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Welcome to the Hydrogen Homepage Characteristic Properties section

The reason why hydrogen is a special element (but aren't they all special?) is that it is the most abundant of them all. It is so abundant, that is takes up 90% of the Known Universe by weight. It is even essential to our daily lives, for it is the "H" in H2O. It is also inside all organic compounds. But all is not well for hydrogen. It was once used for lighter-than-air transportation until the famous from the Hindenburg (Click here to read more about the Hindenburg experiment disaster). Since hydrogen is flammable, it is not used as a transportation due to the fire risk. Hydrogen also has the special place on the periodic table, being that is the first..

Hydrogen's boiling point is - -252.87º Celsius    Hydrogen's density is - @ 239 K: 0.08988 g/cm^3

Here are some graphs and data representing the heating/melting points of hydrogenand other elements...

Hydrogen's melting point is - -259.14º Celsius Hydrogen's freezing point is - Unknown! (Although we know it is lower than liquid nitrogen, which is very cold!)

Melting Graph

The Heating Curve of Water and Hydrogen

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