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NUFORA - The Way Forward In UFOlogy

NEW!! Conference June 2000
Training Course for Investigators
Recent Developments
Links to Other Sites
Join the NUFORA Open Discussion facility at
Warrington Convention Review
The British Paranormal Fortean Society

Some of Britain's top UFO researchers have come together in a bold new effort to set UFOlogy on a new course for the 21st Century. The National UFO Research Association (NUFORA) has set out to encourage the highest standards of objective research and to engage the scientific community in debate.

Many of NUFORA's founders suspect that little-understood natural and electromagnetic phenomena are responsible for the majority of simple UFO and "high strangeness" cases prevalent within available literature.

NUFORA supports and encourages active Research and Investigation. For those who wish to become involved in a practical way, we are currently organising our Investigation Team, which will include only those individuals who dedicate themselves to active and current fieldwork and research projects. When no new cases are available, we will re-open existing files and explore new avenues of research until all possibilities are exhausted. Individuals who seek to belittle others and the subject of UFOlogy through personal insults and misdirected UFO politics have no place within our organisation.

For those with a passive interest in the subject who would like to know more about UFOlogy in general and new breakthrough research results, we have an Ordinary Membership scheme with many benefits.

To join (ten pounds per year) or if you would like to report a strange experience to us contact:

PO Box 176