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Accounting Principles 212

8:00 and 10:00 Syllabus
8:00 Class-Check your grades.
10:00 Class-Check your grades.
Quiz solutions:
......1.-Problem 14-1A-solution handout in class.
......2.-Predetermined rate probelm. See solution below
......3.-Equivalent unit-solution handout in class.
......4.-CVP-solution handout in class.
......5.-Cost Budget-solution handout in class.
......6.-Differential analysis-Problem 8-1A. Solution handed out in class.
Writing Assignment Requirements and Grading Guidelines.
McDonald's Writing Assignment 1.-Due Friday, April 16.
Ethics Writing Assignment 2 - Due Friday, April 23..
Steps to turn in the assignments.
DUE-Monday midnight, January 26-Briefcase Assignment 1-McDonald's Information (10 points)
Solution to Briefcase Assignment 1-McDonald's Information (10 points)
DUE-Monday midnight, February 2-Assignment 2-McDonald's Cash Flow Statement (10 points)
DUE-Friday midnight, February 6-Assignment 3-McDonald's Financial Analysis (10 points)
Solution to Briefcase Assignment 3-McDonald's Financial Analysis (10 points)
DUE-Friday midnight, March 12-Assignment 4-Budgeting Problem 5-1A (30 points)
DUE-Wednesday, April 21-Assignment 5-Net Present Value -Problem 9-1A-Part 1.b. (20 points)
DUE-Friday, April 30, Hand in in class. Assignment 6-Net Present Value PLUS GRAPH-Problem 9-2A (20 points)

Tennessee State University
Spring 2004
AC 212- Principles of Accounting II
Instructor:Cozort Phone: 615-867-4259
Office: Holland 123 (Main Campus), K-8 (AWC)
Office Hours: Main Campus: MWF:7-8; AWC: MWF:11-12

Text: Financial and Managerial Accounting, Seventh Edition, Warren, Reeve, & Fess

Objectives: The student will be able to:
1. Prepare and analyze a cash flow statement.
2. Conduct financial statement analysis.
3. Discuss the job order cost system.
4. Discuss the process cost system.
5. Conduct cost-volume-profit analysis.
6. Analyze profit for managerial decisions.
7. Budget.
8. Evaluate cost variance.
9. Evaluate decentralized operations.
10. Conduct differential analysis.
11. Analyze capital investment.
12. Discuss activity-based costing.
13. Discuss just-in-time environments.
14. Conduct basic company research.
15. Consider ethical issues in business.
16. Discuss issues from an international perspective.
17. Use spreadsheets for analysis.
18. Present information orally.
19. Present information in writing.
20. Use the internet for file management.

Grading: Four exams (500 pts each). 250 Assignment points.
Course grade: A- 2025-2250 pts (90%-100%), B- 1800-2024 pts (80%-89%), C- 1575-1799 pts (70%-79%), D- 1350-1574 pts (60%-69%), F- Below 1350 pts (below 60%).

Assignment Points: 250 assignment points can be earned towards the course grade. The total assignment points will be 300. In other words, 50 assignment points can be missed without reducing the grade. Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with medically documented disabilities that affect academic performance. If you need an accommodation, please contact TSU’s Disabled Student Services Office at 963-7400 (phone) or 963-5051 (fax).

Student status: You must be on the official class list to attend class. If you receive financial aid you must attend class. Students who are not on the class list and students who do not attend class will be reported to appropriate University officials.

1-14-Ch F14: P14-1A
1-23-Ch F15: P15-1A, P15-2A
1-26-P15-4A, Assignment 1 due by midnight
1-28-Ch M1: P1-1A
1-30-P1-2A, Assignment 2 due by midnight
2-2-P1-3A, Assignment 3 due by midnight
2-4-Exam 1: Chs F14, F15, M1
2-6-Ch M2: Exercise 2-1, 2-2
2-9-Ch M2: Exercise 2-3, 2-4
2-11-Ch M2: Exercise 2-5, 2-6
2-13-Ch M3: P3-1A, 1-2A
2-20-Ch M4: P-4-1A
2-27-Exam 2: Chs M2, M3, M4
3-1-Ch M5: P-5-1A
3-10-Ch M6: P6-1A
3-12-Deming Discussion
3-19-Ch M7: P7-1A
4-2-Exam 3: Chs M5, M6, M7
4-5-Ch M8: P8-1A
4-14-Ch M9:P9-1A
4-21-Ch M10: P10-1A
4-28-Ch M11: P11-1A
5-3- P11-3A
5-5-Final Exam:Chs M8,M9,M10,M11
.........8:00 Class-Wednesday-8-10
.........10:00 Class-Wednesday-10:10-12:10

