TITLE: The Dragon's Wing AUTHOR: TCS1121 FEEDBACK: TCS1121@hotmail.com ARCHIVE: As You Wish HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/xfilesfanfic/ DISCLAIMER: 1013 and FOX own all the X-Files characters. No money changes hands. SPOILER WARNING: Je Souhaite RATING: R CLASSIFICATION: Casefile, MSR COMMENTS: Written for the IMadeThisProductions VS10 season. SPECIAL THANKS: To KEstabrook for special beta help, encouragement and friendship. To my Fabulous Monster for a wonderful, thoughtful, and thorough beta job. To Mimic. She probably doesn't remember, but she told me to write this. And to VS10 for asking me. SUMMARY: The secret behind a successful wish is to be very specific. —Fox Mulder XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Xxxxxx Teaser xxxxxX Yunnan Province Three Months Ago China ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ Xian Ang clung to the branch of a mountain pine six feet above the rushing water. His five year-old daughter, Shen Kuo, held tight to the wet branch above him. For two weeks, rain hammered the parched soil of Xian Ang's farm. The long drought caused the soil to pack hard, crack, and turn to dust. The clouds opened so fast that the water rolled on the top of the soil instead of soaking into it, and last night, his little house, unable to withstand the onslaught, washed away. Xian's farm was destroyed. His work animals drowned, and all his crops were swept away by the current. "Higher! Little Bird, hurry!" Xian shouted up to Shen Kuo. "The water rises!" Shen Kuo grabbed the slippery branch overhead. As she climbed up, the wind whipped her long, black hair in front of her face. One hand held onto the branch, and the other hand batted the wet strands away from her eyes. A sudden gust of wind shoved the branch under her bare feet. Her arms shot out, her small fingers searching wildly for a twig or cone to hold her balance. The wind howled again, and then pushed her off. "Papa!" She screamed, slipping off the branch. She reached into the air for him, but flew out too far for Xian to catch. She disappeared into the raging water below. "Shen Kuo! Shen Kuo!" he cried, his arm outstretched. His tears mixed with the rain as he quickly climbed down. Again and again, he plunged his arms into the deep water, trying to find her. The rolling waters had folded around his Little Bird, and carried her away. That must have been what it wanted, for as soon as Shen Kuo fell into the torrent, the rain stopped. And the waters calmed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Office of Shi Liang Wang, Esq. Two Months Ago San Francisco, California ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ Fox, Long time no see! How's life treating you? Still living the life of a well-paid G- Man? Your office is still in the basement, right? I'm writing because I received something which is more your style than mine. A distant cousin in China died recently. Xian Ang, my cousin, lost his farm and his family. The poor guy was so devastated after his daughter drowned, that he killed himself. The only possessions left of his estate were a letter, and the item I've enclosed. I know that you specialize in the bizarre and unusual, and the fact that you make a living at it still amazes me. But, I thought you might want to take a look into this, and see if this object really did have anything to do with his death. Xian wrote in his letter, that this item is a talisman, a charmed object—the actual translation of the Chinese word is somewhere between the two. He said that three wishes were bestowed upon this Dragon's Wing, and that he foolishly used one. That wish destroyed his life. You and I know that legends and superstitions run wild in old countries, but I've heard old Chinese sayings that make a lot of sense. If you do look into this, and find that the Dragon's Wing had anything to do with his death, let me know. After all, he was a relative of mine. Xian was a farmer, and his wish was for the drought to end, so his daughter would never experience hardship. Be careful Fox, there are still two wishes left! Your friend, Shi the Guy, Esq. Xxxxxx ACT ONE xxxxxX X-Files Office, Wednesday afternoon Basement of the Hoover Building Washington, DC ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ "Dr. Hiller has an irrefutable alibi for last Saturday night." "Yes, Scully, and the Tuesday night before that, and for the twenty-fifth of last month. C'mon, nobody has that many ironclad alibis. In fact, in my book, that makes him even more suspicious." "More suspicious than what?" Scully paced as she spoke. "Than not having an alibi? Mulder, Dr. Harlan Hiller could not have killed anyone last Saturday. Hundreds of people saw him at the dedication of the new Pediatric Neurology wing of Fairfax Mercy Hospital." Mulder sat at his desk with his hands clasped behind his head. Scully stalked back and forth, waving her hands. He liked how she flushed when she was agitated, but wasn't about to let her get the upper hand. He sat up, and tapped the desktop with his fingertip. "I have Mrs. Edith Fleischmann who saw Dr. Hiller inject something into Bertha Witherspoon's I.V. bag at the Chesapeake Nursing and Assisted Living Center in Baltimore. She died that same night." "Mulder, do I need to remind you that Edith Fleischmann is eighty- seven years old?" "And Sadie Littlejohn reported that Dr. Hiller examined her roommate, Lenore Morrison, last Tuesday night in their hospital room, right before Mrs. Morrison died." "Mulder." He pointed his finger at her. "Leo Formann identified his own killer on the night of the twenty-fifth. Right before he died, he stated that Dr. Harlan Hiller poisoned him. You say all these people are making false ID's, Scully? Why?" She sat on the edge of his desk, looked down, and said softly, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." Mulder scrunched his forehead, "What do you mean?" "You're a difficult man. You know that?" She sighed and looked up. "Passionate, stubborn, wonderful in bed, but difficult." He eyed her warily for a moment then said, "Well, that's a new approach to an old argument." She shook her head. "You said it once yourself. We go through this perfunctory song and dance. I think I'm right, you know you're right, and on and on it goes." Mulder got up. "Hey, I have an idea." He bent down, catching her eye. "Let's start over, and conduct an in-depth investigation on Doctor Hiller." "Isn't that what we're doing now?" she asked. "No, we're taking bits and pieces of what we think happened, and what we know happened. We're giving opinions, and making decisions based on what I believe versus what you believe." He leaned against the desk, next to her. "Remember what they taught us in FBI school? When a string of murders are committed, and the same person's name keeps coming up as a possible suspect, we do a complete investigation on him. What do you say?" "You're mocking me, aren't you?" "No, I'm not," he said seriously. "There are obviously things here that don't fit. Maybe he uses hallucinogens, maybe astral projection, or