1832; d.  5 July 1898,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.

Fact 1: Buried in East  Bingham  Cemetery
Fact 2: age of 87

More About HIRAM J.  SCOTT:
Fact 1: born of New York parents in Vermont
Fact 2: buried in Bingham Cemetery

5.  xii.  JOHN SIMMONS HUGGETT,  b.  18 May 1845,  Schenectady ,  New York; d.  26 April 1921,  Portland,  Oregon.
 xiii.  CHARLES SIMMONS HUGGETT,  b.  29 July 1850,  Oakland,  County,  Michigan; d.  17 November 1874.

Fact 1: died of tuberculosis at the age of 24
Fact 2: Buried in Bingham Cemetery

 xiv.  SARAH HUGGETT,  b.  Abt.  1852,  Clinton ,  County,  Michigan.

Fact 1: died at a very  young  age
Fact 2: monument is  a  lamb in Bingham Cemetery

Generation No.  3

3.   SUSANNA3 HUGGETT (THOMAS CORK2,  WILLIAM1) was born 28 February 1832 in Brighton,  Sussex County,  England,  and died 15 June 1913.   She married GEORGE FARRIER.   He was born 25 March 1823 in Sandwich,  East Kent,  England,  and died 29 March 1895.

Fact 1: died at  her daughters,  Mrs. Frank  Harris'
Fact 2: age of 83
Fact 3: Buried  East  Bingham  Cemetery

George came from England with Thomas  Cork  Huggett.  Died at the age of 73 years and 4 days and was buried in East Bingham  Cemetery.

4.   THOMAS HENRY3 HUGGETT (THOMAS CORK2,  WILLIAM1) was born 24 March 1839 in Schenectady ,  New York,  and died 14 May 1922.   He married (1) RACHEL LOUISA BAIN 9 April 1864.   She was born 5 April 1843 in Wayne County,  Michigan,  and died 23 July 1908 in Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.   He married (2) MARY D.  CROWLEY PHELPS 12 September 1917.

Fact 1: buried  in East Bingham Cemetery

Rachel was survived by a brother George H.  Bain of Newaygo, Michigan and a sister Mrs.  Lester K.  Bond of St. Johns, Michigan.  She was 65 yrs. 3 months  and 17 days old when she died.
                         Obituary Clinton County Republican

Fact 1: buried  Bingham  Cemetery,  St. Johns,  Michigan

Fact 1: Married three times
Fact 2: 72 years old when she married
6.  i.  WALLACE ADELBERT4 HUGGETT,  b.  23 February 1866,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan; d.  23 March 1928,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.

5.   JOHN SIMMONS3 HUGGETT (THOMAS CORK2,  WILLIAM1) was born 18 May 1845 in Schenectady ,  New York,  and died 26 April 1921 in Portland,  Oregon.   He married (1) ELIZABETH ANN PALMER 1866.   She was born 14 November 1842 in Palmyra ,  New  York,  and died 15 April 1915.   He married (2) JULIA LINSEA 7 September 1915 in Grand Rapids ,  Michigan.     He married (3) NANCY TALLMAN 13 September 1918.

He was buried in Grand Army Cemetery in Portland,  Oregon.  C.  M.  Huggett of Portland ,  Oregon applied for burial expenses, only  Elizabeth Palmer listed as his wife.

                        Pension Record Civil War   National  Archives

       John  enlisted in the Cavalry , 19  August  1863  when he was 18 years old.  He deserted at Jackson,  Tennesee  ,  17  September  1865   .  He was apprehended  24  September  1865.  He was pardoned and given a honorable discharge predated  17  September  1865 .  This might have to do with his brother's death  previously on,  17  March  1865.

Fact 1: Civil War Veteran
Fact 2: died at age of 76
Fact 3: Company I,  Tenth  Michigan  Cavalry
Fact 4: married three times

John and Elizabeth had 7 children ( 3 sons,  4 daughters ) ,  Charles Huggett of North Star,  Michigan ;
   Myrtie ( Huggett ) Eckert of Alma, Michigan and had 9 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

Fact 1: buried North Star  Cemetery

She married  John under the name of John H.  Huggett on September 7 ,  1915 in Grand Rapids Michigan. She was the daughter of William Kurn,  it was the second marriage of Julia. Julia applied for a marriage affadavit Sept, 7, 1922 for her widow's  pension.