8:00 Class
1-Q1-7..Q2-1..Q3-0..Q4-0..Q5-3..Q6-4..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-0..C2-0..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-0..W2-0..W3-33..W4-38..X1-360..X2-310..X3-225..X4-355..TOTAL POINTS=1446..GRADE=D
2-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-2..Q4-3..Q5-0..Q6-0..Q7-0..Q8-0..Q9-10..Q10-0..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-0..C5-0..C6-0..W1-0..W2-5..W3-0..W4-0..X1-365..X2-395..X3-310..X4-265..TOTAL POINTS=1392..GRADE=D
3-Q1-10..Q2-2..Q3-7..Q4-5..Q5-3..Q6-4..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-2..C1-6..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-5..W2-7..W3-30..W4-37..X1-365..X2-350..X3-300..X4-360..Total Points=1613..Grade=C
4-Q1-10..Q2-0..Q3-10..Q4-4..Q5-4..Q6-1..Q7-10..Q8-0..Q9-2..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-0..W1-6..W2-7..W3-30..W4-12..X1-460..X2-450..X3-355..X4-410..TOTAL POINTS=1859..GRADE=B
5-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-8..Q4-0..Q5-8..Q6-0..Q7-10..Q8-0..Q9-0..Q10-0..C1-0..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-0..C6-0..W1-7..W2-3..W3-39..W4-0..X1-320..X2-455..X3-450..X4-500..TOTAL POINTS=1869..GRADE=B
6-ID/PASSWORD NOT RECEIVED..Q1-0..Q2-7..Q3-5..Q4-7..Q5-3..Q6-7..Q7-9..Q8-5..Q9-2..Q10-7..C1-0..C2-0..C3-0..C4-0..C5-16..C6-17..W1-3..W2-2..W3-24..W4-15..X1-275..X2-365..X3-240..X4-430..TOTAL POINTS=1439..GRADE=D
7-Q1-7..Q2-10..Q3-0..Q4-7..Q5-3..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-0..Q10-9..C1-10..C2-8..C3-6..C4-0..C5-16..C6-20..W1-4..W2-10..W3-38..W4-32..X1-455..X2-390..X3-375..X4-155..TOTAL POINTS=1585..GRADE=C
8-ID/PASSWORD NOT RECEIVED..Q1-2..Q2-7..Q3-0..Q4-0..Q5-0..Q6-0..Q7-0..Q8-10..Q9-0..Q10-3..C1-0..C2-0..C3-0..C4-0..C5-0..C6-0..W1-2..W2-6..W3-20..W4-38..X1-390..X2-350..X3-200..X4-235..TOTAL POINTS=1263..GRADE=F
9-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-10..Q4-8..Q5-7..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-0..Q10-0..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-10..W2-8..W3-36..W4-40..X1-495..X2-460..X3-395..X4-500..TOTAL POINTS=2100..GRADE=A
10-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-7..Q4-0..Q5-7..Q6-7..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-0..C2-10..C3-0..C4-0..C5-20..C6-12..W1-9..W2-8..W3-36..W4-34..X1-425..X2-250..X3-305..X4-455..TOTAL POINTS=1644..GRADE=C
11-Q1-10..Q2-1..Q3-2..Q4-2..Q5-4..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-8..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-19..W1-7..W2-0..W3-28..W4-30..X1-345..X2-355..X3-395..X4-445..TOTAL POINTS=1759..GRADE=C
14-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-8..Q4-8..Q5-6..Q6-0..Q7-10..Q8-0..Q9-10..Q10-9..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-10..C5-20..C6-20..W1-7..W2-6..W3-35..W4-36..X1-465..X2-475..X3-310..X4-490..Total Points=1962..Grade=B
15-Q1-10..Q2-2..Q3-0..Q4-2..Q5-4..Q6-3..Q7-10..Q8-7..Q9-10..Q10-8..C1-8..C2-10..C3-6..C4-30..C5-18..C6-20..W1-8..W2-8..W3-36..W4-40..X1-445..X2-380..X3-200..X4-330..Total Points=1595..Grade=C
16-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-10..Q4-10..Q5-5..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-7..C1-7..C2-10..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-6..W2-9..W3-36..W4-38..X1-490..X2-485..X3-430..X4-470..TOTAL POINTS=2125..GRADE=A
