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Recurring Cast of STARFIGHTERS
Recurring Cast of STARFIGHTERS
ADMIRAL DAVID STONE (JAMES EARL JONES) The Head Officer in charge of Special Ops, a division of uniquely trained individuals dedicated to the protection of the Galactic Alliance and the Federation President. Stone is a dedicated and no-nonsense, honorable man who believes in the alliances format for perseverence and productivity. With a slightly mysterious background of his own, he created The Starfighters to head up and meet head on this new threat called The Praetorians. ADMIRAL FRANCISCO VELAZQUEZ (JESUS NEBOT) A Fleet Admiral with a no nonsense approach to the protection of The Alliance against The Praetorians. His daring tactics and unyielding nerve has earned him the respect throughout The Alliance, including Omega 1. His only fear is losing his daughter in a now more dangerous universe. DR SEBASTIAN SINGH (RICARDO MONTALBAN) A Professor of Genetic Manipulation who has for years helped conduct secret experiments on humans and unknown to the rest of The Alliance, his own family, to create a formidable human defense against a threat he gained knowledge of from within the secret society known as Omega 1. He now believes his experiments and results are the only things that stands between Earth, The Alliance and the threat of the Praetorians. PRAETORIAN EXCELLENCY (MARC ALAIMO) “Cesar Be Known” A God-like individual created from the beginning of his abduction along with his entire Roman Legion. This individual has gained more power over the centuries with increased nano-technology to overthrow and destroy his abductors and now he reaches out across the universe to conquer as he once did in ancient Roman times. PRAETORIAN CENTAURIAN MARCUS (EDDIE GUERRERO OR DANNY TREJO) The first-born son of the Excellency who reveres himself as a man of might and action. He cares little for the subtleties of negotiation and secrecy. Only a direct approach to crush any enemy that stands in his way of conquest and this includes his brother, Centaurian Tiberius, and The Excellency’s throne. He will become one of Captain’s Brin’AR’s most feared enemies. PRAETORIAN VICEROY (JEFFERY COMBS OR RON PERLMAN) The Advisor to the Royal Family on all circumstances from political to military though his only loyalty is to himself. He pits everyone against each other in order to gain favor with each individual. His only goal is to rule the Praetorians, himself. PRAETORIAN CENTAURIAN TIBERIUS (KEITH NEUBERT) The younger son of the Praetorian Excellency who is a lot more conniving and thoughtful in his plans and he takes a special liking to Dr Cayla Munroe in an attempt to learn more about her unique inherited abilities. S'TARLEYA (BACH HOANG) She is the Ambassador to rebel Praetorians who disagree with the Royal Family and are seeking the assistance of the Galactic Alliance. T'ALMAR (TINA ADAMS) She is the senior Senate Captain of the ebel Praetorians who joins Adm Velazquez and S'Tarleya in battle against the royal family and their fleet. OMEGA 1 AGENT BLACKWELL (SHAHRZAD ) She is the leader of a small group of investigators who secretly try to stop the first mission of the King Cobra OMEGA AGENT DEETZ (MICHAEL ADDISON) OMEGA AGENT SCHERBERKOV (SHAWN MCCRACKEN) VANESSA (ALEX KEITH) She is the quirky and mysterious assistant to Admiral Stone.
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He is an ex military fighter pilot who refuses to lose control of earth to any alien race.