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"Sweet Madness" The Matrix FanFic

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Original Fanfiction


So, this is my junk. Yay. Working on it, and working very hard, thankyouverymuch.

So, this is great. I love those pre-made homepages. So much easier than those sucky, build-your-own contraptions. I had one of those once, a very very VERY long time ago. Haven't seen it since. Makes me very sad- I think Geocities ate it. If you ever find "JDiannah's Pitch Black Zone," call me, okay? I miss the damn thing.

So, the fiction should be up pretty soon. Um, yep. I just hafta finish writing it. You know how that goes. But I'm proud to say that it IS in the final stages.

Really. Just be patient.