17-Q1-7..Q2-0..Q3-8..Q4-4..Q5-4..Q6-7..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-6..Q10-0..C1-7..C2-10..C3-10..C4-10..C5-12..C6-19..W1-3..W2-6..W3-28..W4-36..X1-415..X2-410..X3-425..X4-430..TOTAL POINTS=1877..GRADE=B
19-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-8..Q4-5..Q5-5..Q6-6..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-8..C1-10..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-7..W2-7..W3-39..W4-40..X1-475..X2-475..X3-500..X4-500..TOTAL POINTS=2200..GRADE=A
20-Q1-8..Q2-8..Q3-8..Q4-5..Q5-3..Q6-8..Q7-0..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-8..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-30..C5-18..C6-18..W1-8..W2-7..W3-30..W4-27..X1-335..X2-385..X3-270..X4-415..TOTAL POINTS=1629..GRADE=C
22-Q1-10..Q2-7..Q3-10..Q4-6..Q5-4..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-9..Q10-10..C1-0..C2-0..C3-0..C4-30..W1-9..W2-6..W3-32..W4-38..X1-435..X2-430..X3-495..X4-500..TOTAL POINTS=2061..GRADE=A
23-Q1-4..Q2-2..Q3-2..Q4-3..Q5-0..Q6-6..Q7-0..Q8-10..Q9-0..Q10-4..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-18..W1-1..W2-0..W3-28..W4-30..X1-365..X2-420..X3-230..X4-160..TOTAL POINTS=1351..GRADE=D
24-Q1-10..Q2-5..Q3-5..Q4-10..Q5-7..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-10..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-14..C6-20..W1-5..W2-8..W3-31..W4-28..X1-455..X2-445..X3-365..X4-475..Total Points=1990..Grade=B
25-Q1-10..Q2-8..Q3-3..Q4-10..Q5-4..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-9..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-7..W2-3..W4-36..W5-36..X1-485..X2-425..X3-360..X4-465..Total Points=1985..Grade=B
26-Q1-10..Q2-6..Q3-6..Q4-0..Q5-4..Q6-3..Q7-10..Q8-4..Q9-10..Q10-2..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-4..W2-2..W3-38..W4-38..X1-460..X2-455..X3-375..X4-330..Total Points=1855..Grade=B
27-Q1-10..Q2-0..Q3-5..Q4-4..Q5-7..Q6-8..Q7-10..Q8-10..C9-10..C10-0..C1-8..C2-10..C3-8..C4-30..C5-20..C6-19..W1-9..W2-6..W3-40..W4-38..X1-420..X2-280..X3-330..X4-120..TOTAL POINTS=1400..GRADE=D
28-Q1-4..Q2-7..Q3-4..Q4-2..Q5-0..Q6-0..Q7-0..Q8-0..Q9-10..Q10-3..C1-0..C2-0..C3-0..C4-0..C5-20..C6-18..W1-0..W2-0..W3-29..W4-0..X1-380..X2-420..X3-260..X4-240..TOTAL POINTS=1397..GRADE=D
30-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-10..Q4-10..Q5-5..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-9..W2-7..W3-40..W4-33..X1-450..X2-480..X3-450..X4-475..Total Points=2105..Grade=A
32-Q1-2..Q2-2..Q3-2..Q4-4..Q5-2..Q6-0..Q7-9..Q8-0..Q9-10..Q10-6..C1-6..C2-10..C3-6..C4-30..C5-18..C6-20..W1-7..W2-8..W3-36..W4-0..X1-300..X2-300..X3-255..X4-255..Total Points=1288..Grade=F
33-Q1-8..Q2-0..Q3-10..Q4-6..Q5-9..Q6-2..Q7-0..Q8-10..Q9-8..Q10-6..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-0..C5-20..C6-20..W1-7..W2-5..W3-0..W4-34..X1-475..X2-370..X3-445..X4-395..TOTAL POINTS=1848..GRADE=B
34-Q1-2..Q2-1..Q3-3..Q4-4..Q5-5..Q6-3..Q7-10..Q8-0..Q9-0..Q10-0..C1-6..C2-0..C3-0..C4-0..C5-20..C6-0..W1-5..W2-5..W3-38..W4-22..X1-310..X2-190..X3-200..X4-160..Total Points=984..Grade=F
35-Q1-10..Q2-2..Q3-5..Q4-2..Q5-5..Q6-6..Q7-10..Q8-7..Q9-10..Q10-2..C1-0..C2-10..C3-6..C4-0..C5-14..C6-20..W1-7..W2-9..W3-27..C4-37..X1-360..X2-340..X3-315..X4-275..Total Points=1479..Grade=D
36-Q1-6..Q2-0..Q3-4..Q4-4..Q5-6..Q6-3..Q7-0..Q8-3..Q9-10..Q10-0..C1-8..C2-10..C3-6..C4-30..C5-16..C6-20..W1-8..W2-8..W3-0..W4-34..X1-350..X2-405..X3-180..X4-245..TOTAL POINTS=1356..GRADE=D

