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The Witness of the Candymaker

How can a candy treat

be a birth announcement?

Many years ago

a candymaker had an idea.

He wanted to show,

through the candy he made,

that esus Christ was born among us,

lived and died to save us all.

So, through the use of color and shape,

he created a piece of candy

that told the story of esus

from Christmas to Easter.

He created the candy cane!

The white stripes on the candy cane

stand for the fact that esus

was sinless and pure.

The three small red stripes stand for

the scouring that esus endured

before he died.

The large red stripes stands for

esus' blood, shed on the cross.

The candy is shaped like

a shepherd's staff,

reminding us that

esus is the Good Shepherd.

Turn it upside down,

and it's the letter ,

the first letter of esus' name.

We can learn alot from the candy cane,
both to look at it and see Jesus, and,
like the candymaker, to share the story
of Jesus in whatever we do.

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