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Play 1-6 Region DVDs, Macrovision removed, on your DXR3 card.
Install Sigma-Designs Hollywood Plus drivers
the right way on Creative DXR3 cards

Posted Aug. 18th 99, Updated Aug. 22nd 99


It's recommended to print this page, then download files you will need, and then proceed to install.


Dear DXR3 owner,
You want to watch movies from the whole world (Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
ou want to connect your card on materials that don't support Macrovision protection,
You want both useful and free tools.

DO NOT REGRET loosing your actual Creative software !
Use softwares that WORK !
And Hollywood Plus softwares DO WORK perfectly !

Here are the few steps you'll need to install Hollywood Plus software the right way.
Since I only got a true H+ card, I did not test it myself, but it's been approved by expert folks.
I think this tutorial is detailed well, and if you don't miss anything, you should succeed (I hope so !).

First of all, get the files you'll need to succeed ! click here


1. (BE SURE to) Uninstall ALL Creative DXR3 drivers
- From Control Panel, System, Multimedia, Remove DXR3 drivers
- Manually delete the files ENC2DEV.VXD and CTENC2.VXD (normaly into Windows/system folder)
- You can also manually delete Creative's Encore DXR3 .INF file (into Windows/inf/others folder)

2. Install Hollywood Plus Drivers 1.5 (newer versions won't work)
- Expand files you downloaded into differents folders
From Control panel, since you cannot see any (!) missing driver, use Add/Remove new hardware, select Have disk and point to folder which contains Hollywood Plus drivers v1.5 .INF file.
- It's recommended to reboot your computer now.

3. Install latest Hollywood Plus Software (it's name is DVD Station v1.7)
- First, verify from Control Panel, System, Multimedia that your DXR3 card is now kown as a Sigma Designs Hollywood Plus card.
- If it does, then run setup program to install latest DVD Station software (you can select Regional coding option first to set up your card as Region 1, but feel free to keep your last settings, it's still working !)

4. Install Hollywood Plus latest Drivers (v1.7)
NEVER uninstall previous Hollywood Plus drivers before ANY upgrade.
(Sigma Designs recommends true H+ owners to do so, BUT DXR3 owners MUST NOT follow this recommendation)
- From Control Panel, System, Multimedia, Sigma Designs Hollywood Plus, update driver. Select Have disk and point to folder which contains Hollywood Plus latest drivers .INF file.
Many users didn't need it, but if you still have error messages like "you don't have H+ card...", Read Laxity patch .NFO file for instructions, and install drivers as explained up there.
- It's recommended to reboot your computer again.

5. Finally, Use a Region Free tool that works with Hollywood Plus :
- I personaly recommend you using KakukZ DLL (SDUDF.DLL for 1.7 drivers) because it's non resident, 100% region free, works all the time, Macrovision removed. This DLL has got everything !!!
- There's also an alternative : Zone Selector (prefer the latest updated version 4.1).
WARNING : DVD Station will not run on its own. You have to launch Zone Selector first, and then run DVD Station from it.

Now, dear DXR3 owners, you have a region free card, and for the same price, you'll quickly forget what Macrovision means...

But keep in mind that copying copyrighted materials is illegal, bla bla bla...


Files you'll need to succeed :

1. Hollywood Plus drivers v1.5

2. Hollywood Plus software v1.7

3. Hollywood Plus drivers v1.7
(also get Laxity Patch for drivers v1.7 to be 100% sure you'll succeed)

4. Region free/Macrovision SDUDF.DLL for 1.7 drivers

alternative : Zone Selector 4.1


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Tanks for your understanding.

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Email : Emmanuel,