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Everyday I get asked some basic questions about Y2K.

  • Why do I need to know about Y2K?
  • What can I do about it?
  • Some people say banks will collapse. Is that true?
  • So, this isn't the end?
  • Then, what is the bottom line for Y2K?

Here are the answers to those question one at a time.

Why do I need to know about Y2K?

The bottom line for everyone is that Y2K will probably effect all of us in some way. If we know about it, we can plan for it.

What can I do about it?

Very few of us can actually help fix the problem. All of us can make some simple preparations however, that will help improve our individual circumstances. We can also do some things to help our neighbors, our communities, and our country.

Some people say our banks will collapse. Is that true?

Personally, I don't think our banks will collapse, and most authorities agree. I believe worldwide, that Y2K will have some serious economic consequences and banks along with the entire superstructure of this nation will be significantly challenged. But, I believe a recovery will come. However, most authorities do advise six months to a year of financial planning. I recommend a meeting with your banker or qualified financial planner regarding what is prudent for you. Some people will even have the foresight to develop business strategies that will profit and prosper as a result of the coming difficulties.

So, this isn't the end?

I don't think Y2K by itself could be the end of the world. As a culture, we've gotten this far, and we'll get beyond Y2K. Some things may change very quickly in the next few months and years however. Change is nothing new for any of us. We'll have a little more change than normal, I expect, but we'll adjust. The "End" is going to involve a good many other complications in the global situation including:

"...wars, and reports of wars; see, be not troubled, for it behoveth all these to come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against         kingdom, and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places..." You can refer to Matthew 24; 6 and 7, if you want to.

But, those things will mark the coming of very hard times far beyond the scobe of these pages or this humble writers ability.

Then, what is the bottom line for Y2K?

Y2K is something to stay informed about, and depending upon where you live, it will effect you in diferent ways. Plan for those events and complications you can plan for. Keep your eyes and your ears open to what is going on around you, and heed the signs of the times. I believe we all need to get more involved with making the world a better place to live in. So, that is the bottom line for me in any circumstance. Djd   Written, compiled and organized by David J. Durick. Copyright © 1998. All rights reserved as stipulated by the disclosure statement.  Revised: July 12, 1999.

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