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4 Teachers, 4 Free


Webquest Sample

Vocabulary Puzzle Maker

Frog Dissection

Science Fair Assistence

Online Gradebook & Other Resources

Film Streaming

"Curriculum Standards"

The Best Place on The Internet to Find Free Teacher Resources!


This site was designed ESPECIALLY with you in mind.

On it, you the passionate, dedicated, amazingly creative, middle/high school teacher will find resources that can assist you and your students in the classroom and at home.

The purpose of this "Webpage Presentation" is two-fold. The first goal is to introduce you to many free...FREE internet resources that you can use in your classroom as a supplement for items you may be lacking. In the event that you have been sent to an "Academic Utopia", these sites can also be used to further enrich your curriculum.

The second goal is to provided you with enough technological savy to create your own classroom webpage with links to resourses that will personally help your student and their parents/guardians.