Applied for Widow's pension sept.  15, 1921, Portland , Oregon.
7.  i.  LENA MAY4 HUGGETT,  b.  Bet.  1867 - 1868,  Michigan; d.  12 June 1899,  Bay City,  Michigan.
 ii.  WINIFRED J.  HUGGETT,  b.  1869,  Michigan; d.  Bef.  1915.
 iii.  LAURA HUGGETT,  b.  9 July 1871,  Michigan; d.  20 November 1871.
8.  iv.  CHARLES MARION HUGGETT,  b.  27 August 1873,  Michigan; d.  14 September 1964,  Portland ,  Oregon.
 v.  UNKNOWN HUGGETT,  b.  25 May 1875,  Bingham Township ,  Clinton County ,  Michigan; d.  Bef.  1921.
 vi.  WILLIAM HUGGETT,  b.  15 December 1876,  Riley Township,  Clinton County,  Michigan; d.  30 May 1877.
 vii.  MYRTLE B.  HUGGETT,  b.  10 August 1879,  Riley Township,  Clinton County,  Michigan; d.  Aft.  1921; m.  ECKERT,  Alma  ,  Michigan.
 viii.  FLOYD HUGGETT,  b.  3 May 1880,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan; d.  15 July 1880.
 ix.  UNKNOWN HUGGETT,  b.  Abt.  1882,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.
 x.  UNKNOWN HUGGETT,  b.  Abt.  1882,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.
 xi.  UNKNOWN HUGGETT,  b.  Abt.  1884,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.
 xii.  UNKNOWN HUGGETT,  b.  Abt.  1884,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.

Generation No.  4

6.   WALLACE ADELBERT4 HUGGETT (THOMAS HENRY3,  THOMAS CORK2,  WILLIAM1) was born 23 February 1866 in Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan,  and died 23 March 1928 in Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.   He married EMMA LOUISA HALSEY 23 September 1886.   She was born 29 July 1867 in Bengal Township,  Clinton County,  Michigan,  and died 1 March 1926 in Clinton  County ,  Michigan.

Fact 1: Buried at Mt.  Rest,  St.  Johns,  Michigan

Fact 1: buried at Mt.  Rest,  St.  Johns,  Michigan
 i.  ARCHIE5 HUGGETT,  b.  13 June 1888; d.  17 June 1888.

Fact 1: died of spina bifida
Fact 2: buried St.  Johns ,  Michigan

 ii.  ORBY WARREN HUGGETT,  b.  27 September 1889,  Bengal Township,  Clinton County,  Michigan; d.  14 March 1971,  Lansing ,  Michigan; m.  CLARA BELLE BARNHART,  24 August 1909,  St.  Johns,  Michigan; b.  3 April 1889,  St.  Johns,  Michigan; d.  20 October 1976,  Lansing,  Michigan.

My father once said that Orby Huggett was one of the smartest men he ever knew. He was a builder, inventor, veternarian and scientific farmer. Orby built his own barn, drilled his own well and invented many things that helped him to farm. I helped him drill a well by guiding the pile driver and keeping the cap over the pipe threads. I tried to use the tractor, it was a large Farmall with little wheels in front.  I had trouble driving it and keeping it in the rows. He also had a Chevrolet truck and he let me drive it in creeping gear. I must have been all of ten years old at the time.
          I remember the time I helped to castrate pigs. The pigs were devouring the testicles faster than we could pick them up. Grandfather asked me if I wanted any for dinner- I declined.
         He raised sheep and drew on the barn door the records of lamb's coats, this introduced me to genetics. I don't think that he called it that.
         He loved my grandmother dearly, but there were times that he put his hat on his head and went to the barn to chew his tobacco and smoke his pipe.