ID- 10:00 Class:

A-Q1-10..Q2-8..Q3-6..Q4-8..Q5-7..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-8..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-6..C4-30..C5-20..C6-17..W1-7..W2-7..W3-22..W4-36..X1-375..X2-455..X3-410..X4-410..TOTAL POINTS=1900..GRADE=B
B-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-10..Q4-8..Q5-6..Q6-7..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-9..W2-10..W3-31..W4-38..X1-475..X2-360..X3-410..X4-485..TOTAL POINTS=1980..GRADE=B
D-Q1-3..Q2-4..Q3-8..Q4-6..Q5-10..Q6-0..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-0..Q10-9..C1-10..C2-10..C3-10..C4-10..C5-20..C6-20..W1-7..W2-6..W3-30..W4-23..X1-305..X2-270..X3-310..X4-465..TOTAL POINTS=1556..GRADE=D
E-Q1-10..Q2-7..Q3-7..Q4-10..Q5-10..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-9..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-10..C5-16..C6-11..W1-8..W2-8..W3-33..W4-32..X1-400..X2-420..X3-340..X4-365..TOTAL POINTS=1764..GRADE=C
F-Q1-2..Q2-7..Q3-6..Q4-5..Q5-4..Q6-3..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-4..Q10-7..C1-7..C2-10..C3-6..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-6..W2-5..W3-22..W4-17..X1-300..X2-225..X3-340..X4-340..TOTAL POINTS=1406..GRADE=D
G-Q1-8..Q2-7..Q3-0..Q4-10..Q5-0..Q6-8..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-9..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-6..C4-30..C5-20..C6-16..W1-1..W2-3..W3-22..W4-20..X1-485..X2-430..X3-425..X4-465..TOTAL POINTS=2013..GRADE=B
H-Q1-10..Q2-7..Q3-10..Q4-10..Q5-10..Q6-5..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-0..Q10-7..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-18..W1-6..W2-3..W3-32..W4-22..X1-385..X2-380..X3-460..X4-385..TOTAL POINTS=1848..GRADE=B
I-Q1-9..Q2-0..Q3-8..Q4-8..Q5-7..Q6-4..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-0..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-9..W2-10..W3-28..W4-33..X1-400..X2-360..X3-385..X4-260..TOTAL POINTS=1639..GRADE=C
J-ID/PASSWORD NOT RECEIVED..Q1-0..Q2-0..Q3-2..Q4-..Q5-..Q6-0..Q7-0..Q8-0..Q9-0..Q10-0..C1-0..C2-0..C3-0..C4-0..C5-0..C6-0..W1-0..W2-5..W3-0..W4-0..X1-0..X2-170..X3-0
K-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-10..Q4-10..Q5-8..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-10..W2-10..W3-32..W4-40..X1-475..X2-500..X3-490..X4-465..TOTAL POINTS=2180..GRADE=A
M-Q1-8..Q2-9..Q3-0..Q4-0..Q5-0..Q6-0..Q7-10..Q8-3..Q9-4..Q10-8..C1-0..C2-10..C3-0..C4-10..C5-0..C6-0..W1-10..W2-8..W3-24..W4-0..X1-455..X2-315..X3-420..X4-255..TOTAL POINTS=1549..GRADE=D
N-Q1-2..Q2-8..Q3-6..Q4-0..Q5-4..Q6-10..Q7-0..Q8-10..Q9-5..Q10-7..C1-0..C2-10..C3-0..C4-0..C5-13..C6-14..W1-5..W2-7..W3-32..W4-30..X1-315..X2-240..X3-300..X4-430..TOTAL POINTS=1448..GRADE=D
O-Q1-9..Q2-1..Q3-8..Q4-7..Q5-8..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-6..Q9-6..Q10-10..C1-0..C2-0..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-7..W2-8..W3-12..W4-24..X1-405..X2-365..X3-350..X4-380..TOTAL POINTS=1706..GRADE=C
P-Q1-8..Q2-8..Q3-10..Q4-10..Q5-7..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-8..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-9..W2-5..W3-28..W4-40..X1-420..X2-380..X3-390..X4-310..TOTAL POINTS=1750..GRADE=C
R-Q1-10..Q2-10..Q3-8..Q4-10..Q5-4..Q6-10..Q7-0..Q8-10..Q9-7..Q10-10..C1-0..C2-10..C3-0..C4-0..C5-2..C6-19..W1-6..W2-3..W3-32..W4-22..X1-382..X2-400..X3-310..X4-270..TOTAL POINTS=1535..GRADE=D
S-Q1-10..Q2-8..Q3-0..Q4-10..Q5-7..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-9..W2-8..W3-30..W4-38..X1-485..X2-450..X3-340..X4-455..TOTAL POINTS=1980..GRADE=B
T-Q1-8..Q2-10..Q3-0..Q4-5..Q5-9..Q6-6..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-5..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-19..W1-8..W2-5..W3-38..W4-36..X1-425..X2-410..X3-290..X4-320..TOTAL POINTS=1695..GRADE=C
