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On an Earth in one of the many dimensions, human-kind was already heavily tampering with human genetics by the year 2023. They created a race of beings, known as the Superiors. Normal humans were then known as "Bases". These beings were created for heavy labor and combat. They were impressed into the Military. After awhile, there became different models and customizable features on them. They became an entire industry. Pretty soon, every upper class person had at elast 1. They were as plentiful as cars. They were to do all your manual labor for you. Pretty soon, random mutations started appearing and they went crazy. There was a horrible first year of the war, where "bases" had very little defense from the crazed and vengful superiors. Then, humans created a type of exo-skeleton. Called the MALU. MALU is an acronym, meaning Mechanized Assault and Labor Unit. They were to not only help to replace the superiors asfter the war was over, but also to be the machines in which the war was fought. Every soldier pilots one, for defense, combat, or special work, there is NOTHING safer to be in when faced with the random and awesome powers of superiors.

This is my newest dimension book, MALU. I will be adding to the orignal AP stuff, the Invasion from Krymus stuff, and this. A player character can be either a pilot of a MALU, or a superior. Or neither if you want to spice things up. I will be doing world overveiws and descriptions, plus a few examples of superiors and MALUs. They are customizable and very versatile player types. They are mostly intented to be used on rifts earth, but you can use this world setting if you wish.

A few new terms:
Agility factor: The agility and maneuverability of the MALU. The number indicates the raw bonuses of the MALU to dodge, parry, and initiative. If the MALU has an agility factor of 1, it has plus 1 to dodge, parry, strike, initiative, and roll with punc/fall/impact.
Energy Points: The ammount of energy produced by the engine of the MALU per turn. Every action costs energy points. Energy points can be saved up and used on later turns but only for power boosts to energy weapons, sensors, jump jets, etc. It may seem like a lot to keep track of, but it makes combat more fun with mutiple actions.
Modify Points: Each frame comes with a modify factor. Each add-on to the MALU costs a certain ammount of Modify Points. When they are up, no more modifications to the mech or you suffer weight penalties, overheating, shorting out, sensor failure, weapon failure, and even melt-down of the engine. It is NOT a smart idea.

Create your own MALU!
Create your own superior! coming soon.