                                                           Doug  Huggett

Fact 1: very intelligent,  versitile
Fact 2: excellent farmer much before his time
Fact 3: buried Mt.  Rest Cemetery,  St Johns,  Michigan

My grandmother , Clara was a true educator. She was patient in teaching me about nature. We collected butterflies together, collected leaves and looked at bird's eggs. She made me earn money, one cent for every dandelion pulled,  two cents for every sparrow I could shoot with my beebee gun. It really had an impact on me because in later life I became a Biologist, teaching in the public schools.
           She was a true lover of music , she had a music book "Pat's Pick" and I can remember singing such songs as;"Tenting Tonight On The Old Camp Ground" and "When Johnny Comes Marching Home".  She learned to play the piano on a tartan tablecloth and my grandfather finally bought her a player piano and we played such songs as" Narcissus" and" Robin's Return. " But my favorite was "Eating  Goober Peas. "
            She had a disagreement with her brothers over the settlement of her father's estate. It was very bitter and long lasting. She and her sister , Rose never spoke to her brothers again.

Fact 1: was a teacher,  graduated from Normal School of Clinton County
Fact 2: buried at Mt.  Rest Cemetary,  St Johns,  Michigan

 iii.  AUSTIE BLANCHE HUGGETT,  b.  17 January 1892,  Bengal Township,  Clinton County,  Michigan; m.  ALBERT JOHN WAIDELICH; b.  13 April 1888,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan.
 iv.  FLORENCE VELMA HUGGETT,  b.  8 October 1896,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan; d.  17 February 1942,  Clinton County; m.  EARLE SPAYDE.

She was a trained teacher. She was Clare Huggett's first teacher.

 v.  DOW HUGGETT,  b.  28 September 1900,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan; d.  23 September 1994; m.  LIVING KEILEN.
 vi.  GRACE LOUISE HUGGETT,  b.  15 September 1905,  Olive Township,  Clinton County ,  Michigan; d.  6 December 1998,  Sandusky .  Michigan; m.  ARNOLD OLIVER HAAGEN,  14 August 1929; b.  15 February 1903,  Trufant,  Maple Valley Township,  Montcalm County; d.  17 April 1949,  Greenville,  Michigan.

Grace was a retired teacher, living in Greenville, Michigan, .  I (Clare Huggett ) used to go to school with her, riding her on my bicycle.  She was my aunt.
                          Clare C.   Huggett

          Two weeks ago Grace said Dr.  Clare came to have dinner with her and they visited for a few minutes and she had to go to the bathroom and when she came out he was gone.  She knew that he was deceased but said that it was so real.  Also her husband , Arnold came to visit.  Again she knew it couldn't be so.
Wally told her perhaps her dreams and reality ( wake time) were becoming more and more blurred. Who knows perhaps when we are near death our loved ones do draw near. She was mentaly sharp til the last few days. The last of the Huggett brothers and sisters.
           She was a very neat lady, one with alot of character. She was totally independent until the end of September 1998, then it was a steady decline. She made the decision for no feeding tube or I. V.  then lasted 5 days more.