U-Q1-3..Q2-0..Q3-4..Q4-4..Q5-6..Q6-3..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-0..Q10-7..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-15..C6-12..W1-10..W2-4..W3-10..W4-36..X1-345..X2-290..X3-360..X4-310..TOTAL POINTS=1497..GRADE=D
V-Q1-9..Q2-0..Q3-8..Q4-8..Q5-10..Q6-0..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-0..C5-20..C6-20..W1-8..W2-7..W3-36..W4-32..X1-400..X2-210..X3-335..X4-405..TOTAL POINTS=1576..GRADE=C
X-Q1-8..Q2-10..Q3-0..Q4-6..Q5-8..Q6-0..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-4..W2-6..W3-20..W4-28..X1-325..X2-265..X3-440..X4-410..TOTAL POINTS=1668..GRADE=C
Y-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-8..Q4-10..Q5-10..Q6-8..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-10..W2-6..W3-37..W4-34..X1-430..X2-465..X3-305..X4-480..TOTAL POINTS=1930..GRADE=B
AA-Q1-9..Q2-9..Q3-9..Q4-10..Q5-8..Q6-8..Q7-8..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-8..W2-7..W3-38..W4-37..X1-450..X2-410..X3-410..X4-485..TOTAL POINTS=2005..GRADE=B
BB-Q1-7..Q2-0..Q3-0..Q4-8..Q5-7..Q6-8..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-9..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-17..W1-7..W2-7..W3-33..W4-38..X1-475..X2-420..X3-415..X4-445..TOTAL POINTS=2005..GRADE=B
CC-Q1-10..Q2-9..Q3-0..Q4-6..Q5-7..Q6-3..Q7-0..Q8-5..Q9-6..Q10-8..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-0..W1-8..W2-0..W3-0..W4-32..X1-370..X2-180..X3-310..X4-465..TOTAL POINTS=1487..GRADE=D
DD-Q1-10..Q2-5..Q3-8..Q4-6..Q5-4..Q6-7..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-8..Q10-10..C1-6..C2-0..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-18..W1-8..W2-6..W3-16..W4-30..X1-380..X2-280..X3-260..X4-350..TOTAL POINTS=1482..GRADE=D
EE-Q1-0..Q2-0..Q3-6..Q4-8..Q5-0..Q6-4..Q7-0..Q8-0..Q9-0..Q10-4..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-0..W1-7..W2-7..W3-30..W4-36..X1-280..X2-260..X3-290..X4-140..TOTAL POINTS=1150..GRADE=F
FF-Q1-4..Q2-9..Q3-10..Q4-10..Q5-10..Q6-0..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-0..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-8..W2-10..W3-26..W4-36..X1-485..X2-495..X3-405..X4-295..TOTAL POINTS=1930..GRADE=B
GG-Q1-8..Q2-7..Q3-0..Q4-7..Q5-0..Q6-5..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-7..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-9..W2-0..W3-14..W4-32..X1-365..X2-335..X3-265..X4-260..TOTAL POINTS=1442..GRADE=D
HH-Q1-10..Q2-10..Q3-2..Q4-8..Q5-6..Q6-7..Q7-10..Q8-8..Q9-0..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-17..W1-7..W2-7..W3-22..W4-28..X1-375..X2-230..X3-400..X4-465..TOTAL POINTS=1690..GRADE=C
II-Q1-6..Q2-6..Q3-8..Q4-6..Q5-4..Q6-3..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-0..C1-10..C2-0..C3-0..C4-0..C5-10..C6-0..W1-0..W2-0..W3-10..W4-0..X1-310..X2-170..X3-355..X4-440..TOTAL POINTS=1368..GRADE=D
JJ-Q1-10..Q2-10..Q3-10..Q4-10..Q5-10..Q6-0..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-10..C4-30..C5-20..C6-20..W1-9..W2-10..W3-32..W4-38..X1-490..X2-470..X3-500..X4-485..TOTAL POINTS=2195..GRADE=A
KK-Q1-10..Q2-8..Q3-8..Q4-10..Q5-7..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-4..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-10..C3-6..C4-30..C5-0..C6-20..W1-9..W2-7..W3-26..W4-30..X1-395..X2-295..X3-360..X4-330..TOTAL POINTS=1583..GRADE=C
LL-Q1-9..Q2-8..Q3-8..Q4-10..Q5-7..Q6-10..Q7-10..Q8-10..Q9-10..Q10-10..C1-8..C2-0..C3-0..C4-30..C5-20..C6-18..W1-6..W2-5..W3-28..W4-16..X1-445..X2-190..X3-365..X4-405..TOTAL POINTS=1628..GRADE=C
MM-Q1-10..Q2-8..Q3-0..Q4-4..Q5-4..Q6-0..Q7-10..Q8-5..Q9-9..Q10-8..C1-8..C2-10..C3-0..C4-30..C5-0..C6-18..W1-7..W2-6..W3-26..W4-29..X1-395..X2-220..X3-390..X4-315..TOTAL POINTS=1512..GRADE=D

