Atomic theory of Dalton Since the seniority is cogitated that the substance is not infinitely divisible. Leucipo, in century V a.C., and later Democritus had launchn the bases of a known philosophical current as atomism. It was a materialistic, contrary current to the idealismo of Platão. They affirmed that all consisting age of atoms and emptinesses. However, its theories did not have experimental recital, were based only on speculations. Epicuro, important philosopher of century III a.C., adopted the atomism as model to explain the phenomena of the Nature. Lucrécio, poet and Roman philosopher, whom a.C. lived in century I perpetuated these ideas in its workmanship " On the Nature of the Things ". In century XIX, after launchn the bases of Chemistry, through innumerable experiments lead for Lavoisier, Boyle, Proust and others, it only is that it was possible to enunciate an atomic theory with scientific recital. In 1803 John Dalton, professor and English scientist, based in the laws of conservation of the mass and definite ratios considered that: All Substance is constituted of indivisible particles called atoms; Atoms are permanent, indivisible and they cannot be created nor destroyed; All the atoms of data element have the same properties, which they differ from the properties from the too much elements; A chemical reaction consists of a combination, splitting or rearrangement of atoms; The composites are constituted of different elements in fixed ratios.
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