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Nifty Things N'Stuff!

Hey all, the names Tay!

This is my first web page here on Angelfire, hope you enjoy it! My real name is Brandi Lee, no relation to Bruce or Brandon Lee. I'm 18 years old. I just graduated. My boyfriends name is Anthony, he's my angel, he has blonde hair, blue eyes, he's tall and nicely accentuated(he's hot), i love him lots. I hope to one day open up my own coffee shop/art gallery in Victoria, B.C. My best friend is Sarah, we are the same age and height. We are both artists and we have been friends since 6th grade. I'm eventually going to get some pictures of my friends and myself up here. I hope that they turn out. Anyways, enough about myself and on with the page!

Free fall fans will love this!

A Little Taste of My Art

My Favorite Anime