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Saidarbar Canberra Newsletter

Saidarbar Canberra held bhanjans on 14th of October 2001 at Vishnu Shiva Mandir in Mawson. This bhanjan was to mark Sai BABA's Mahasamdhi day according to English Calender. BABA passed away or attained Mahasamadhi on 15th of October 1918. As 15th October is a Monday Saidarbar Canberra has decided to perform Bhajan on 14th - Sunday at evening 5:30. Saibhajans followed Lalitha Sahasranamam, which is performed on every Sunday. The number of people who have attended the bhajan was very large. It was good to see so many people come for Bhajan.

The discourse that was read by Mr GBN Rao was "GOD" from "THUS SPAKE SRI RAMAKRISHNA". This topic was very appropriate with the current situation in the world. It speaks about the one God in the universe who is called with different names, just as we call water with different names in different languages 'water', 'Paani', 'Jaal', 'neeru' etc, but it is essential element and quenches the thirst and serves the purpose, so also all the religions also preach the same philosophy of non violence, love and forgivness, and help us to attain the final goal in life 'deliverance'. The whole program went on smoothly and spiritually. Saidarbar members held couple of minutes of prayers for world peace and for guidance in this difficult situation.

Prayers started with Omkaaram, Ganesh Stotram, ashtothram, and bhajans. Saidarbar Canberra Satsang dispersed after singing aarti and distribution of prasad. By BABA's grace everything went on smoothly.

So long, rest in peace enveloped in the love of Sri Sai and peace to you all.


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