has an accomplice, or, hell, maybe an evil twin brother. Let's just back up a bit, and do some heavy digging on Dr. Hiller, so we can do the song and dance together." He caught her eye again, and nodded encouragingly. "The one thing you and I agree on, Scully is that we have an impossible scenario repeated three times." "Sometimes this job isn't fun." She got off the desk, and straightened her skirt. "Three elderly patients are dead, and the only suspect we have appears to be out of the running. Dr. Hiller's alibis look good, but I admit, we need to know why his name was mentioned each time someone died. And how three people claimed to have seen him prior to all three deaths. I know we can't ignore the witnesses. I just wish this job was easier sometimes." He looked at her and frowned. "Not easier all the time," she corrected. "Just easier sometimes." "You know what *I* wish, Scully…" Mulder's voice trailed off. He whirled around, and strode to his file cabinet. "Damn! I didn't mean to file this away; I just didn't want to lose it." He pulled the drawer open, and started flipping through the files muttering, "I forgot all about this." Scully followed him. "Is there something in there that's going to help us find a serial killer?" She looked into the file drawer. "Or is it an answer to a wish?" "Neither. It's something that wishes are made on. Aha!" He reached into the drawer, and carefully lifted out a folder. "It's a Dragon's Wing. You said you had a wish." He gently touched a small, flattened Ziploc bag stapled to the inside of the manila folder. The Ziploc bag contained a red and gold silk bag about four inches by four inches. It was cinched with a thin, gold, drawstring. "What's a Dragon's Wing?" she asked as Mulder handed her the letter from Shi Wang. "Read this. A friend of mine from my Oxford days sent it." Her eyes flickered as she read. "Have you opened the bag?" "No. Uh—not yet," he smiled shyly. "Want to see it?" She nodded, and reread the letter. Mulder sat, and removed the small red and gold bag from the baggie. Scully came up behind him, reached over to put the letter down, and placed her warm hand on the back of his neck. He slipped two fingers into the small silk bag, and gently removed the Dragon's Wing. It looked like a mummified piece of a bat's wing, except that it had leather-like scales and pinfeathers. It was about the size of a silver dollar, and scorched black around its ragged edges. "It's not very impressive, is it?" Mulder said, disappointed, and slid it back into the bag. "Surely there must be an old saying about dangerous things coming in small packages," she said, massaging the nape of his neck. He leaned back, and tilted his chin up, resting his head between her breasts. "Well, you're pretty dangerous..." He pushed away from his desk, startling her backwards a step. He stood and circled around to pin her against his desk. "Mulder, stop it," she whispered just as the phone rang. "I'm not the only one who's difficult." He sighed as he picked up the phone. "Mulder." He listened for a minute, then rolled his eyes. "Yep. Right." Another pause, then, "Right. Okay. Got'cha." He gently placed the handset back into its cradle, went down to the floor on one knee, and yanked the cord out of the wall. Pieces of the faceplate flew as the phone line whipped through the air. "Problem?" Scully asked casually. "Nope." He looked at her. "Scully, you're right." He wrapped the broken cord around the phone. "Sometimes this job isn't fun." "What was that about?" She picked up a piece of faceplate, and put it on the desk beside the dead telephone. He stared at the mess on his desk. "You know, Scully, there's something inherently wrong about cameras attached to traffic lights." "They tracked you down, eh?" She folded her arms, and hiked her hip onto the desk. "Yeah, but it took some doing on their part. The traffic cameras just take pictures of the rear license plates. I wish I could hire the guy at the car rental agency to work for the FBI, and I wish…" Mulder looked at the little silk bag and paused. "I wish…" "What?" she asked. "According to Shi, we have two wishes left in this bag." He picked up the bag, and swung it around his index finger by the thin gold cord. "Mulder, your track record on wishes isn't very good. Maybe we should just leave those wishes right where they are." "What do you mean?" he asked, surprised. "How many times have you had three wishes granted by a genie?" Scully shrugged. "Well, I have more experience than you, and I now know the correct way to phrase a wish." "We don't even know if this really is a charmed object," she countered. "The way I read Shi Wang's letter, it wasn't clear whether his cousin's wish was granted, or whether it was a set of tragic coincidences." "But, I know the trick, Scully," he said, nodding at the Dragon's Wing. "The secret behind a successful wish is to be very specific." She shook her head. "I don't know about you, but except for a restful weekend with my favorite partner," she elbowed him gently, "I have nothing to wish for." He turned, and studied her face for a moment. "Then that's what I'll wish for." He grinned. "For the both of us." "Mulder, we're working on a case. We can't take time out of our investigation." "You sound as if you believe that a little piece of skin could grant my wish," Mulder teased. "Look, I met Shi L. Wang, Esq. at Oxford. This was the guy who short-sheeted my bed, put salt in the sugar bowl, and did unmentionable things with my toothbrush. We still keep in touch, and I really like him, but I can only trust him as far as I can throw him in a truck." "'Throw him in a truck?'" She snorted, and said, "I just don't think we should be playing with this now. We're too busy." "All the more reason to try it now. You know that we're busy checking into Dr. Hiller, so if we suddenly find ourselves in a Mediterranean Spa, we'll have proof that the Dragon's Wing works." He touched the little bag on the desk in front of him. "Besides, if Shi isn't pulling my leg, and this really is a charmed object." He opened the bag, and gently finger tweezed out the contents. "This is right up our X-Files alley." She looked at the pitiful, charred piece of flesh between his fingers and said, "A weekend at a spa does sound nice." He lowered his voice and said, "I'll rub warm mud all over you, if you rub scented oil all over me." "Or vice versa," she purred. He smiled broadly. "You're on!" Putting his hand to his forehead, reminiscent of Johnny Carson's Karnack the Magnificent, he said, "Just give me a minute to phrase this correctly." He peeked up at Scully, who began tapping her fingers against the edge of the desk. "Okay, okay, I think I have it," he said, clearing his desk. Gently holding the fragile wing in front of his lips, he took a breath. "Here is my wish." The wing was so light it fluttered as he spoke. "I wish for Dana Scully and I to be alone together with no interruptions. Allowed to do whatever things we want to do, in total privacy." He looked at her with an evil grin, "And for Scully to be putty in my hands." "Mulder!" "The end," he said quickly. "Putty in your hands?" "As added proof that the Dragon's Wing works." He said innocently. She stood, took a deep breath, and headed for the door. "Well, I don't feel very putty-ish right now." "Give it time!" he called after her. 