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DOUGLAS32 MKII Blue Water Cruising Sailing Vessel
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DOUGLAS32 MKII Blue Water Cruising Sailing Vessel <!--Email--> <center><IMG SRC="/sd/douglas32/images/emailed.gif"></CENTER> <center><a href=""></a></center> <!--EndEmail--> for more info
wind speed pic

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DOUGLAS32 MKII Specifications:

LOA:            32'         9.75 m.
LWL:            24'6"     7.47 m.
BEAM:            9'5"    2.87 m.
DRAFT:         4'10"   1.47 m.
DISP:        11,500lbs    5221 kg.
BALLAST:    4,300 lbs.
SAIL AREA:    460 sq.ft    42.78 m2.
Mast Height. above LWL:    approx. 50.0'    15.24 m.
AUX. POWER:    30 Hp. WESTERBEKE DIESEL Model FOUR-91 aka Model 30
Fuel Capacity:      22 gal.    100 L.
Fresh Water Capacity:    36 gal.    164 L.
Construction:    Solid Laminated Fiberglass
Designer:    Edward (Ted) Brewer. BREWER DESIGNS LTD
Your Audio Controls:

For a copy of the Westerbeke FOUR 91 manual. 'Click here'

A very informative article is posted on the Canadian Yachting Magazine's website about this formidable designer, in the REVIEWS section "T", under the heading of: 'TED BREWER's Canadian Home Brews'

Originally built by Command Yachts in London, Ont. Canada, to very high quality standards it is considered a fine cruising boat. Unfortunately they had a checkered financial history, quality costs money and not enough people were willing to pay for that in the early seventies. Command Yachts did not survive. Some were also made by: North American Fiberglass Mouldings of London Ont. I do not know the connection between these two London Onario firms. The boat was then available in kit form from Bruce Peninsula Yachts out of Port Elgin Ontario.Both the Douglas31 and Hullmaster are essentially the same boat except for the reversed transom, shortening the boat by one foot.

homer picture

The 1998 Spring Issue of  Canadian Yachting Magazine featured a very good article of the Douglas 31/32 and Hullmaster series.


Our boat was named "Foreplay" and we have chosen NOT to rename her,
she has participated in the  Marblehead Halifax Ocean Race Bi-Annual she used to bear the name "Felicity" previously.

douglas32 sailboat cruising
There were only approx. 100 of these (Ted Brewer designed) excellent quality Blue Water Cruising vessels built, and we would appreciate your feedback on any of their whereabouts.
We are the fortunate owners of Hull#10
"Duct ("duck") tape is the recreational boater's best friend"

Build an easy "Do it yourself" Lazy Jack system for your boat, courtesy of magazine picture "Canadian Yachting"

My boat picture, Click to enlarge'Foreplay' picture, Click to enlarge
Li'lcapt'n picture, Click to enlargeRear view pic, Click to enlargeMastview picture, Click to enlarge
Peggy's cove picture, Click to enlargeTrailer/Cradle picture, Click to enlarge, Before she got new Anti fouling coat
"Sailing off Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia near the site
of the  Swissair pic Flight 111 crash disaster, our Bay will never be the same"

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For DOUGLAS Owners page 'Click here'

The Bowline is absolutely the best way to put a fixed loop in the end of a rope.  Easy to untie; it never slips or jams and has a high breaking strength.

The Bowline Knot

To view an MPEG movie demonstration, click on the knot

Some Good Sailing Links

THE NEW DOUGLAS WEBSITE by Bill Garlinghouse
Sailing Tip O' The Week
Good Old Boat Magazine
Ted Brewer Yacht Design
Sailing Links
John's Boat Spreadsheet - The independent source of information on Marine Diesel Engines, Diesel Generators, Transmissions and associated equipment.
Hinckley Yachts (The Douglas32 is the next best boat to a
Mark Rosenstein's Sailing Page
SSP Boatsite
Home of Yacht-L
Lattitudes & Attitudes Home Page
The Marine Do it Yourselver
Dave Pascoe Yachtsurvey Home Page - Index of Yachting Articles

For Tallships 2000 Nova Scotia
Tallships 2000 Nova Scotia

For more Links, actually the Most Awesome Boating Links on the Web