In-Class Writing Assignments and Grading Guidelines.

Ten in-class writing assignments will be given in class. Each assignment will count ten points for a total of 100 points available. This 100 points will be part of the 300 points available to accumulate the maximum 250 points. The student will have about fifteen minutes to complete the assignment. The student will be given a topic to write on. The student should not use any source except the student's mind. However, the writing guidelines detailed below can be used during the writing exercise as a checklist. The writing does not have to be complex to receive full credit.

The student must follow the guidelines below to receive ten points. The paper will be graded using the following error numbers. Use the numbers on the graded paper to determine what the corresponding error is. If the student needs further clarification, the student should speak with the instructor.

Grading guidelines:
1. Incorrect spelling.
2. Incorrect capitalization.
3. Subject and verb do not agree, i.e., one is plural and the other is singular.
4. Noun and pronoun do not agree, i.e., one is plural and the other is singular.
5. The words are not a sentence.
6. The sentence contains incorrect information.
7. The sentence is unclear to the point that it does not communicate the information intended.
8. There are more or less than four-sentences in the paragraph.
9. The sentence does not relate to the topic assigned.
10. The sentence does not fit logically with the other sentences.
11. The sentence is redundant, i.e, the same thing is said twice or more in the paragraph.
12. Pencil was not used.
13. The sentence was not printed in all capital letters, i.e., do not use cursive or lower case printed letters.
14. Sentence length is less than the minimum of six words.
15. Sentence length is more than the maximum of twenty-five words.
16. The sentence is too awkward to be considered english.
17. Other errors will be written on the paper.

McDonald's Writing Assignment (40 points)-Due by April 16 and hand-in in class on paper.

