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What would you do for love? Is there really a limit, is there a place and situation that you would say " I won't do that"?  This question I pose to You. "Would you die for love'? Would you, or could you, live for love? This is a question we all must answer for ourselves. I, myself, can answer this question. Yes, I would die a thousand horrible deaths just for a fleeting moment of true love. Because in all truth, death has no hold on love and love knows no bounds.  Nothing can bind true love. So yes, I would, could, and will live and die for true love, will you? Can you?

For now I leave you with your thoughts and I say this, if we never experience real true love can we really answer these questions?

Love who ever you are with and be with whom ever you love...

~Pierce Darkness 09.2003

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