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TBWWB Terrian King
Sunday, 23 November 2003
Thank You, One and All
I appreciated the kind words and thoughts you've expressed over my family's recent loss.
We have been lucky to have had the help of the local Hospice caregivers to get us through my grandmother's illness, and now, they are helping us to keep going. I can't compliment that organization enough for all the help and support they offered us.
For my family she was the only grandparent we had throughout our lives. Our grandfathers passed before any of us were born, and my dad's mother passed away when I was 2. I'm the second oldest child and my sister, who was 4, and I don't have memories of her.
Since this will be the first holiday season without my grandmother, the Hospice counselors have suggested that we as a family celebrate Thanksgiving in a setting removed from our homes. They suggested having dinner in a public place. Since the holiday is going to be different no matter where we gather to celebrate - the first Thanksgiving ever without my grandmother - they said a total break from tradition often helps people get through the holiday. One of my cousins and I have been calling and visiting different places to try to reserve a time for a large family to get together.
It's been interesting. So far everyone seems intrigued with going to one of the riverboat casinos, but we're still going to check out some of our favorite restaurants, too.
When we first started talking about this suggestion seriously and wondering if it really was the way we wanted to go, it occurred to us that this is going to be the first holiday season without Grandma's sweet potato pies and frybread! Most of us have never developed a liking for pumpkin pie because we've always had her pies for dinner. And, since we are part American Indian, frybread has always been a part of our diet. I think the thought of having to go without some of our favorite foods was a deciding factor in taking the counselors' idea very seriously.
It's going to be something else!
I don't know yet where we will end up going, but we still have few days to arrange things.
I know I'm rambling, but a little break from writing fan fic never hurt anybody, right?
Besides, my fingers are working again. I tried to write a thank you post a day or two after I saw the messages you all very kindly left, but I was making so many typos and misspelling so many words, I had to quit trying and wait until my body wanted to cooperate with my head again.
Again, thank you.

Posted by scifi2/terrian_king at 8:56 PM CST
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Monday, 24 November 2003 - 5:52 PM CST

Name: Richard

Hey buddy, good to hear from you. soundslike you'll be having an adventure this Thanksgiving. i keep picturing that scene at the end of Christmas S tory. the one at the Chinese restaurant! LOL! Ive heard goodthings about the Hospice caregivers too. we're going with tradition ourselves. going to my folksthis year, the inlaws for Christmas so I'll seemy brother and sister and their families/ I hope you guys find a good place. let me know how itworks out.

Monday, 24 November 2003 - 7:38 PM CST

Name: Kenneth

You know what? I'm not a fan of pumpkin pie either. I like pecan pies at holiday dinners. I do like the pumpkin jelly rolls that my aunt makes every year. I think that's what they're called. It's like a thin pumpkin cake rolled up with a layer of cream cheese in it. Other than that I don't really like pumpkin. I've never had sweet potato pie. I've seen them at the supermarket. I might try one.
I also like frybread, too. Every so often the Native American organizations in my area will have a sale of Indian tacos. Man, I love those things. Everytime we hear of a sale somewhere, my son and my daughter and I go pig out on them.
I'd kind of like to know how it goes for you, if you don't mind sharing. My family never thought of doing anything different at the times when we lost our grandparents, and so the holidays were very sad and emotional for us. Doing something different might have helped if we'd known about that.
And you are very welcome, by the way.

Wednesday, 26 November 2003 - 6:39 PM CST

Name: Beverly

Well, Rob, wherever you decide to go, whatever you decide to do at least you won't have to worry about what to do with leftovers!
Alluding to A Christmas Story, too, you won't have turkey soup, turkey sandwiches, turkey hash, etc! I think you're all in good hands with the Hospice counselers. I'm not going to worry about you anymore.
Everyone enjoy the holiday.

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