Write two paragraphs containing four sentences each. You should follow the writing guidelines presented at this website and passed out in class. The only exception to the writing guidelines is in case you decide to type the assignment instead of print it by hand. If you type the assignment you can use upper and lower case as you would normally. Whether you type your assignment or print it by hand, the format should be double spaced, i.e., leave an empty line between each line of text.
Your assignment is to compare McDonald's with Wendys and the restaurant industry. Follow these steps to access the information:
1. Go to
2. Click: "Finance".
3. Enter the McDonald's ticker symbol and click "Go".
4. On the left side of the screen click "Competitors".
5. Scroll down to get Wendys ticker symbol.
6. Scroll up to enter the ticker symbol in the box labelled "Get Competitors". Click "Go".
7. At this point the screen will contain data about McDonald's, Wendys, and the industry. Use this data to write your paper.

Your comments should be analytical and not merely repeat the information.
For example:
UNACCEPTABLE- Wendys has 10,800 employees.
ACCEPTABLE- McDonalds has three times as many employees as Wendys.

Ethics Writing Assignment (40 points)-Due by Friday, April 23 and hand-in in class on paper.

Write two paragraphs containing four sentences each and following the writing guidelines distributed in class and presented at this website. If you type your assignment you can use upper and lower case as usual. Double space your assignment whether type written or hand written. The paper should discuss a single ethical issue that you believe students face. Include your definition of ethics in the paper. If you believe that students do not face ethical issues, you can make that argument but nonetheless present your definition of ethics. Do not address issues that involve penalties such as cheating.

Using Excel work Problem 9-1A part 1. subpart b, i.e., the net present value problem. Use column A for labels: A1-Years,A2-1,A3-2,A4-3,A5-4,A6-5,A7-Present Value,A8-Investment,A9-Net Present Value. Use column B for the Greenhouse investment. Cell B1 should be labelled "Greenhouse". Cells B2 through B6 should be empty. Cell B7 should contain the present value. Use the present value function as demonstrated in class to compute the present value. Cell B8 should contain the investment of $50,000. Cell B9 should contain the net present value, i.e., B7-B8.

Cell C1 should be labelled "Skid Loader". Cells C2 through C6 should contain the present values of the future cash flows. Use the present value function as demonstrated in class to compute the present value for each. Cell C7 should contain the sum of Cells C2-C6. Cell C8 should contain $50,000. Cell C9 should be the net present value, i.e., C7-C8.

The assignment should be handed in in class on Wednesday, April 21. The assignment should show the numerical output. Also, the assignment should show the underlying formulas. So print the spreadsheet twice, first show the numbers, and next show the formulas. You can convert the spreadsheet to formulas by clicking "TOOLS","OPTIONS",and checking the box labelled "Formulas".

Using Excel work Problem 9-2A part 1. subpart b, i.e., the net present value problem. Use column A for labels: A1-Years,A2-1,A3-2,A4-3,A5-4,A6-5,A7-Present Value,A8-Investment,A9-Net Present Value. Use column B for the Plant Expansion investment. Cell B1 should be labelled "Plant". Cells B2 through B6 should contain the present values of the future cash flows. Cell B7 should contain the present value. Use the present value function as demonstrated in class to compute the present value. Cell B8 should contain the investment. Cell B9 should contain the net present value, i.e., B7-B8.

Cell C1 should be labelled "Retail". Cells C2 through C6 should contain the present values of the future cash flows. Use the present value function as demonstrated in class to compute the present value for each. Cell C7 should contain the sum of Cells C2-C6. Cell C8 should contain the investment. Cell C9 should be the net present value, i.e., C7-C8.

In addition, the present value of the cash flows should be graphed using a bar chart. To graph, click "Insert" from the toolbar at the top. Click "Chart". The bar chart style at the top left of the selections and with a black background is the default. Just use that one by clicking "NEXT". Enter the data range, i.e., B1 through C6. Click "Columns". Click "NEXT". Enter Chart Title = "Cash Flows"; Category X axis = "Years"; Value Y axis = "Dollars". Click "NEXT". Select "AS OBJECT IN - Sheet 1". Click "FINISH". The graph should appear on the same sheet as your data.

The assignment should be handed in in class on Friday, April 30. The assignment should show the numerical and graphical output. Also, the assignment should show the underlying formulas. So print the spreadsheet twice, first show the numbers and the graph, and next show the formulas. You can move between the spreadsheet numbers and formulas by pressing the "Ctrl" key and then the "~" key.

