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Fate's Pics

Thought you might enjoy seeing some photos of what I looked liked growing up. I know the clothes are pretty bad! But what can I say, styles have changed a bit.

            What a cute baby!

Playing at the beach in Italy  

            Eating a sandwich

Here I am with my broken arm    

Smiling for the always!

Enjoying the beautiful outdoors            

My 8th grade graduation day

Here is my 16th birthday party

My 11th grade school picture

Just hanging out at a friend's house                

Caught here at a friend's wedding

All ready for a night on the town

    All set to go out again

Here I am in my friend's van

This was taken at the jewelry
store where I used to work

My wedding day              

    Bridesmaid in my friend's wedding

"Happy Girl"
Martina McBride