'And a few bottles of wine,' he thought. Mulder opened the bag to replace the Dragon's Wing. His eyes widened. A piece of flesh had broken off, fluttered to his desk, and crumbled. The remaining wing was now half the original size. Xxxxxx ACT TWO xxxxxX X-Files Office, Thursday, noon Basement of the Hoover Building Washington, DC ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ "When I was in FBI school, they said that an 'investigation' was a detailed inquiry or systematic examination of the case at hand." Scully placed her palms on his desk, bent down, and said, "I have an appointment with Dr. Hiller in an hour at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore to fulfill the 'inquiry' part of the investigation." "Are you sure you're not feeling even a little pliable right now?" Mulder asked, as he riffled through invoices with photographs of his rear bumper attached. "Don't you have the slightest urge to fan me or feed me grapes?" "I thought I was pretty pliable last night," she said, pulling a chair close to his desk. He looked at her and smiled. "Why, yes. Yes you were. And more descriptive than usual." He lowered his voice. "I like it when you talk to me like that." She leaned in, and whispered, "Why don't you come to Baltimore to interview Dr. Hiller with me? I'm leaving now." Mulder chuckled, and tore a check from his checkbook. "I thought he worked at Fairfax Mercy Hospital in DC." "No, not any more. He still has personal and professional acquaintances there, though." She leaned back. "Now, he's on staff at Union Memorial, a good hospital in a nice part of Baltimore. He's a doctor of internal medicine, and specializes in geriatrics." "Geriatrics is old people, right?" Mulder asked, licking an envelope. Scully sighed. "Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with diagnosing, and treating diseases and problems of the elderly." "Like I said, 'old people.' Hey, don't get me wrong, Scully. I like old people. I hope to be one someday." He stopped and stared at her, then said, "You and I will make a cute old couple some day, don't you think?" Her face and neck flushed. She stood, cleared her throat, and said, "I'm leaving." "Okay, okay I'm coming. But Scully…?" "Yeah?" He held up a stack of envelopes. "How 'bout you drive?" XxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Union Memorial Hospital 1:15 PM, Thursday afternoon Baltimore, Maryland ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ Mulder lowered his head, and tucked his hands deep into the pockets of his long, black coat. It was windy and unseasonably chilly. The dark, heavy clouds blotted the sun, and rumbled in the distance. Scully combed her fingers through her windblown hair as they walked up to the information desk of Union Memorial Hospital. "Good afternoon. I'm Agent Scully, and this is Agent Mulder. We have an appointment with Dr. Harlan Hiller." Scully showed her badge, and received a Visitor's pass in return. "He's expecting you." The elderly receptionist smiled politely as she handed Mulder his pass. "I have a note from Dr. Hiller asking me to page him when you arrived. You can go straight up, and he'll meet you there." They followed her directions to Dr. Hiller's office, and before Mulder knocked on the door, Scully said, "The doctor's being very cooperative." "Maybe his evil twin isn't so cooperative," he retorted, as he knocked. The door swung open and Mulder was met by the bright, brown eyes of Dr. Harlan Hiller. Laugh lines and crows feet creased high into his cheeks. He beamed a wide gap- toothed smile highlighted by large, white teeth. "Come in! Welcome!" He stepped aside. "I believe you are the first FBI agents I've ever met." Dr. Hiller was three inches taller and, maybe, five pounds heavier than Scully. His black hair was cropped so close, that his scalp shone through. 'Dr. Hiller' was embroidered above the left breast pocket of his lab coat, and the white material accentuated his black skin. "Dr. Hiller, I'm Agent Scully, and this is Agent Mulder. Thank you for meeting with us today." She offered her hand, and he shook it vigorously. "Not a problem—not a problem." Dr. Hiller took Mulder's hand, and shook it just as enthusiastically. "So nice to meet you, agents. Please, we can all sit over here." He gestured to his desk. Mulder pulled an office chair over to the desk while Scully moved a chair to his right. Dr. Hiller took his own chair from behind his desk, and moved it to the side, so he could face the agents directly. He obviously did not need the security a large desk provided. "Now, how can I help you?" Dr. Hiller sat with his hands on his thighs, and leaned forward. His eyes were still bright, but he spoke seriously. "Because I really hope I can." "We're investigating the deaths of three of your patients," Scully began. "Yes, I know. If I'm not mistaken, the deceased are Bertha Witherspoon, Lenore Morrison, and Leo Formann." "That's correct." "Agent Scully, you probably know that Mrs. Morrison and Mr. Formann were my patients when I was on staff at Fairfax Mercy. However, after I left, Dr. Robert Spellman took over most of my caseload." He looked up shyly. "I—uh— I've already been questioned about this." The questioning during a murder investigation, made most people indignant, whether they were guilty or not, but Doctor Hiller's apologetic tone surprised Mulder. Perhaps the doctor didn't realize how close he was to becoming a murder suspect. "I know you've been interviewed, Doctor, and thank you for indulging us," Mulder said. "But there's one aspect in all these deaths that is puzzling. You were seen attending to these patients right before they died." "Is that what the witnesses said? That I was seen treating all these patients before they passed?" Hiller asked, amazed. "Leo Formann identified you himself, right before he died," Mulder said. "But I only saw one of them." Hiller's eyes darted from Mulder to Scully. "Which one?" she asked, looking over to Mulder. "Why, Bertha Witherspoon, of course. She was admitted to Union Memorial two months ago, right around the time I joined the staff. When she was discharged to the Chesapeake Nursing and Assisted Living Center, she asked if I would continue to treat her. I arranged it myself." The doctor had a whiff of an accent. Mulder couldn't tell if it was West Indian, South African, or The Bronx. "Dr. Hiller," Scully asked, "What were you doing for Mrs. Witherspoon?" "Her potassium level was down, so I ordered some to be injected into her IV. It's a common procedure. The nursing staff was busy helping a patient two doors down, so I added the medication to her IV bag instead of waiting for one of them. I noted it in the chart so that the dosage wouldn't be repeated." "How did you feel when Mrs. Witherspoon died?" Scully asked. Mulder