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SA Arabians.

SA Arabians.
For the last four years,I have ran SA Arabians,but am now sad to announce that SA Arabians has run it's course.I am no longer able to fulfill my duties as webmistress due to personal problems and the fact that I will soon be graduating high school and will need to focus most my time and energy on school work.However,it has been a great four years and I'm very grateful that I've gotten to know and converse with many of my fellow members,and I thank you all for joining and giving SA Arabians a chance.I hope you all enjoyed SA Arabians as much as I have.I sincerely apologize to the members whom remained faithful to SA Arabians while I was unable to update for these last couple of months.I wish there was an alternative to keeping SA Arabians open rather than shutting it down,but it would be unfair to the members whom I would keep waiting(for an update,that may never come).I can assure you though,this is not the end of SA Arabians,it's just the beginning of a waiting period until I have enough time and energy to reopen SA Arabians.


Founder and Webmistress of SA Arabians.
