Quote from a Movie: " You don't have to stand up...its actually quite long."

Quote from a TV Show: " A writer writing a book about how writers should write books. Big seller."

Quote from a Song: "If I had a millon dollars I'd buy you a green dress but not a real green dress that's cruel."

Quote from a Magazine: " Usually Brad Pitt and chocolate makes me happy."
~Emma Watson

Quote from Me: " No you don't get to be saved, your ass isn't nice!"

~me while watching Halloween IV

Quote from a Movie: " People with no brains talk an awful lot, don't you think?"

~The Wizard of Oz

Quote from a Friend: " I WANNA BE A STREAKER!"
Quote from an Awards Show: " Wow during the day white people are horny."
~George Lopez
Quote from a Movie: " Are you suggesting cocunuts migrate?"
~Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Quote from SNL: "In Kansas this week, over 100 fish were found dead in the Baker Wetlands, and local environmentalists fear that someone may have deliberately killed them. In response, President Bush says that now we have no choice but to go to war with Iraq."
~Jimmy Fallon is awesome

Quote from a Play: "I see a voice!"

~Midsummers controls me

Quote from a Friend:" Who would you most likely send this to? A hobo."

~One guess who

Quote from a Book: "All that glitters is gold and all who wander aren't lost."

~ The Hobbit

Quote from a Friend: " ....and then Satine fell off the Never Never Cliff so Christian jumped to his death and Jack and Rose performed the bow scene and RiffRaff pushed them off the Never Never Cliff..."

~Ramblings at Christa's

Quote from a Movie: "I'm sure that my brother-in-law probably deserves whatever you're about to do to him but this is my house and I have certain rules about snakes and dismemberment."

~I love the Mummy!

Quote from a British Comedy Troupe: ".....and now for something completely different."

~Monty Python!

Quote from a TV Show: "Maybe I should ask them if they won't roast my nuts."

~Everwood can be funny

"It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime things that happen every once in a while."

Randy Moss is a moron

Quote from a Movie: "A five ounce bird cannot carry a one pound coconut..."

-I haven't seen that movie in WAY too long

Quote from a Movie: "My friends, you bow to no one."

-Return of the King

Quote from..well...basically everyone: "Who keeps a crowbar in their trunk? Well...I know you do."


Quote from an Awards Show: "Don't thank your parakeet, look at Catherine Zeta-Jones, she's snoring"

-Jack Black and Will Ferrel are hilarious

Quote from many different friends: "PROVE IT!"

-you know you want to!

Quote from lots of people: "GO TO EAU CLAIRE!"

-brainwashing does work

Quote from AIM: "Liz should become a lesbian and date Samara."


Quote from a Movie: "Or maybe I can put a pinecone on my vibrator and I can really have a merry christmas."

-Stepford Wives

Quote from Jessica: "You don't like french fries because they kill you and stuff."


Quote from a Movie:"Fuckin.A."

- last lines of Office Space

Quote from the E.C.: "I wanna eat your shirt!"

~Brett talking to fellow Bridgmanian Ryan

Quote from Dennys: "You remember that one cartoon called The Tick? Yeah I never watched that.

-Brett after the tick fiasco

Quote from a Rushee: "If someone is drowning, the saver dude will jump off this, break his leg in the sand and have to go to the e.r. and THEN come back and by the time he gets back, the person will have already drowned."


Quote from Shizane: "She wore a raspberry beret....when doves cry!"

-Fo shizzle Prince!

Quote of the Night: "OH MY GOD THEY DO FILL UP!"

-that myth wondered by shizane and myself is finally put to rest!
