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Welcome to the M/FRG Resurrection

All pilots carbon copy (CC:) the XO when you send out your pilot’s weekly report, FL's copy the SL when you send your reports to the XO. If squad members get together for a training mission, get a screen shot of the final scores and forward it to the XO. This way we can see how everyone is progressing.

Reports need to be in on time from all squadron members. If there are circumstances beyond your control, we can understand that. But do your best to get them in on time.

FL’s carbon copy, (cc:) the XO when you send a welcome letter to each NEW member of the squadron. Both Pilots and Officers are required to send the SL and the XO, carbon copies, (cc:) of any other offical White Squadron communications that are sent by e-mail.

Must be an active pilot. To be considered active you need to fly at least 5 games in a WoW. Any other war participation is optional, unless specified by your Squadron Leader, Executive Officer and/or Flight Leader.

Must check the Squadron Comm link at least twice a week. Quite a bit of important information gets posted there.

Recruit as often as possible. We are in the process of rebuilding White Squadron. In order to do that, we need active, motivated pilots that enjoy playing XWA & XvT.

Any ideas? We'd love to hear them...
E-mail Lieutenant Liberty1776 with the details.

In recognition to Rear Admiral Blackhawk for being the first Squadron Leader of White as it is today,
and for creating these pages,
his Links page shall remain here.


Last updated: 09/16/2002
Pages Mantained by TRA_Liberty1776
Pages Created by TRA_Blackhawk

White Squadron
The Rebel Allaince