Turn the assignments in using the following procedure:

1. On the internet go to
2. Click “Briefcase”. "Briefcase" is a underlined and appears about half way down the yahoo page.
3. Create an account by clicking “Sign me up!”.
4. After creating the account send an e-mail with your ID and password and your name to The subject of the e-mail should be "ID8" for the 8:00 class and "ID10" for the 10:00 class.
5. For each assignment create a file. Use the filename identified in each assignment. For example, for Assignment 1 use, "Assign1".
6. Transfer the file to your "Briefcase" account as follows:
...a. Go to
...b. Click: "Briefcase"
...c. Sign in
...d. Click: "Add files"
...e. Select: "My Documents"
...f. Click: "Select"
...g. Click: "Browse"
...h. Click: your assignment file
...i. Click: "Upload"
...j. Click: "Back to folder" and see if the file is there.

Assignment 1. (10 pts) McDonald's Information.
1. What is McDonald's Ticker Symbol?
2. What is McDonald's Income for 2002?
3. What is McDonald's Total Assets for 2002?
You can answer these questions by following the directions below.
>>>a.Go to
>>>b.Click:"Finance" at the top of the page.
>>>c.Click: "Symbol Lookup"
>>>d.Enter: "McDonald's" in the "Name" box.
>>>e.Click: "Lookup"
>>>f.The ticker symbol appears to the left of "McDonald's Corp." and below the heading "Symbol".
>>>g.To answer questions 2 and 3, you must click the McDonald's ticker symbol and scroll down to "Income Statement" at the bottom left.
>>>h.Click "Income Statement". Then click "Annual Data" to get the Net Income for 2002.
>>>i.Click for answer 3, Click "Balance Sheet" at the left bottom of the screen. Click "Annual Data" and find the amount of "Total Assets" at the end of 2002. >>>j.Create a Word file called "Assign1". In the file indicate the Ticker Symbol, the Net Income for 2002, and the Total Assets at 2002 year-end.

1. McDonald's Ticker Symbol - MCD
2. McDonald's Net Income 2002 - $893,500,000
3. McDonald's Total Assets 2002 - $23,970,500,000

2. Current ratio-.736
9. Total Debt/Equity-.808
13. Return on assets-6.11%
14. Return on equity-13.58%
16. Diluted EPS- 1.183
17. Trailing PE-22.64
19. Dividend yield-1.49%

Assignment 2. (10 pts) Put the McDonald's annual cashflow statements for 2002, 2001 and 2000 in an Excel file. Write one sentence at the bottom of the Excel file indicating the change in cash flow from operations for the three years.

Use the following steps to complete the assignment.
>>>a. Go to
>>>b. Click: "Finance"
>>>c. Enter the McDonald's ticker symbol that you found in assignment one. >>>d. Scroll down and Click: "Cash Flow" at the botton left.
>>>e. Click "Annual Data".
>>>f. Highlight the data by depressing the left mouse buttom and dragging down starting in the top left with "PERIOD ENDING". The information should become blue. Right click on the blue area and select "copy"
>>>g. Create an Excel file called "Assign2". Paste the Cash Flow Statements into the file by right clicking on cell "A1" and clicking on paste. For columns that contain "######" go to the vertical bar beside the column letter and double click.
>>>h. Go to first row below the cash flow statement and type your statement indicating the change in cash flow from operations for the three years.

>>>i. Upload the "Assign2" file to the "MyDocuments" folder at your "Briefcase" account.

Assignment 3.(10 points)

Find five of the financial indicators contained in Problem 15-4A for McDonald's.
Use the following steps to help you.
1. Go to
2. Click: "FINANCE".
3. Enter the McDonald's ticker symbol.
4. Click: "Key Statistics" in the left column.
5. Find the financial information.
6. Include the financial information in a Word file titled "Assign3" and upload the file to the "MyDocuments" folder at "Briefcase".

Assignment 4.(30 points)

Create an Excel file that works Budget Problem 5-1A. The format for the problem will be presented in class and the solution will be available in class.

1. 843,000-450,000 = 393,000
2. 843,000/450,000 = 1.87
3. (87,000+258,000+261,000)/450,000= 1.35
4. 2,100,000/((261,000+235,000)/2) = 8.47
5. 261,000/(2,100,000/365) = 45.36