shot her a look, but she was focused on Hiller. The doctor leaned back, and folded his arms. His calm, lilting voice answered, "Agent Scully, death isn't something I feel bad or good about. The truth is: if you live, you die. However, because of my work, I feel I'm on intimate terms with Death, and I don't fear it. I believe that we are powerless when our time truly comes. Bertha's time had truly come." "Why did you become a physician if you feel that Medical Science is powerless to help?" Scully bristled. "I didn't say we couldn't help. But, when God has made His decision, all we can do is ease the suffering, and help quiet the fear. We can make the transition from this life to the next easier for our loved ones. Older folk know this, and most of the time, all they want is a hand to hold when they say good-bye." Dr. Hiller leaned forward, and smiled. "That's why I study gerontology. This population has no romantic notions about immortality. Death is expected, and I'm happy to help when their time comes." "How do you help them?" Mulder stared into Dr. Hiller's eyes. "With comfort measures only. Let nature take its course, and see that there's no unnecessary medical interference." Hiller didn't blink. "How do you define 'unnecessary,' Dr Hiller?" Mulder asked pointedly. "I don't define 'unnecessary,' Agent Mulder." He smiled, sat back, and crossed his legs. "My patients do." Xxxxxxxxx "We didn't ask him about Leo Formann and Lenore Morrison," Scully complained. "Yes we did, and he said he was only there for Bertha Witherspoon, but he didn't say he killed her." He turned and pointed at her. "I think you owe Edith Fleischmann an apology, by the way." "Bertha's roommate, I know." She sighed. "I have to check into the Doctor's alibi again, for that night." "Yeah, I seem to remember something about it being irrefutable?" "It must have been a mix-up on the time." She waved her hand dismissively. "What made you run out of there so fast?" "I didn't run out of there." Mulder put his arm around her shoulders, and hurried her along. "Dr. Hiller wasn't going to confess to euthanasia. So, now we have some digging to do." "Digging?" "You heard him, Scully. He likes to help old people out with their suffering. Be there for them at the end." "I wish you'd stop calling our aged population, 'old people.'" She walked quickly and deliberately; her lips pressed together. She stopped suddenly. "While I agree that there's a time to let people die with dignity, his cavalier attitude toward his patients was unnerving." "Pissed you off, didn't he." "Yeah, but I didn't want to get into a discussion with him about morality and the Hippocratic Oath. I was already close to becoming righteously indignant." She smiled depreciatingly. "Besides, it wouldn't have helped." "Well, while you were making appointments as your part of the inquiry, I was gathering information." He took her elbow, and guided her across the street to their car. "It seems that the good doctor pays monthly rent on several storage facilities in the Baltimore area. Maybe he moved here for a reason." He opened the driver's side door for her. "Why? To be closer to his junk? Mulder, people rent those so they don't have to throw away Aunt Colleen's quilt, Aunt Mitzi's bear rug, or Aunt Maureen's rocking chair." She slammed the door, and put the key in the ignition. He scooted into the passenger's seat. "You have a lot of aunts." "Yes, I do. That's how I know what storage units are for, because I rent one." "I didn't know that. Is it heated? Maybe we could set up a warm mud bath in it for the week-end." He patted his shirt pocket; "I even brought the Dragon's Wing, in case we wanted to use that last wish." "You brought it with you?" He nodded, and patted his pocket again. Scully shook her head and continued, "Well, mine isn't climate controlled, but some units are." "I don't know about you, but I think that even for a doctor, seven large garage units are excessive." He reached under the seat, and pulled out a street map. She paused, "Yeah, that is excessive." "I've got a list of them." He opened a small notebook, and thumbed through the pages. The sky darkened. Lightning flashed and thunder cracked, but no rain fell. "That was right on cue," Scully said, looking out the window. "Sounds like it's time to go. Where's the first unit?" "A little south of the main city, in Brooklyn." He opened the map, and ran his finger down through the streets. "It seems that a lot of big cities have Brooklyns." She backed the Taurus away from the curb. "Let's see what Dr. Hiller has in this one." XxxxxxxxxxxxxX U Store It, Public Storage, Thursday, 3:00 PM East Patapsco Avenue, Brooklyn Baltimore City, Maryland ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ "I'm sure that in FBI school, they said something about obtaining search warrants, and avoiding breaking and entering," Scully said, glancing around the "U Store It" public storage on East Patapsco Avenue. "Really? I must have been absent that day." Mulder fiddled with a ring of lock picks. "Were you absent the day they showed you how to use those, too?" Mulder looked closely at the picks. Even though it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, the purple-black clouds darkened the sky so completely that the streetlights kicked on. The "U Store It" was a self-serve facility made up of several long lines of large garage- door units. No security guard was on duty when they'd driven through the front gates, so they hadn't had to show their badges or answer any questions. The building they wanted was well hidden from the street, so Scully had quickly driven around to the back, and parked in front of Unit #527. Mulder finally held up his chosen pick. "If you women would start using bobby pins again, it would make breaking and entering a lot less complicated." Mulder slid the pick into the padlock and jiggled it gently. The tumblers clicked, and the lock popped open. He removed the lock, and opened the hasp that secured the door. Holding the lock high in the air, he raised his other arm, and took a bow. Scully looked at the padlock skeptically, and said, "Either Dr. Hiller isn't too concerned about what's in here, or you're one hell of a cat burglar." He flipped the shackle around his finger and smiled. "It's always good to have other employment options available." Mulder put the lock down, grasped the garage-door handle, and tugged. "Jesus, what's this door made of? Lead? Gimme a hand here, Scully." Scully wedged her fingers between his, and, at his nod, they both pulled. The door opened up a foot. They readjusted their stances and heaved again. It took two more strong pulls and a push, to completely raise the heavy metal door. Thunder clapped in the background as they stood in the open doorway of the storage unit. A musty, mildew odor wafted out. Mulder snaked his hand inside, and patted the wall until he found a light switch. Dim light from a single bulb illuminated the dust lying on the paint tarps covering Dr. Hiller's personal possessions. "Mulder, look." Scully pointed down. A jumble of footprints