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Fear's Edge
Yes, thats me. I am not that popular of a web master. I wish I was, but I probably get at most 10 hits a day. But thats not the point. The point is I am going to tell you a few things about me. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. Lets start with statistics. Things about me I can classify.

Name: Fear's Edge
Real Name: Reid Hull
Home State: Alaska
Age: 16
Height: About 5'9
Weight: About 200
Build: I'm kinda chubby, but muscular
Hair: A really dirty blonde, parted down the middle(usually looks like crap)
Eyes: They change from blue to green to gray all the time, but usually a grayish blue
Favorite Activities: Roleplaying, writing, wrestling, reading, playing video games, playing computer games, surfing the net.
Desired Job: Professional wrestler, or publishing company owner
Favorite RPG: I really don't know
Favorite movie, book, song, band: In that order: I don't know, I don't know, For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica, Old Metallica, new metallica sux
Favorite type of music: 80's metal.
Favorite book Genre: Sci-Fi
Usual RPGs: I play Rifts, Robotech, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas and Superspies, Palladium Fantasy, Mechanoid Invasion Trilogy, DND, Star Wars, Mage, Vampire, Fading Suns, DBZ, Big Eyes Small Mouth, Gurps, D6, and maybe more
Worst Fear: I don't know, I have a series of small ones, open water, not being able to breathe, dying without having been significant, big dogs.
Most Desired Thing: I wish I had a girl friend, plain and simple. Just a girl friend.
What I hate the most: Idiots
Reid's Rules: I follow a series of 21 rules. I NEVER under any circumstance break these rules. Maybe you will follow them too, I don't expect that, but I at least expect you to respect my wisdom in these rules.
1)Truth is truth. Someone saying you are fat should never be taken more offensivly than someone saying you are tall. They are both true.
2)Religion should never be brought up in an unrelated arguement to prove a point. Religion is opinion and should never be treated as anything bu such.
3)Don't be sorry, just don't do it again.
4)Sex is simply an act of love and under no cicumstances should it be taken offensivly.
5)Never should anyone impose their opinion on someone else, no matter how noble the intention.
6)Never press the point. When a confrontation is over, nothing further should happen unless a new problem arises.
7)Nudity is just a human body. No one should be offended by it. We are all humans.
8)A confrontation is between the people it started in. No one else should ever be involved.
9)Never accept someone else's veiw. We are individuals and should remain as such.
10)Question everything, someone else's version of the story may not be the truth.
11) Stick up for what you believe in. Never let anyone else push you around. We are truly dead when our opinion doesn't matter.
12)Fights are invariably evil because someone always gets hurt. Hurting people is wrong. That should never be forgotten.
13)Opinions are sacred. It is what we think that makes us people. Always respect someone elses opinion, no matter how different it is than yours.
14)History is just the winners bragging.
15)Fights cannot always be avoided, but it should NEVER get out of hand.
16)All victemless crimes are stupid and should be abolished. As such, they should not be followed when it is safe not to.
17)Ignorance is both the most dangerous and powerful thing on Earth. Never allow someones ignorance to last if it is dangerous.
18)Rercreation is as important as work, treat it as such.
19)Enlightenment is just another word for heaven. When seeking one remember the other.
20)Knowledge is power. Attempt to attain it at all costs. Never stop learning.
21)Hopes and dreams are what makes life tolerable. Never forget that.

Well, thats about all I can think of to tell you. Later everyone.
