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The World Is Fading.
Karma, the Ancient Force of Justice
And Equilibrium, Is Dying.
Now, Karma's Ancient Enemies,
Those Whom She Has Spat Upon
For Time Out Of Mind,
May Be The Only Ones
Who Can Restore Her.
Will You Take Up Your Fate
As The Avatar of Karma And Battle?
Or Do You Fade Away Into
A Forgotten History?
Pick Up Your Weapon.
Focus Your Knowledge Into Power.
Rage Back Against The Cycle's Fall.
Become A Wanderer.

Wanderer is a d10-based system in the World of Darkness setting. I'm actually hoping to pitch it to White Wolf someday. You play as a Wanderer (also called Nomads) who is immortal. Unfortunately, it's a daily struggle to retain that immortality. Karma is ever attempting to destroy you and your kind--apparently, Karma doesn't know YOU'RE the one trying to fix it. Every battle you fight turns the wheel of Fate. If that battle is just, equilibrium is restored just a little more. Unfortunately, the war is downhill. The wheel of Fate is badly broken, perhaps unfixable. So what will you do? Revel in the chaos of the world before it sends itself on a decadent downward spiral to hell? Or fight back with every gun, sword, kinfe, club, hand, foot, and Focus you have against your inevitable destruction? One path is easy. The other is legendary.