were scattered over the dusty floor. Mulder edged in front of her and walked in. "Funny. The tarp coverings aren't disturbed, but it looks like someone's been in here recently." "The footprints look like they're a few weeks old, but it's hard to tell," Scully said, stepping into the storage room behind him. "This room looks like it goes way back there." Mulder pulled a small flashlight from his pocket, and clicked it on. The storage room was crowded to the ceiling with tarp-covered items. "It looks like all his stuff is covered up, like he's getting ready to paint the place." He turned to her. "Why would he want to paint in here?" The small beam showed footprints continuing into the darkness. He swung the beam of light around on the floor, then on the tarp in front of him. He leaned over, and with his left hand, gripped the heavy fabric and lifted. Fat raindrops smacked against the tin roof, filling the room with a loud, wet staccato. "Mulder, what is it?" Scully stepped in further to avoid the spray of the pelting rain, while keeping surveillance on the parking lot. "What do you make of these?" Mulder pulled the tarp back revealing rows of neatly stacked black boxes. He pulled another cloth away, uncovering more stacks of identical black boxes. "There are hundreds of them in here." He lifted one. The box was seamless heavy plastic with no obvious opening. It was rectangular, shorter and wider than a large shoebox. He turned it over in his hands, and was surprised at how heavy it was. He figured it weighed around five or six pounds. There was a small metal plate stuck to the short side of the box. It read: MTB—3/10-5/97 Mulder picked up another box and read the plate: PNS—12/18- 2/00. He walked back, and handed it to Scully. "What is this?" he asked. "Mulder," she said slowly, "You said that Dr. Hiller pays rent on seven units like this one?" "Yeah." "Well, we've just broken into his own private columbarium. These boxes are used in a morgue or at a cemetery to hold cremains: the remains of cremated individuals." "Holy shit," Mulder whispered. "You mean, each of these boxes was once a— a person?" "That's right. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." Scully said grimly. "There's so many of them." Mulder tried to swallow, but his tongue was too dry. A moment ago, the boxes were oddities. Now they were someone's dearly departed. Someone's friend or father. Someone's sister. "Now we know what Dr. Hiller has in this unit, and in maybe six more storage units as well. The plaques probably are initials and dates. See, on this one, 12/18-2/00?" Scully turned the box where he could see. "It could mean December, 1918, to February, 2000. This person with the initials 'PNS' was just over 81 years old when he or she died." Mulder looked around at the tall mounds, and started tearing down the tarps. He was mindful not to jostle the boxes too much. "You're right." She stared wide-eyed at the dozens of stacks of black boxes he'd uncovered. "There are hundreds of them." Mulder peered into the blackness of the storage unit. "I'm going further back into the room, I think there's something else in here." He aimed his flashlight, and took a step. He heard Scully say, "I'm going out to the car; my phone doesn't work in here. We need to find a way to break in legally…" She ducked her head out into the rain. Lightning struck and thunder crashed in a deafening roar. The storage room lit up with a brilliant flash just as the heavy metal door slipped its moor. The force of the slamming door flung Scully back into the room. The light faded out as Mulder heard her head smack the concrete floor. "Scully!" His little beam wavered as it found her. Her eyes were closed, and blood ran down her face, pooling on the floor. "God, Scully, please..." he whispered fiercely, "Talk to me. C'mon, talk to me." He knelt next to her on the hard floor, and felt her pulse. Her heartbeat was strong, but she was breathing in short, shallow gasps. "Don't do this, Scully. Come on, please open your eyes." The thunder stilled, and the rain dissipated; the room was deathly quiet. Mulder charged over to the door, and strained to lift it. It wouldn't budge. Pounding his fists against the door, he shouted, "Help, somebody!" He yelled louder. "We need help in here! Help!" His voice echoed among the ashes of the dead. Lowering himself to the floor, he gently shifted Scully into his lap. She lay still and silent, her warm blood soaking into his shirt. "Scully, please wake up…please, Scully..." He rocked her gently, softly repeating her name. Her arm flopped, and her head lolled as he swayed. No one had seen them enter, and they were far back from the street. They were isolated, totally alone together. And Scully was putty in his hands. Xxxxxx ACT THREE xxxxxX "U Store It"—Unit #527 East Patapsco Avenue Brooklyn section of Baltimore Late Thursday afternoon ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ "…and then he told me to get my skinny ass off the court or he'd call my mother. What did he think I was? A kid? He didn't scare me, though, Scully, I mean, I was almost eighteen..." Mulder's voice drifted off as he planted a kiss on the top of her head. "C'mon, Scully," he whispered into her hair, rocking her gently. "You say we never talk enough. I'm all ears now." The ceiling light bulb fluttered on, suggesting that the transformer, blown out by the lightning, was back in business. Mulder looked around. He had stacked the black boxes carefully, so he could lean against them as Scully reclined in his lap. He looked at his watch, and ran his hand through his hair before hugging her to his chest. It had been the longest half-hour of his life. However, her head had stopped bleeding, and her breathing was deep and steady. "Why won't you wake up? What can I do?" He squeezed his eyes shut. "You have to tell me, Scully." He resumed his gentle rocking. "Have to…keep going…" Scully mumbled. Mulder held his breath. "Scully?" "I said…keep going." She took a slow breath. "I like to hear…" She stirred in his arms, and opened her eyes. "… about your skinny seventeen year-old ass." She smiled weakly. "Oh, God, Scully. Scully…" Letting out his breath, he gently kissed her cheeks. He looked at her face, and smiled in relief. "I said I was almost eighteen." "Almost eighteen is seventeen." She sat up slowly, and held her head. "Oh my God." "Take it easy. Slow and easy." He rubbed his hands softly up and down her arms. "Look at your shirt," she said, patting the bloodstains. "It's a mess." She tilted her head back against his chest, and closed her eyes. "You have to stay awake, Scully." He moved her out of his lap, leaned her against the boxes, and stood up. "You bumped your head pretty hard." He offered her his hand. "Try and stand up, okay?" She sighed, and held out her hands. He took them, and helped her to her feet. She wobbled, and he held her arms to steady her. "How bad does it look?" she asked. "Here, feel." He guided her fingertips to the jagged cut at her hairline. She winced as she probed. "It's not bad, just a couple of