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TBWWB Terrian King
Sunday, 27 June 2004
I Graduated!
Wow! I can't believe I haven't posted anything since March. Between writing two final papers for my degree, and then graduation, the next chapter of the story got a little bit left on the wayside. Well, it was also turning into the Alonzo/Britt Story, so I stepped away from it for that reason, too. I was corresponding with CMKerr, AKA Carrie, for ideas about Alonzo's past and how to fit in Britt Navarro and she was so full of great suggestions that the story kind of took a sharp 90 degree turn and became a completely different story. I had to think of a way to put all that stuff at the end of 9 Weeks, so when everything is done and the gang is all back together, I'll have Alonzo sit down at the campfire some night and tell Julia the story of him and Navarro.
I'm working on the next chapter now, and just to fill some space and let Angelfire know I haven't completely abandoned the blog, I'm going to post one of the recent topics of conversation at the E2 group at ICQ. I wish I knew who "Anonymous" was so I could email her - or him, but I'm betting it's a woman - and follow up on her ideas about Devon.

P.S ICQ a very strict language policy and that is why you'll see a lot of euphemisms and odd spellings of words like sex. Believe it or not ICQ will not allow the word sex to be used in a post. And never mind trying to swear! You'll never get a post to go through if you use "bad language."

The posts from ICQ:

Re: The Greatest Love Story Never Told


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I hated this episode with a passion. I couldn't stand Devon just falling for this guy and ignoring everything else in her life. She acted like she was just waiting for this weirdo to turn up. My question is did she sleep with this guy? They show them kissing passionately and then the next time we see them they're laying side by side a bed and talking intimately.
It just bothers me that she might have.
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My opinion has always been that yes, they slept together. He had a hold on her, a way to control her that made her forget her committment to the group and made her focus her attention on him. Plus, he waited over twenty years for her to reach him. I cite the example of Star Trek. Jim Kirk sitting on the side of a bed putting on his boots while a female alien straightens her clothing in the background - universally acknowledged as the duo having occupied the bed. Devon and Shepard lying on a bed after that romantic kiss? Yes.
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Add Me Message Me Page Me Chat Me Posted Apr 03 2004 21:20

No Way! Unrated Rating:Rate it(?)


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This was one of our first big arguments over the series.
I reject the Kirk comparison. I will never believe that Devon slept with that guy. I loved Patrick Bauchau on the Pretender, but as Shepperd I just can't see Devon ever letting him touch her. That's it. I'll never change my mind.
They were just talking.
I agree he had some kind of hold on her and it was an evil hold. He would have tried to take over the group and probably killed everyone because he was so obsessed with Devon-- influencing her to come to him through her dreams.
The idea to save Uly I believe was her own, but Shepperd would have found her eventually on the planet. It was just bad luck that Danziger led her straight to him.
I have always been very disappointed that there was no kiss at the end of BNP for just the reason stated by "Anonymous." It would have put the whole Shepperd business behind them. That should have been made clear.

Add Me Message Me Page Me Chat Me Posted Apr 09 2004 12:33

Re: Reply To: Re: The Greatest Love Story Never Told Unrated Rating:Rate it(?)


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Yes, we had this discussion at ezboard beforebut it bears repeating. I totally agrewith Rob. ten years ago when the show wason things were different. remember then showing David caruso's bare butt on TV was an outrage? The kirk examplewas still the norm. Sunday night at 8 you wouldn't have seen steamy s, and e, and x onthe tube unlessit was a TV movie. Especially notafter the kiss Devon planted on him!
we even suggestd that maybe Devon was dying in AAe because she was pregnantbut you can imagine how well that went over! people cameout of nowhere to refute that suggestion!

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Add Me Message Me Page Me Chat Me Posted Apr 11 2004 11:07

What A Horrible Thought! Unrated Rating:Rate it(?)


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Devon pregnant by that guy? NOOOOOO!!!!
I have to go with Bev on this one. Sorry, but I'm not even going to consider the possibility anymore. If there was some way to purge the entire episode from the story line I would do it.

