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Bands I dig tops

Da places you gotta check

This is The Cure's palace! You gotta check this place out!
This is Buckwheat's page! Gotta link his because without him, I wouldn't have mine.
The best chat place on the net (talkcity), but beware or might get addicted like me!
Local alternative radio station. It kicks! It's loaded!

"Don't tell me truth hurts, little girl, 'cause it hurts like hell." David Bowie- Underground Hey there all you out there now! How ya doin? Good, now don't forget to sign my guest book. It is much appreciated. Well now. Allow me to introduce myself.

My human name is Adam, but otherwise know as (in the cyber world) MERLIN16 or JESTER3. Other names for me are dork, tard, dumbass, you get it. But I'm not that bad! You know how friends are.

A little about me. I'm a junior in high school who plans to go to at least a 4-year university and get into an exotic animal career. I'm male, 16, 5'10", brown spiked hair (sometimes), 150 lbs, hazel eyes, tan, work out, blah, blah... you get the pic. Anyway, I LOVE the beach. Especially anywhere in San Diego, which is where I went surfing for the first time. It was awsome, even though I couldn't get up on the damn board and it smacked me in the head REALLY hard. I still love it though. I like playing any kind of sports, but competitively I play(ed) football and tennis. But I gotta tell ya, out of 12 guys on the team, I'm 11th! Wooohooo! Soon to be 9th though.

I was born in Sacramento, which is in the great state of California, for you smart guys who don't know. Isn't this background stuff boring? I hate it.

Okay, I LOVE THE CURE! In my opinion, they are the greatest band to ever hit earth. Everything about them, they're sound, they're independence, everything makes me worship them. I can't get enough. (Don't even think anything Bryan!) Who can deny a band that has been around since '77 and has 36 singles? That's professional! So, you gotta check out they're page. Okay?

So, what do you people want to see on here? I'll try my best to do it for ya.




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