stitches, maybe. The door must have hit me before I fell. Heads and scalps always bleed a lot." She gingerly touched the bump on the back of her head, and looked at him blearily. She sat back down on a stack of boxes and said, "It's not as bad as it looks." "Are you going to be all right?" he asked worriedly. She gave a wan smile. "After four or five Tylenol, I will." "You scared me." He leaned over and looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry." Her bloodshot eyes were alert, and both pupils matched in size. Mulder knew that with a head injury, matching pupils was a good thing. "Don't do it again." His breathing evened out as his heart finally started beating correctly. Mulder straightened up, stretched his arms high over his head, and turned to the door. Reaching down and curling his fingers around the handle, he yanked up hard. The door was welded to the ground. He backed up and kicked it. "Mulder." He kicked it again. And again and again, growling at it with each impact. "Mulder!" Scully stood unsteadily. "It's okay, we'll figure something out." "Goddamit! I couldn't get it open. You were lying on the floor, bleeding to death for all I knew, and I couldn't get the…" He kicked again. "…fucking door open!" Thunder rumbled on the other side. "Someone will see our car," she said using Mulder's arm for balance. "Storage lots have security guards that make rounds. It's too bad that we'll be caught warrant-less, but, eventually we will be found." She staggered over to the tumble of boxes. Rubbing her temples, she sat down next to JVS 5/09—4/99. "Hey, Mulder." She hefted the box and rubbed the date with her thumb. "Read off some of the dates on those boxes." "Why?" He sent one last half-hearted kick into the door. "Just the first dates. Like on this one where it says 5/09." Mulder sighed and looked at her. She sat staring at the black box, fingering the engraved numbers. Blood smeared down the right side of her face and neck, caking in her hair. A large purple bruise extended from her hairline to her eye, and accompanied the angry gash in her scalp. Her favorite cream-colored silk blouse was ruined. If she wanted him to, he would read dates to her all night long. He looked for the numbers. "Let's see—okay." He scanned the row in front of him and read aloud. "10/12, 3/21, uh let me wipe this off, 4/19…" "Okay, that's enough." She pointed at the boxes. "Mulder, did you notice...?" "Yeah, they're all old people. I mean, like, really old people." She sighed and shook her head. "Mulder, they were people who lived long lives. Dr. Hiller was a geriatric specialist. I wonder if these were some of his patients who didn't want his 'unnecessary medical interference'." "If they were, he certainly has quite a collection of them. Maybe they still owed him money, and he wasn't going to let them go until they paid in full. Wait!" He fumbled for his flashlight. "I thought there was something else back there." Loud splashes of rain pelted down, and thunder echoed loudly in the little room. Mulder picked his way through the mausoleum until he got to the back. He turned and saw Scully watching him in the dim light. 'Yep, she's gonna have a real shiner,' he thought as he pulled down the last tarp. A large, black granite slab leaned against the back wall. He ran his hand across the dusty, cold stone, feeling its smooth, polished surface. "What is it?" she asked. "It's a big, flat rock." He ran the flashlight beam across the front and sides. "It looks like a big grave marker, but it doesn't have anything engraved on it." He looked at the stacks of ashes and said, "Of course, I may not have thought of a grave marker under other circumstances." "So what are we looking at here, Mulder?" She squinted up at him as he approached. "A doctor who either kills his patients, or let's them die. Then, has them cremated, and hides them here. What for? And where were these people's relatives," she gestured to the stacks around them, "when he did this?" "Maybe they didn't have relatives. Maybe he was taking care of them." He sat on the floor cross-legged at her feet, gently moved a box out of his way, and stared up at her. "Maybe." She looked down at him. He reached up to brush her hair off her bruised cheek. "I'm going to have a black eye, aren't I?" "Yeah, I was just thinking that." He smiled sympathetically. "I guess you can read my mind, huh?" He cleared his throat, and took a deep breath. "I owe you an apology." "For what? Noticing my black eye?" She smiled, and ran her fingers through his hair. "No. For the wish. I really thought I had the technique down. But I blew it." Still stroking his hair, she asked softly, "What the hell are you talking about?" "I wanted us to be alone together." He quoted, "'Alone together with no interruptions. Allowed to do whatever things we want to do, in total privacy.' And I wanted you to be putty in my hands." He drew a shaky breath. "For the last half- hour, you were absolutely at my mercy." "Mulder, you're not blaming all this on that?" She tapped his shirt pocket holding the Dragon's Wing. "The wish came true, Scully. I'm just glad you're still alive." He took her hand, kissed it, and held it to his chest. "What?" She was smiling at him, her eyes glittering in the soft light. "What?" he repeated grinning. "I can't…" Her expression grew thoughtful. "I can't explain how you make me feel when you talk about reading minds and making wishes." She leaned down and smiled softly. "You remind me that there's still wonder and magic in the world. Every day you show me there's at least one person who hasn't become too jaded to see the mysteries around us. No matter how long I live, as long as I'm with you, I'll never grow old." He blinked several times. "And you make me believe in miracles." Scully's smile widened, so Mulder caught some of her teeth when he leaned in and kissed her. "You know, Mulder, you only make confessions like this when the witnesses are unable to testify." She handed him CAO—10/21-6/97. He studied the black boxes stacked to the ceiling, and for the first time, he shuddered. "Hey, Scully?" "Hmm?" "You wouldn't do this, would you?" He shook the box. "Cremating is an efficient, and cost effective method of interment. The Catholic Church no longer forbids it, and some of the urns I've seen are very pretty." She ruffled his hair, and patted his head. "No. I mean, to me. You wouldn't let this happen to me, would you?" He gripped her hand. Suddenly, her answer was profoundly important. "No," she whispered. "I would never let that happen." "You promise?" He stared at her intently. "Yes. I promise." He nodded, and her eyes misted over. The thunder clapped, then crashed. Scully covered her ears, and Mulder jumped to his feet. "Damn! That was close. It shook the whole room!" He took a few steps over to the door. "When are the security people going to notice we've broken in?" Banging his fists on the door, he yelled, "Hello! Hello! We're stealing stuff in here. Come arrest us!" "Well, at least we're warm and dry," she shrugged. "Stop being optimistic. I'm getting