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Add Me Message Me Page Me Chat Me Posted Apr 12 2004 20:49
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Anyway, I agree all out. I don't know what the writers were thinking! Aside from meeting the humans living in the caves with Shepperd and the Elder, and True finding a future boyfriend, maybe, if Uly turns out to be more brother than friend to her, I see no reason for this episode to exist. Oh, and using the Terrians to dream across the heavens, which I think is a neato idea.

Add Me Message Me Page Me Chat Me Posted Apr 18 2004 14:20
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It's true what Rich said about the last time we had this discussion, people were popping out of the woodwork to say no, she didn't sleep with him.
One person who posted told us that Farentino was pregnant in real life and that was why she was packed off in ice, so to speak, because if the second season had gone on without changes, they didn't want to feature her pregnancy. Another guy said in the script Shepperd is much more malevolent and dark natured in his manipulation of Devon. By the time the show was being edited, they changed their minds and turned it into more of a love story and had him a reformed good guy, with his sister being evil and crazy.

Add Me Message Me Page Me Chat Me Posted Apr 18 2004 14:25
Devon and Shepard Unrated Rating:Rate it(?)


That episode has always puzzled me. I have never been able to figure out what it meant. Was it a way to make Devon more "accessible" after being such a hard case from the beginning of the series? A way to show she can love a man and that the friction between her and Danziger was caused by her unwitting feelings for this man who she only knew from her dreams? It seemed afterward, she was more willing to admit she had feelings for John, after the enigma of Shepperd was solved and she was able to put her feelings for him aside, feelings she might never have realized she was carrying. She seemed to forget about him as time passed and Uly became the center of her life, only to remember how much he meant to her after meeting him face to face. Then in the confusion of realizing who he was and how he'd helped her find a way to help Uly, she was blinded by her happiness at finding her source of inspiration.
Then in the next episode, there she was, over him, and willing to tell Alonzo how much she has come to care for Danziger.
While I agree in the end there should have been a kiss - what could it have hurt!!!?? - I can also understand how this being able to admit her feelings to herself and others is new to her. But then, she was a strong woman and when the time was right for her to tell Danziger, she would have done it just like she did everything else. She'd have run him over like a steam engine and left him with his head spinning for the rest of their lives together. That woman knows how to get what she wants! A man is no different than a contract to build another station to a woman like that!
That's where I disagree with the fan fiction writers. She was scared of nothing and no one. She defied the Council without a backward glance, and when it was firmly in her mind that Danziger was what she wanted she wouldn't have let a few butterflies in the stomach stand in her way. All that "Oh, no! let's not tell anyone yet!" crap where she wants to keep a romance a secret is just laughable to me!
She was ready to bring Sheperd home and make him a part of the group; when she was ready to romance Danziger she would have left no doubt in his mind they were going to be together for the long haul.
And, sorry, Robert. As much as I enjoyed the story "I Quit", Devon would have taken no answer but "I'm staying" from Danziger on the subject of going back to the stations.
The last scene between them when she pulls him into the cave and starts taking his clothes off him - that [is the only scene in the story that] is pure Devon!
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Posted May 01 2004 12:37
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Wow, interesting insight into Devon.
Personally, I was never much of a Devon fan, but I do like to hear what others thought of her. It helps me to round her out in the stories I write because I have no real definite opinion of what she is like. I base her on the opinions of others, so anything new I can pick up is welcome. So far I have been writing her as my sister sees her - which is pretty much how everyone else sees her.
To me she was the least developed of the characters, and so the least interesting.
I like this suggestion that she was on the brink of steamrolling Danziger! If they hadn't begun getting sick and dying, they'd be farther down the road to New Pac and poor Danz would be just realizing he was a married man and wondering what hit him!
So you think the Devon who appears at the very end of "I Quit" is how she should always be portrayed? OK. That gives me something to think about.
It does makes sense, because when you think about it, from scene one in the series, she's always gotten what she wanted , not matter what it was.

