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"Goodbye to everything that I knew"
-Jude Anderson

Hidden Tunnels

Deadman's Railroad

City Ruins


Captive Birj

Ameer Headquarters

Askari Headquarters

Dassous Headquarters

Eblis' Rooftops

Nourishing Tents

Weaponary Tunnel

Dameer Tunnel

Galsat Tunnel

Death Lot



Suicide River

Demolished Forest

Damis Sewer

Broken Highway

The Wall

The Krypt

"The only way to escape this misery is through the grave"


"I'm frightened by what I see but somehow I know that there's much more to come"



Torture Cell

Death Lot

Judgment Tower

Reconstruction Tents

Deadman's Railroad

City Ruins

Eblis' Rooftops

Weaponary Chamber

Dammer Tower

Galsat Tower

Aliya Headquarters

Askari Headquarters

Dassous Headquarters

Suicide River

Demolished Forest

Damis Sewer

Broken Highway

Headless Cliff

The Krypt

"My wounds cry for the grave"

The Running Man

June 6,2003

This earth was once a peacful place but now it lays in ruins.The sounds of people crying out in pain and sorrow can be heard from miles around,each day more suffering than the last.It all started on a day like any other odinary day.Cars running back and forth down the paved roads,people walking from place to place,and buildings bustling with large crowds.The sky began to grow so black that if you put your hand in front of your face you would not be able to see it.People began to run into the buildings for cover for they thought a horrible storm was brewing 'pon them,but little did they know that they were about to come face to face with an unexplainable death.Fire came tumbling out of no where as large thick clouds of smoke came rolling beside its blazing fingers,destorying anything in its path.The buildings began to pop like popcorn out of there sockets as bloodcurdling screams rang out.Everything was set on fire and melted to the ground as if it was just thin paper.And as the smoke began to slightly clear large forms began to appear,there bodies made out of metal.They were the machines.They began to scout the land and gather the skins off of the dead carcass',puting there flesh 'pon there body and fixing any flaws to perfection.Now some of the machines looked like ordinary people while others did not.Only few survived on this day filled with horror and would always remember everything that happened.

July 20,3030

It had been many years since that unexplainable day in history and it was now man against machine.But people feared these machines so badly that they didn't try to even fight them off for many many long years.Until one day one man rised above the others,conquered his fears,and took charge.His name was Jude Anderson and was only at the age of twentyfive,at the time.With patience he convinced the people who had survived that tramatizing day that they could defeat the machines and turn everything back to normal,though it would take some time.With no weapons Jude sent a messenger to another city that hadn't been hit so bad by the machines attack,asking if they would let them use some of there weapons.The people there agreed and sent back two boxes full of guns,gernades,bazookas,machine guns,laser guns,etc. And as the months of preparing pass on by,slowly the people began to learn how to make weapons by finding left over scraps of metal and puting them together with the tools they had.Finally the day came when human fought against machine.The war was long and painful and many,on both sides,were destroyed.

August 2,3033

Two years had gone by filled with nothing but war and death.Finally the machines subsided for a few months,looking as if they wouldn't return for a while.On August 2,3033 Jude was found strangled to death by one of the machines,his killer never discovered.The people sent out a messenger to go and find a new leader.They had heard about a thirty year old man,by the name of Nator,who had killed many of the machines in his time and was known to be a great leader among the troops he directed.When the messenger told him about what had happened he quickly got his troops together and headed towards the machine infested city.But the machines had caught on fast and tracked down the new leader and his people,destroying everyone and keeping Nator as a captive.They tattooed the left side of his face with the numbers 4457602 and began to do experiments on him,everyday harsher than the last.A month had gone by and finally Nator had escaped successfully,but came out as a different man.All he wanted to do was kill the machines,he grew cold and hateful on the inside.The people of the city said it would be best for them to move to another city and hide but Nator had to much pride and didn't want the machines to consider him as a coward.Each day Nator is destroying more and more of his people but he is to blind to see that.The people fear him instead of looking up to him.It seems as if Nator is more like the machine than the human.

September 24,3033

What will this world come to?

html by ragi @


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