                     Wally and Sharon  Huggett

                   The Autobiography of Grace Haagen

         I was born on September 15 ,  1905 at four o clock in the afternoon. I was a bouncing baby girl weighing twelve pounds with hair so long that my paternal grandmother, who was the attendant to my mother curled it the first time that I was washed and dressed.
        I was so large that my mother was ashamed of my weight and forbade my sister to write it on the birth announcements.
        I was the sixth child of my parents, Emma and Wallace Huggett, who lived on a farm in Olive Township, Clinton county about five miles from St. Johns, Michigan.
        My babyhood and early childhood was uneventful, except for the usual chldhood diseases, but I was loved and pampered by older brothers and sisters ranging in age from sixteen to five years.
        When I was about three my paternal grandmother died and the only recollection I have of her is when I visited her with my mother while she was ill. She wanted me to give her a kiss. I hesitated because she didn't look the same to me , but she promised me a little white stuffed dog that was setting on a little table at the top of the stairs if I would kiss her.  My desire for the toy brought to her the kiss.
       After her death, Grandfather came to live with us. We had a large house that father had built and mother furnished a large front room for him with his own furniture where he could feel secure and at home.
       Grandfather had a phonograph that he played a great deal and I loved to visit him in his room and tried to sing with it.
        My oldest brother married and lived on Grandfather, s farm which was  a mile away and adjoined father's farm. It was a great delight to visit them and when their son was born I was overjoyed. He became one of my childhood playmates as he was only five years younger.
        Across the road from my home lived an older couple who had many grandchildren that came often to visit them. Among them were several approximately my age. Those children and my nephew together with me had many enjoyable adventures in play.
        In the spring we roamed the fields and woods picking flowers and mushrooms. we helped father gather sap to make maple syrup and brought wood for the fire. Sometimes we just played among the trees or built dams in a little stream that ran in the field in back of our barn. We followed in the plow frrow barefooted, we sat in the fence corners laughing and ate lunch from a little basket that mother always let me carry for our little picnics. Then there was the sandpile, the swing, the ladder climbing to the hayloft and jumping in the hay, climbing for pigeons, playing with the new kittens and other little farm animals.
          In the summer I had a playhouse in an old corn crib which father let me have for my very own.
          I remember well one time when one of my friends and myself picked a quart of cherrries. We sat under a bush, ate them all at one sitting and then rolled down the hill. We both became very, very sick and never tried it again.
          My favorite pastime while I was alone was playing with my cats. We had one old mother cat that I could dress up in doll's clothes and wheel around in my doll carriage. She usually had a family of kittens which I dearly loved and hated to give away.  Mother gave me an old lamp and allowed me to keep it in the woodshed where I used it as a little stove to heat milk, potatoes and other food for the cats.  I had a special cat which was allowed in the house.  He was a beautiful creature and lived to be an old cat.
         In cold or rainy weather my mother's attic was a favorite place to play. I had many toys and had my part of the room for my own where we played house and 'dressup' by the hour.
         I also liked to slide and skate.
         In the evenings during winter I sat at a little table at the foot of the couch in back of our coal stove and spent my time coloring, drawing and painting if my brother did not feel like playing checkers,  dominoes, Flinch or some other game with me.
         Mother spent her evenings sewing or crocheting.  She also taught me these practical arts.  I made my first garment, by myself, when I  was eleven.
        Father usually read his newspaper and story books.
        Sometimes we all liked to sing by the piano while one of my sisters played. My older sister had an organ but when she married she took it with her. Then my other sister had a piano and when she married she took it with her. Father bought me a player piano for I didn't act as if I would be much of a pianist. He was right,  I hated music lessons and never learned to play well. However, I kept my piano and was able to play for my own amusement. I finally sold it about seven years ago.
        In spite of all my playing and fun mother taught me to work. She was an excellent mother ,  a good housekeeper and a fine cook. She also made sure that I attended church and Sunday school and participated in neighborhod social events.
        I entered school when I was five years old. I skipped the third grade and was a good student in country school until I reached the eighth grade. That year I had my first man teacher. He was a young good looking fellow and I got a terrible crush on him. I was eleven years old and I prayed every night that I would be able to marry him. As a result my "mooning" for him affected my studies. I wrote the county exams and failed.  I was so ashamed of failing that I kept my examination report card for three days before telling my mother. She surprised me and said she was really happy that I didn't pass for I was too young to go to High School.
         The next year I had an "old maid teacher" whom i disliked as much as I had loved the former teacher. However, I didn't want to stay under her tutelage any longer than necessary so I worked that year.
         I started high school when I was thirteen and had to stay in town for the first few weeks.  My youngest brother was sick at home with scarlet fever and I had been staying with my older brother for several weeks.  I stayed at an old lady's house and I was shy and very lonely but I made good friends at school and did well with my studies. As soon as my brother was well I went home.
         I then traveled to school on the inter-urban street car which went between Lansing and St.  Johns.  I walked to the station which was one and a half miles away.
       One time I missed the street car and because I was very independent and wouldn't call my parents to tell them I had been too late, I walked the entire distance to town, carrying a basket of books and some food that I was taking to a lady in town.
        Sometimes during the winter months I stayed in town with three neighbor girls. We did our own cooking. When the weather was good we took turns driving our parents car.
        The automobiles were touring cars and I recall one time of driving home with my head outside all of the way , for a sudden snowstorm had come up and snow gathered on the windshield so that I couldn't see.
         Another time I remember that I had taken our cream to town to sell and when the man put the can in the car at night he hit me in the face with it and broke my nose.  It was very painful and my face was black and blue but my parents didn't realize that my nose had been broken until years later.
         I had my first date when I was fourteen years old. The boy lived a couple of miles from me and came on horseback to make the date. His father had a Buick Car which I thought was pretty nice.  We went to the show. this boy also bought me my first box of candy. We drove to the side of the road, sat and talked and ate the whole box that evening.
           On a double date with another boy we were on our way to the show when a coon ran across the road. We girls dared the boys to catch it. They stopped the car,  treed the coon, shook him out of the tree and did catch him. They put him in the back of the car in a bag and we went on to the show.
           I had many boy friends, liked to dance, go to parties and have fun but I never was serious about any of them until i had graduated from college.
          After graduation from high school I attended county normal and taught country school for three years.  I wanted to go to college but my father said it wasn't fair to the rest of the family if he sent me for none of the others had completed high school. So I earned my own money to go.
         My mother was taken ill, had an operation and died with cancer while I was teaching my third year. I was twenty years old and more determined than ever to go to college and my father was willing. He said that I had my own life to live and though it was a hardship for him to keep house for my brother and himself he wanted me to go.
        I went to Mt.  Pleasant that following summer and the next year.  During my college year father had a heart attack and died.  He was ill only three weeks. It was a great shock to me and it was hard for me to finish the year. With both my parents gone I felt very lonely and as though I should return home to keep house for my brother who was still at home. But with the aid of my good frends at school my courage was bolstered and I finished the year, receiving my Life Certificate, June 1928.
        My first teaching position was in Greenville, Michigan and my future husband saw me the first day I went to school. However we did not get to meet until December 20, 1928. It was practically love at first sight and we were married the following summer,  August 14, 1929.
        I taught school five years before quitting.  We moved to Detroit for about six months but we didn't like it so we returned to Greeville.
        My husband, a tall, handsome six foot blonde became head of the Standards Department at the Gibson Refrigerator Company. This department dealt with cost accounting and time study and if his health had not failed he could have gone far in the business world for he was very intelligent. I was always so proud of him that it seemed as if I would burst with pride at times.  His dress, morals and manners were beyond reproach and I often wondered how I had been blessed with such a wonderful man.
       Our marriage was a very happy  one and we wanted a family very badly but for various reasons we never had.
        The blackest day of my life occurred one May day in  1947 when the doctor told my husband, who was only 42, that he had cancer of the stomach. He was operated on and it was a success,  but in July he had a stroke and was paralyzed on one side for several weeks. I nursed him back to being nearly normal.  He resumed work but the following summer brought more sickness that the doctor thought  he wouldn't recover from. Then on February 28, 1949 he was stricken with a heart attack. Again on March 29 and passed away April 17, 1949.
        By this time I had returned to teaching and have been trying to adjust ever since.  I left my home in Greenville a year ago and came to Grand Rapids but I am not satisfied here.  I've tried to dedicate myself to doing good for others as he requested me to do but the future seems bleak and I end this with tears in my eyes and a wish in my heart that life was over for it is empty without him.