Add Me Message Me Page Me Chat Me Posted May 02 2004 17:29
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Love it! While I do like Devon and I am a D&D shipper, I have to agree that she was not the most developed of the characters. She went through very little changes as the series ran on. It seemed as if we were supposed to get everything about her from the first episode and carry it through to the end. Danziger mellowed out a little, Julia went through the biggest change, Alonzo became a survivor, and even Morgan began to see the planet and his life on it differently. Only Devon stayed mired on her role as strong willed leader without wavering - and I won't call meeting Sheppard wavering. I agree she found the source of her inspiration to come to G889, but that was all.
I wanted her and Danziger to get together and I still think they did. Julia found a way to cure her and she and Danz moved on to explore their relationship.
I guess it rings true that her take charge attitude would extend to her personal life as well. I have to think about this more because the belief that she was shy about romance and uncertain about letting a man into her life is so ingrained to most fans that I accept it. The notion of steamrolling Danz is too new! A fun thought, but way out of character for the Devon most fans see.
What about another subject concerning her, Devon that is? Do you think she was also genetically engineered as Julia was? Her singlemindedness about everything she does makes some fans think she probably was and I've heard some fans say they just assumed she was.
Other fans point out prodigies happen naturally all the time, and she could have been born with a head for business and an interest in design and construction, but others see this as the results of her extremely wealthy parents making sure their control of station building stays in the family.
What do you all think?
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Add Me Message Me Page Me Chat Me Posted May 08 2004 11:15
Reply To: Devon and Shepard Unrated Rating:Rate it(?)


I've wondered about that. I believe the comment about her parents wanting station building to remain in their family to be the key here. I'm sure she was genetically engineered. Her immense success before the age of 25 could have come naturally, but it's hard to believe. A prodigy child interested in exactly what she needs to be interested in, naturally born? I don't think so.
Can you imagine what her father must have thought when she gave it all up for her baby?! Instead of following her nature, she fell in love with her child and used her abilities to move mountains to try to save him from an early death. Her maternal instinct was more powerful than her genetic manipulation.
You can see the parallel with Julia. She too was able to overcome her pre-programming by falling in love and starting to care for her fellow survivors more than her need to support the Council.
Now that can tie in to what I think about Devon. Once she was able to beat her gene skewing, she became a woman who was finally in control of her life, not a pre-programmed individual dedicated to one thing. But that strong personality was still there and now it was focused on settling G889 and helping all children who had the same illness as her son. I don't think I would call it singlemindedness anymore. It became determination to see the job through.
By the time of Brave New Pacifica, I think she was beginning to see that having a healthy son had opened a part of her life that no longer had to be dedicated to caring for him. It was a part that was finally able to let another person into her life. So she sits there and tells Alonzo how much John means to her, now, and then, like a typical girlfriend/wife, she's relieved to see Danziger is all right, and then starts yelling at him for scaring her so badly!
There definitely should have been a kiss at the end of the story.
I have to believe the writers understood that if there had been it wouldn't have ended there. They would have had to lengthen the scene to imply intimacy.
But when you think about it, there was a lot of intimacy implied in All About Eve. Danziger hovering by Devon's side as she became more and more ill, leaving only in times of crisis for others. The handholding as if they were glued together as she makes the one person she trusts and needs by her side, MORE than Yale and Uly as she gets weaker, promise to take care of her son, is such a telling moment. If Danziger was still just her friend why would he be the one she trusts to take care of Uly? Wouldn't that job fall to Yale if she had no relationship with John?
I love that scene where she watches John and Uly together and turns away knowing her boy is fine. Remember in the begiinning when she used to get jealous of his attention to Uly and her possessiveness would come out? LOL!
Maybe we didn't get to see the kiss, but there is every indication here it took place after getting back to through the spider tunnel, and neither of them was shy about letting the others know. In this episode everyone just expects Danziger to be with her in the tent while she's ill.
I hope you excuse my long, rambling thoughts, but I just adored this show and I love having a place to come and talk about it once in a while.
And, yes, Robert, I do believe Devon should always be written as the take charge woman who knows what she wants out of life and is in no way shy about going after it. If that is contrary to what other fans think, thank goodness for individuality! Wouldn't this world be dull if we all thought the same?


