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Tyler's Final Fantasy 1 Domain

My favorite party on Final Fantasy

My Personal favorite websites

The best Final Fantasy Page on the net besides mine
Emily And Russ Lovers Forever page
The Hobo's Box City
Yard Gnomes....Them Damn Things!

(This Text is easier to read when highlighted) If you liked my site enough to read this far please visit again or e-mail me also remember to check out my links to a very awsome site. OK OK OK I admit it My site is really bad and Final Fantasy 1 just dosn't deserve this kind of treatment....But this summer during my many hours of free time I will be finishing my tribute to the greatest Game ever made Final Fantasy 1. So check back later. My Computer skills are weak so don't complain until I am totally finished Just wait awhile. This Site is dedicated to my pals Travis Micah and Andrew. (killed by a drunk driver) Good luck up there guys I know your watching over me. (no not really I just wanted your pitty)

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