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AP City Defenses

Astrolite Province Major City Defenses

All major Astrolite Province Cities are equipped with very intricate and elaborate defenses. The city of Astrolite itself has some of the best automated defenses on Earth. Lets start with the outermost defenses and work our way in, shall we?

Automated Weapon Systems

Around the 10ft thick, 250ft high city walls(900 MDC for a 35ft area, 1200 for Astrolite City) there are automated plasma cannons(15 in a 35ft area, 20 for Astrolite City).

Mega Damage: 3D6x10
Rate of Fire: 5 times per meelee can be combined in banks of 12 at most.
Maximum Effective Range: 200 miles

They are submerged and pop out when the sensors of the city detect attacking troops. They are also equipped with visual sensors: eyes. The AP added in this feature when they learned of the Alpha Shadow Veritechs.
Around the walls are anti-aircraft missile launchers. Although they CAN be directed at troops on the ground, this is not their intended function. MRM launchers: 12 in a 35ft area. 15 for Astrolite City.

Mega Damage: 4D8x10
Rate of Fire: volleys of up to 30
Maximum Effective Range: 120 miles
Payload:Fed from a large missile bay: Effectivly unlimited

The walls are equipped with vibro spikes(100 in a 35ft area) 3D6 MD per spike (5D6 for Astrolite City). This helps with troops that get past the guns and must climb over the wall. Each spike as 10 MDC(15 for Astrolite City). On top of each wall are platforms where at least 8(16) heavy bots or power armor sit with 16(32) troops with heavy weapons. There is one platform per 35ft area.
For spacecraft defense, each city is equipped with 30 anti-warship lasers( 50 for Astrolite City).

Mega Damage: 1D6x100
Rate of Fire: 6 times per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 200,000 miles

They are also equipped with 4 Focussed partical beam cannons( Astrolite City has 10).

Mega Damage 2D8x100 per cannon
Rate of fire 3 shots per cannon
Maximum Effective Range 20,000 miles

Also, each city has 25 ( Astrolite City has 200) LRM’s, especially designed for space Warships.

Mega Damage 3D4x1000
MDC 150 each
+ to dodge +5

At the main gate(35ft wide, 50 for Astrolite City) all weapon numbers are doubled. The gate has 500 MDC per 35ft area.(700 for Astrolite City) It is guarded by any combination of 45 (65) large bots or power armor, 75 (90) troops with heavy weapons.