Genes skewed, ripping off Danziger's clothes? Is that really Devon Adair? I'm still thinking about it. LOL!

Posted by scifi2/terrian_king at 6:45 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 June 2004 6:59 PM CDT
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Monday, 28 June 2004 - 3:21 PM CDT

Name: Beverly

I can hardly wait even though I understand your priorties. I graduated, too, as you know, and I'm sending out job applications and resumes left and right, too!
I also wish I knew who Anonymous was. I wish she would post again on another E2 topic- I'm sure she's a she. :)
It's always fun to see a totally different point of view, especially on Devon. I don't really agree with it but I'm hoping you have a story in mind dealing with a take charge Devon in circumstances like "A" described. I'd love to read one!

Wednesday, 30 June 2004 - 3:55 PM CDT

Name: Richard

Yeah, I was neverreally interested in Ddevon either but that was interseting. and tell you what anytime youwant to write a story about devon ripping off anybody's clothesthat's all right with me. it doesn't even have tobefor a good reason either! we know from A Memory play that they wear breakaway clothes so no one will gethurt if she just feels like doing that to someone. ;)

Saturday, 3 July 2004 - 11:56 AM CDT

Name: Beverly

LOL! Just let her start ripping, right?
I can hear her now, "Give me that shirt and those pants, Morgan! My son's life is at stake. Julia needs grendler saliva!"
Morgan: "But, Devon-"
"Shut up!" Rrrrriiipppp!
Bess: "What's going on? Devon, take your hands off my husband right now!"
"Then I'll tale YOUR pants and shirt! I've got to save my son's life."

Monday, 5 July 2004 - 8:44 PM CDT

Name: Richard

Bess's screams rangthrough the campsite. "Devon stop! NOOOO!!"
Morgan tried feebly to pull the frantic woman away from his wifebut she pushde him aside and knocked bess to the ground. freeing her pants from her legs,devonbundled the material to her and ran for the trees.
Bess leaped to her feet and turned to her husband.
"Give me your shirt!" Bess cried and stunned morgan by tearing it off hisback. she tied it around her wait and announced in a low and angry voice. "the hell with Uly, I'm going after my pants."
The others, rushing from other partsof the camp arrived asBess was running toward the forest with morgan's shirt, tied at herwaist, billowing behind her.
"whats going on?" Danziger demanded.
"What wasall the screaming abuot?" Julia asked.
Morgan turned a fearfulface to them. "This could be ugly." he said.

Saturday, 17 July 2004 - 10:23 PM CDT

Name: Robert

Hey, come on! No fair writing stories without me.

Running along the ridge, Bess slowed her pace when she thought she heard a voice raised in anger somewhere beyond the trees to her right. It was definitely Devon shouting.
Bess tightened the knot at her waist and plunged into the woods. It didn't take long to reach the commotion. She found herself at the edge of a clearing and the most extraordinary sight was laid out before her.
Devon was standing nose to nose with a grendler and she was muttering darkly as she removed her own clothes one by one and handed them over to the creature. The Martins' clothing lay cast aside on the ground.
To the end of their days, no one in the group would ever forget the defiant look on Adair's face daring them to make a sound as she walked back into camp wearing only Morgan Martin's shirt and carrying a bottle full of grendler spit.

Sunday, 18 July 2004 - 11:17 AM CDT

Name: Beverly

LOL!! I was wondring when you were going to add something. I like writing with you two. You're so crazy!

Monday, 2 August 2004 - 5:27 PM CDT

Name: Kenneth

LOL! We need some more of this! I can see her walking back into camp, head up, shoulders back, right into her tent as if nothing was wrong! LOL!!!

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