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Personal Info

Welcome. This is just a little info about me. My name, in case you didn't catch it, is Nathan, but you probably already knew that. I am writer, and I love what I do. Here's some other info for you. Sorry that I haven't updated it much lately.

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Eyes: blue-green

I was going to say something positively wonderful here once, but damn it all, I've forgotten what it was... Well anyway. I'm a reader and a writer, mostly. I play AD&D once in awhile. I got a campaign going with a couple friends and my fiancee, Sarah. Got a Half-Elven Fighter, an Elven Druid, a Dwarven Fighter, and my PC, a Half-Elven Sorceress/Rogue. Weird, weird shit has gone on in that world. My char actually got bitch-slapped by the druid. That was pretty funny.

Eh, shit happens.

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