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God Bless All Who Come Here.   


The Year 2000

-   And Beyond    -

ThreeCords FreeAmerican MarketPlace

Buzzards, Lame Ducks   & Pegasus

E-Mail David Durick

  Welcome to the very real world of computer interconnectedness and The Year 2000 Computer Problem.

No person with access to a radio, television or the printed media can avoid the subject of the coming year 2000.

Every person today owes it to himself or herself, and all those others who matter, to address this issue with the wisdom of prudence.

Remember - The coming millenium will be an event with many contributing forces. The Year 2000 computer glitch, Y2K is only a piece of the puzzle.

Beware of hasty conclusions.


David J. Durick, M. S.

A Pique Into The Future

   Quick Answers                                          The Year 2000

   Agricultural Factors                                 Getting Ready

   Community Planning                                 Real Planning                       

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