hungry." He thought about kicking the door again, but stopped. "You know, Scully? It *is* warm in here." "I know. I'm glad." "I thought that this wasn't a climate-controlled unit," he said, searching the walls for a thermostat. "It's not." "Then it should be getting cooler in here, with evening approaching and the rain cooling everything off." He paced back and forth in front of the closed door. She considered a minute. "Maybe it is heated, because it's definitely nice and warm in here." "What's on the other side of the wall behind the big, flat rock?" he asked. "There's another garage unit like this one. Two strips of units back to back, I think. Why?" Mulder walked back to the granite slab and touched the wall behind it. "Scully, the wall is hot." He pointed his flashlight at the ceiling. Smoke curled in the rafters. "Oh shit." He rushed back to her. "We gotta get out of here. Now!" Scully stood slowly, and carefully moved to the door. "Come on, Mulder. We opened it once, we can open it again." "Scully, you shouldn't…" He knew that the door was glued to the floor, but he said, "Okay, let's do it." They both squatted and grabbed the rung. "Ready?" He waited for her nod. "Okay, on three. One, two, three!" They heaved up hard on the handle. The temperature rose several degrees, and smoke filled the room. The door remained locked down tight. Scully slumped to the floor, held her head, and moaned softly. "Let's…let's try it again." Trying to keep the panic from his voice he said, "It's not going to open." He joined her on the floor, where there was less smoke. "We have to find a way out," she said looking through the haze. Mulder smiled sadly. "I'm open to any and all suggestions." Scully paused, narrowed her eyes, and said, "I just made you a promise, and I'm not backing out on it." She reached for him, and he opened his arms to her. But instead of embracing him, she opened his shirt pocket, and removed the red and gold silk bag. "Now, Scully? Miracles and wishes?" She backed up; her silhouette was all he could see through the thick, gray smoke. The red bag fell to the floor, and he squinted up at her. Scully held something between her fingers. Looking directly at the Dragon's Wing, she gasped, "Get us out of here before we cook." "Scully," he coughed. "You have to be…more specific than that." He coughed again, and waved his hand in a futile attempt to clear the smoke away from his face. The searing heat would soon melt them away, and his final wish was to be in her arms when it did. He inched toward her inadvertently bracing his hand against the hot metal wall. He cried out, and pulled his scorched hand back. His palm and fingers bubbled with second-degree burns. "Well, I'm cooking now!" He held up his hand, for her to see. The door popped open, and rose two feet, three feet, all the way up until it clicked completely open. Mulder grabbed Scully off the floor, and bolted out, into the rain. Both drew in huge lungfuls of air as they got into their car. Sirens wailed in the distance. Thick, foul- smelling smoke poured out of Unit # 527. The unit behind it was in full flame, and the surrounding structures groaned, buckling from the heat. Seconds later, flames roared out of the open door, and the unit crashed in a heap of fire and black smoke. The blaze consumed the remaining units, and one by one, they folded in on themselves; leaving twisted hunks of misshapen metal. The resulting bonfire shot streams of orange flames high into the air. The inferno ate its way through old furniture, portraits of dead relatives, and hundreds and hundreds of boxes of old people's ashes, crackling and popping as it fed. The heat quickly encroached on their car. Mulder backed up, one handed, and drove around to the front. Fire trucks screamed, and barreled through the gates; tires skidding as they sped around back, but the lightning had done its damage. The entire strip was unrecognizable, fully ablaze, and engulfed in thick, sooty smoke. Mulder turned to his partner who stared through the windshield, transfixed. "Ashes to ashes," she said without moving. "Dust to dust," he agreed. Xxxxxx EPILOGUE xxxxxX Apartment 42, Friday evening Hegel Place Alexandria, Virginia ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ "Here, look at me again." Scully shifted in Mulder's arms, opened her eyes, and tried to look annoyed. "I was dozing." She stretched her arms over her head. "It's been over twenty-four hours; you can stop checking now." "I promised the ER doctor that I'd look into your eyes every two hours." He carefully shifted his right leg, and brushed her bruised face with his good hand. "I keep my promises, too, you know." Even though it was well past the seven hours the doctor had suggested, Mulder was still pleased that her pupils matched. After the collapse of storage units, Mulder had rushed them to Harbor Hospital a few blocks away from the U Store It. Grabbing Scully by her shirtsleeve, he had dragged his bruised and wheezing partner into the emergency room. The nurse had taken one look at this limping man, covered in bloodstains, filling out the admission forms with his left hand cradled protectively against his chest, and booked him a room, too. Scully had misdiagnosed herself, but not by much. She sustained a mild concussion, and required five small stitches at the hairline. Even though she suffered through a couple of coughing fits, the heat and smoke had not damaged her lungs. Her forehead, right eye, and right cheek down to her chin were a striking shade of purple. Her left eye was lavender, with the promise of a deeper shade to follow. The ER doctor wanted to admit her overnight for observation, but Mulder had promised to keep a close eye on her. And he knew that she wanted to keep her good eye on him, too. Mulder's left palm, fingers, and thumb received first and second degree burns. He had braced his hand against the hot metal wall, and pushed his weight into it, before recoiling. It hurt like a son-of-bitch. But the surprise came when the nurse removed his socks and shoes. His enthusiastic door kicking had broken two toes on his right foot. The doctor splinted them together, and sent Mulder home in a walking boot. Broken toes hurt like a son-of-a-bitch, too. They were still sooty when they left the hospital, so, by unspoken agreement, they went to Mulder's apartment to recuperate. An hour after that, he sat clean and sweet-smelling, with his injured foot propped on the coffee table and his left hand elevated on the arm of his sofa. His right hand held the remote, and his arm was draped around Scully's shoulder as she snored softly, and drooled on his chest. He clicked on ESPN, certain that he was the happiest man alive. A day later, he checked her pupils again. An old black-and-white movie was playing in the background. "You hungry, Scully?" "No, I'm not, but do you want me to make you something?" She was trying to wake up without moving her sore head. "Nope." He clicked the remote, and the screen went black. "What then?" She yawned, closed her eyes and snuggled down into him. "While you