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Astrolite Province Vehicles

AV-15 Jet Cycle

Sky cycle-esque, pretty much the same deal, not too creative right now, it’s late, okay? GOD!
Class: Jet Cycle
Crew: 1
MDC by location Speed:
Ground: 100mph
Flying: 550mph, with a 2000ft ceiling
Height: 5ft 8in
Width: 2ft 8in
Length: 8ft 9in
Weight: 1.5 tons
Market cost: 1.5 million

Weapon Systems

Short Range Missile Launchers (2 under, 2 sides)
Mega-Damage: Varies with Missile type
Range: 5 miles
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 2 or 4.
Payload: 7 per launcher
AP shell cannons
Mega-Damage: Single burst of 15 rounds 5d6, dual burst 1D6x10
Range: 3000ft
Rate of Fire: Bursts only
Payload: Enough for 30 bursts each
Training bonuses
+2 to strike
+5 to dodge in flight
+3 to strike w/missiles
+2 Attacks Per Melee

AV-23 APC(Hover, limited flight)

A larger, tougher, Mark-5 APC. Like I said, it’s late. Leave me alone!(Nice particle beam)
Class: Hovering Armoured Personel Carrier
Crew: 1 pilot 1 gunner 1 communications
Troop Capacity: Enough space for 35 troops
MDC by location Speed:
Ground Speeds: 75mph (can hover up to 25ft high)
Height: 13ft
Width: 10ft
Length: 35ft
Weight: 10 tons fully loaded
Market cost: 8 million
Weapon Systems

Short Range Missile Launcher
Mega-Damage: Varies with Missile
Range: 5 miles
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 3, 5, or 7
Payload: 42 missiles
Ion cannons (6)
Mega-Damage: 6D6 M.D. (fires in banks of 2)
Range: 2500ft
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Unlimited
Fixed Front Particle Beam Cannon
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10+20
Range: 2200ft
Payload: Enough energy for 3 blasts must recharge: 1 blast every hour.
Cannot dodge unless moving

AV-100 Flying Fortress

Okay, I’m sorry, it’s basically a freaking Death’s head transport! It’s better, though.
Class: Flying fortress
Crew: Skeleton: 16 Usual:50, enough space for 55 troops
MDC by location Speed: 270 mph
Height: 35’ Width:33’ Legnth:80’
Weight:120 tons fully loaded
Market cost: 200 million
Weapon Systems

short range missile launchers(2 on front and each side MD: 2D4x10
payload: 18 per launcher
ion cannons(1 in front and each side) MD: 2D6x10
range: 5000ft
rate: standard
laser cannons(sides) MD: 6D6
banks of 2-4
range: 6000 ft
rate: standard

AV-112 Interceptor

It intercepts.....aircraft. Not too complicated. It’s a pretty big craft. Now leave me alone!
Class: Interceptor
Crew: 1 pilot 1 gunner
MDC by location Speed: mach 2.2
Height: 10’ Width:8’5 Legnth:24ft
Weight: 13.5 tons
Market cost: 60 million
Weapon Systems

Short range missiles(12)
MD: 2D4x10
range: 5 miles
rate: volleys of 2
payload: 6 on each wing
mini missile launchers(1 on each side)
MD: 1D6x10
range: 1 mile
rate: volleys of 2 per launcher
payload: 4 per launcher
MD: 6D6
range: 3000 ft
rate: standard
Training bonuses equal to AV-15
