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Astrolite Province Foreign Relations

D-bees: The AP treats them like second class citizens and they don’t get much respect. They can’t own land or weapons, they can’t participate in any organized sports or festivals, and are only allowed into the military as grunts, nothing more. They can never be above rank Sergeant.

Magic: To the AP, magic is very real and has its definite advantages. Practitioners of magic are encouraged to join the military, to use their powerful gifts for the good of the AP.

Coalition States: A hated enemy of the AP ever since the CS was founded. Toemas's plot to take over North America starts with the CS. Any CS soldier is shot on sight without question. Anyone associated with the CS is captured and interrogated. The AP is planning for an all-out-war with the CS. With the REFs help, the AP just might be able to pull it off. Their technology, tactics, and training are far superior to the CS, but they lack sufficient manpower.

Lazlo: The people of Lazlo have only heard brief tales of the AP. The thinks that something is definitely there, but they have no idea if the stories are true(about 70% of all the stories are just exaggerated and embellished to the point where there is no shred of truth left.) The others are so unbelievable that the people of Lazlo don’t know what to think. The AP will defend them if the CS ever attacks them. This will insure that they will at least partially cooperate with the AP after they begin their conquest.

Tolkeen: The AP is on the same terms as with Lazlo, only they expect more cooperation when the AP helps them fight off the CS, then destroys them. The people of Tolkeen will follow the AP more loyally then Lazlo would, at least at the beginning. If the people of Tolkeen found out what was really happening, they would be bitter enemies with the AP. Same with Lazlo.

REF: They are currently producing REF equipment in return for military support. They are on very friendly terms, one would consider them allies. Toemas knows that if the REF ever found out about Zondas and their plans, some serious problems will arise and the AP would then have to terminate the REF(which wouldn't be too difficult).

The Invid The Invid have found their way to Rifts Earth and are currently near AP territory. The AP, "allies" with the REF, sees the Invid as tyrants, obsessed(fancy that) and need to be destroyed. The AP is working in conjuction with the REF to help destroy the Invid, or at least keep them off Rifts Earth.

Atlantis: The AP has little contact with the island of Atlantis. They have sent messages and merchants have been around but that’s about it. At this point, they are on friendly terms.

The Republic of Japan: To the denizens of the Republic, the AP is very similar. Living a pre-Rifts society in these times. With cutting edge technology and super sciences. However, the Republic DOES remember the Toemas as a scientist for the United States Military. They do not know if Toemas is merely his descendant or something else. If they should have a formal meeting, they will realize who it is and immediately be very suspicious. They have right to be. As of now, they are transporting weapons and technology to sell in each other’s lands in small amounts. They are on friendly terms.

New German Republic: The AP has NEVER had any relation with the NGR, but does know about them. Should they talk, it will probably be about an alliance. The AP will help them with the Gargoyle situation in return for help against the CS. When this has been accomplished, whether the gargoyle threat has passed or not, they will sever the alliance and immediately move on to conquer South America then Europe.

New Navy: The AP has made it a special point not to EVER make contact with these people. Of all people on Earth most likely to discover Toemas, these are the most likely people. The AP actually is paying some pirates to raid the New Navy, to keep them busy and hopefully (but not realistically thinking) destroy them.

Federation of Magic: The AP sees these people as a potential ally in the fight against the CS. The Federation detests the CS just as much as the AP. After the CSs defeat, the AP will either try to integrate them, or if they can’t, conquer or destroy them.

Pecos Empire: These raiders creep into AP territory every once in awhile to get their hands on the riches and weapons that the AP possesses. Therefore, the AP sees these bandits as a bunch of unorganized fools. They will be the first to go after the CS.

Archie-Three: The AP has full knowledge of Archie and is not telling anybody. They can immediately identify Cyberworks style technology and know it is Archie. They will ask him to join them because of his great knowledge, resources, and power. If Archie refuses, they WILL destroy him and the whole complex without a second thought.

Ishpeming (Northern Gun)and the Manistique Imperium: The AP just views these people as CS allies and are just as dangerous. They will be destroyed along with the CS.

New Camelot:The AP has no clue that they exsist. If they find out who they arer, they will be considered enemies and will be attacked when the AP gets to Europe.

Phoenix Empire:The AP is unaware of them as well. They would suffer the same fate as new camelot.

Krymus: The AP is waging a bitter war with these invaders. They are considered as dangerous as the CS.
