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Welcome to Treve

"Treve is a bandit city, high among the crags of the larl-prowled Voltai. Most men do not even know its location. Once the tarnsmen of Treve had withstood the tarn cavalries of even Ar. In Treve they do not grow their own food but, in the fall, raid the harvests of others. They live by rapine and plunder. The men of Treve are said to be among the proudest and most ruthless on Gor. They are most fond of danger and free women, whom they bind and steal from civilized cities to carry to their mountain lair as slave girls. It is said the city can be reached only on tarn." Raiders of Gor, Pg. 272

This home is a Full Mirror Room
**that means if You can't kill capture or force collar in your home don't expcect to do that here, BUT We can and Will do it to You **

Attention !!!!

Frees, in order to get to Treve, must be taken to the city on tarnback..therefore they were either taken as guests, blindfolded, and with reason to be in the city or as a capture. Guests are honored and treated with high regard.. unless they show disrespect... Captures are ransomed or enslaved. Slaves will be allowed one ooc visit

Please remember that Treve is a hidden city and therefore impossible to find by stumbling in or any other means than by being in the basket of a tarn blindfolded and hooded. Also remember free or slave Enter at your own risk if you are not a guest. If you do not act accordingly then you will be subject to the whims of the Free within the home.

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