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Astrolite Province Timeline

Undetermined(2 years before Great Cataclysm): City of Astrolite is founded.

Great Cataclysm: Calvin Toemas is contacted by Zondas and he becomes a witch.

3 months after G.C.: Calvin Toemas strolls upon the city of Astrolite. Not knowing that the city he designed was still intact, he rushes to get inside. After a display of power, knowledge, and credentials, Calvin Toemas is one of the top candidates for leader of Astrolite.

1 year after G.C.: After a long drawn out election process, Toemas successfully becomes leader of the great underground city(a period of expanding, fortification, and damaged factory refurbishing follows this time).

150 years before P.A. Calendar: City of Astrolite is fully fortified and Toemas moves on to start new cities, small towns already flocking to the great cities area of protection. Toemas’s army grows and so does his arsenal of weapons and bots. Toemas declares himself Emperor of the Astrolite Province.

135 years before P.A. Calendar: After 15 years, Toemas scraps all of the old equipment and restocks with his(and a few of his fellow scientist’s) designs. He declares that the AP has no need for old-fashioned technology(little improvement was made in all of his upgrading. )He did this to symbolize the AP growing and remaining the most powerful and up to date society. Proud citizens are happy citizens. Only during the most recent years, the time in which the CS almost rivaled them in technology did they begin to improve).

65 years before P.A. Calendar: All of the current AP major cities have been recruited/built and fully fortified. About 65% of total small and trade towns are built. Toemas makes plans to rule North America, then the World.

30 years before P.A. Calendar: All current AP designs are under production, although a few are still only prototypes.

5 years before P.A. Calendar: All small & trade towns are established at this time. All designs are being produced. Emperor Toemas/Zondas observes the action going on with the Federation of Magic and the group that will be the Coalition States. Toemas/Zondas decides to watch and wait, thinking they will destroy each other. A convenient situation for the AP to test it’s new might and conquer the area.

30 P.A.: The AP goes through a period of REAL updating where all of the armor, bots, power armor, and vehicles are covered in laser resistant ceramics and alloys. Toemas/Zondas make plans to destroy the Coalition States, and any other government that stands in their way.

42 P.A.: Small skirmishes begin with the CS. The CS has no idea who is behind them and brushes it off as rebels or bandits. The AP usually wins and when they do not, they destroy their weapons and equipment so the CS cannot get their hands on them. The AP has declared war.

76 P.A.: A small rebellion surfaces in the AP. They are seen as traitors by the people(complements of Emperor Toemas) and are hated. The rebels attack many military bases, give away AP technology, and make general nuisances out of themselves.

79 P.A.: After three years, the rebellion is defeated, the leaders are captured and are tortured and executed, their families are banished and their belongings seized. The AP then attempts to paint them as spies from the CS and makes the people detest the memory of them. This is the first time Toemas acted cruel and changed the history of the AP. It wouldn’t be the last time.(This would be fun to role-play out, don’t you think? The whole rebellion thing is very popular.)

102 P.A.: The REF on rifts Earth contacts The AP. they are escaping the CS and ask kindly for passage through AP territory. The AP grants it and puts the REF on the list of un-hostiles.

103 P.A.: REF cities are constructed in/near AP territory and a friendly trade agreement is founded between the two governments. The AP will produce some of the REF equipment that doesn’t have anything to do with Protoculture(as if they would ever give it away) in return for military support in an all-out-war situation.

106 P.A.: The CS begins to see signs of the AP's existence and take careful consideration on the data they find. Meanwhile, the AP continues to attack outlying CS bases and towns in hopes of coaxing the CS into a war. Zondas begins to search for a way to leave the astral plane. He has Toemas research it. 107 P.A.: The Invasion from Krymus begins.