        P. S.  Since completing this I have had a siege of bronchial pneumonia
               , therefore the long period since ending the last lesson.

              For#5-6 write two short choices of about 250 words each

              Then for #7-8 write a longer "choice" of about 1000 words

Fact 1: cost accountant ,  Gibson Company
Fact 2: buried Mt.  Rest Cemetery,  St. Johns,  Michigan
Fact 3: avid trout fisherman

7.   LENA MAY4 HUGGETT (JOHN SIMMONS3,  THOMAS CORK2,  WILLIAM1) was born Bet.  1867 - 1868 in Michigan,  and died 12 June 1899 in Bay City,  Michigan.   She married ISSAC LALONDE.   He was born Abt.  1868 in Merrill,  Saginaw County,  Michigan.
 i.  JAMES ALVA5 LALONDE,  b.  5 October 1894,  Merrill,  Saginaw County,  Michigan; d.  8 February 1963,  Seattle,  King County,  Washington.

8.   CHARLES MARION4 HUGGETT (JOHN SIMMONS3,  THOMAS CORK2,  WILLIAM1) was born 27 August 1873 in Michigan,  and died 14 September 1964 in Portland ,  Oregon.   He married ROSE MARIE UTTERAND.   She was born in St.  Louis,  Missouri.
 i.  WILLIAM CHARLES5 HUGGETT,  b.  17 September 1910,  Flint,  Genessee,  County,  Michigan; d.  Portland,  Multnomah County,  Oregon; m.  LIVING MCMANN.