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Zondas, the Old One responsible for the whole Astrolite Province has a problem. He was asked by Toemas to somehow increase their chances of winning against their enemies. Zondas, bing the resourceful and practically ominscient being that he is, he contacted a being known as Iblis: the evil warlord-like dictator of the world known as Krymus. He made a deal with Zondas, in return for supporting the AP in their war efforts, Iblis could rule a small part of the Earth, as well as get support on Krymus, help to squash the small but annoying rebellions.

Once Zondas opened up the Rift locateted near the middle of the pre-rifts state of New Mexico , the demons from Krymus pounded through, then destroyed all small towns AP or not in that area. They then set up a kingdom, with Iblis' second in command ruling it directly. The CS is not immedietly aware of this, but they will be soon. Zondas and Toemas were fooled into trusting the beasts. Now the connection to Krymus cannot be severed. If the rift in their territory was closed, another would open immedietly, thanks to the sorcerers on the other side. They have unleashed yet another inconceivable horror upon Rifts Earth.

Coming Soon!

His second in command: Phyron the Deathbringer
Krymus Bio DragonCOMPLETED!
Krymus Demon MitesCOMPLETED!
Krymus Demo-MenCOMPLETED!
History of KrymusCOMPLETED!
Rage SpectreCOMPLETED!
God Mountain statsCOMPLETED!
God Mountain Spell ListCOMPLETED!
Children of the GodsCOMPLETED!
Other Deities on KrymusCOMPLETED!
Global Features of KrymusCOMPLETED!
And many more monsters, OCC's, RCC's, new magic and psioics, and maybe even more!