were dozing, I made a bunch phone calls to the office, and—to a few other places. Pulled a few strings." He patted her hair and leaned over to put the remote on the coffee table. "Hmm? And?" "Well, it might interest you to know that after we spoke with Dr. Hiller yesterday, he left the country." She opened her eyes and sat up. "What?" "Yep, he was informed of a family emergency, and immediately booked a flight to his native country. He flew out late last night." "You are kidding me, right?" She turned so she could look him in the eye. "I'm not. Due to the lack of solid damning evidence tying him to the deaths of his former patients, and because of the good domestic relations enjoyed between the United States and his country, no warrant will be issued to extradite Dr. Hiller from Toronto, Canada." "What...what about the ashes? What about the other storage units?" Her voice raised an octave. "Yes, about those. Dr. Hiller was very forthcoming, after we tracked him down this morning. He had no knowledge whatsoever about any ashes, and denied that he currently rented the now defunct Unit #527 at the U Store It." As he spoke, Mulder tried one-handed, to curl a few strands of her hair around his little finger. "The storage company can't find Dr. Hiller's original rental agreement. I had a faxed copy, dated two years ago, but the doctor said he no longer rented it." "So who did rent it?" "I guess we're not sure. Maybe after the smoke clears, I'll ask the U Store It guys to check again. They probably won't be too interested in looking into it, though." She stared at him, and very slowly shook her head. "And the other six units?" "Furniture, Scully, but not quite what you thought. Dr. Hiller gave us permission to look inside his storage rooms. Each of them held different styles of furniture. He explained that he liked to redecorate—got tired of the same scheme—so every few months he'd hire a moving company to switch out his furniture. One unit had an Art Nouveau motif, one had Japanese and Asian overtones, and another had an Ultra- Contemporary Swedish élan, etcetera. By the way, his house on Gibson Island is currently decorated in Modern Victorian." "Unbelievable." "Want one more unbelievable thing for today?" he asked softly. "There's *more*? Boy, Mulder, I go to sleep for a few hours and you wrap it all up?" "Quite an institution, that FBI school, huh?" He carefully moved his sore hand onto a pillow in his lap, so he could turn toward her. "One more thing, if you want to hear it." "Okay," she sighed. "I want to hear it." "Remember Leo Formann, the man who claimed that Dr. Hiller poisoned him, and Sadie Littlejohn, the elderly patient who identified Dr. Hiller as 'examining' her roommate, Lenore Morrison before Mrs. Morrison died?" "Yes, of course." "Mr. Formann is dead, he was eighty-one. And now, so is Mrs. Littlejohn. She passed away unexpectedly this morning. There's nobody left to identify Dr. Hiller." He paused to swallow before continuing. "Mrs. Littlejohn lived to be eighty- five years old, and had no relatives listed, and no one entrusted to…" A lump unexpectedly formed in his throat, and he looked away. "Mulder," she said softly, "if you want, I'll call the hospital and make sure that her body is claimed for burial." He nodded silently. Even though he didn't know Mrs. Littlejohn, he didn't want her to end up as unclaimed ashes in a black box. "I—uh—I have an impossible thing, too," she said. He cleared his throat, swiped at his nose, and said, "Shoot." It was hard to tell with all the bruising, but Mulder thought she was blushing. "If anyone asks me how we got out of that storage garage, my official answer, and the one I may actually believe, is that the heat loosened the joints, and caused the metal door to expand and break free of the door frame. It popped out of the door jamb, thus allowing the door to open." "Except that the hot doorframe would have expanded along with the hot door, squeezing the door more firmly closed," Mulder said, picking a piece of imaginary lint off her sleeve. "Different metals expand at different rates." "Touché!" He raised his good hand. "Or, as the kids say, 'true dat.'" He curled his hand around her waist. He wasn't buying it for a minute, and doubted that she was either. "That's the explanation I would give if just 'anyone' asked me," she hedged. "But if you asked me what I really thought…" He cut her off. "Okay, so, how did we escape that pressure cooker?" He nodded once. "There, I just asked you." She squirmed, and was definitely flushed pink under the purple. He waited for her to answer. "I was pretty desperate. I mean we were both pretty desperate…" "I noticed that." Scully worked her lips and attempted to form the words. Mulder remained politely silent, watching her struggle. She clamped her mouth shut, tilted her chin defiantly, and glared at him. "Sorry, Scully. How 'bout I make it easy for you? I mean, when it comes to wishes. I'm your boy." He kissed the top of her head. "Besides, it won't sound so crazy to you if I say it." "No, I'll tell it." She sighed in resignation. "I took that piece of paper-thin dragon tissue out of your pocket, held it up, and made a wish. After you shouted that you were 'cooking,' the Dragon's Wing dissolved in my hand, and the door opened. Now the Dragon's Wing was very fragile, and the heat was pretty intense…" "But since this is 'me' you're telling…" he poked her with his fingers. "I didn't believe it would work, but you did. Don't you see, Mulder? Faith is believing." She paused for words. "Faith is when you believe in something with all your heart, without needing logical proof or material evidence." Scully lowered her voice, but she didn't turn away. Her eyes were shining when she said, "Something did save us, yesterday. It was your belief in wonder, wishes, and the power of charmed objects. I never would have wished on a piece of dead flesh without you believing it would work." He smiled crookedly. "Ahh, it probably wouldn't have worked for me anyway." He pushed stray red strands away from her eyes. "I would have been too specific." With one arm, he hugged her warmly, and scooted as close to her as he could, thoroughly convinced now that he was the happiest man alive. She snuggled back into him, and handed him the remote. He aimed the clicker, but didn't press the button. Lowering his hand, he cocked his head to the side then dipped it to catch her eye. "Hey, Scully, something you said made me realize that my fondest wish has been granted. Something I've wanted my whole life." Her brows knitted together. "What's that?" He lowered his voice. "I have always wanted," he leaned down, and kissed her tenderly, "to believe." XxxxxxxxxxxxxxX END This was Written for the IMadeThisProductions VS10 season, with my warmest thanks to the production staff of the X-Files Virtual Season 10 for asking me. ~~ This was a tip o' the pen to W. W. Jacobs short story, "The Monkey's Paw." One place to read it online is here: http://www.gate.net/~madonia/monkeypa.htm After 100 years, it's still a spooky story! TCS ~~*~~*~~*~~