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Welcome to TNT Black & Tan Coonhounds!

Hello! Welcome to my page!
You've found your way to TNT's website, where you can find information about TNT Black and Tans, the West River Coonhunters Association, and my own personal hunting interests. Feel free to look around, and I hope that you enjoy my site!
Get Treed!

***Pups For Sale!Updated 4-21-05***

TNT's Tracks:

Inside TNT's Site:

Visit these branches of my page:

My chatroom

This page provides a place where houndsmen can visit and tell lies. Stay tuned for scheduled chat times.

My coon page

This page contains pictures and articles of interest on our favorite varmint!

My dog page

This is where we look at pictures of our hounds! If you get tired of looking at my dogs e-mail me some pictures of yours and I will post them. All hound breeds welcome!

My big game page

This page contains pictures and stories of big game hunting. Anything from antelope to mountain lion! Feel free to submit pictures or stories.

My snowmobilin' page

This page contains links and pics of my favorite method of snow travel!

My LYNX page

Here you will find descriptions and shortcuts to many links in addition to the ones listed below.

My Favorite LYNX:

View my "LYNX" page for the rest of my lynx