These are the two most used weapon set-ups for the Pegasus

OPTION 1: This set-up gives the Pegasus the standard two Demios Laser (firing at a rate of three pulses). It also gives you the option of firing ABT's. A handy set-up for high speed attacks and duels against difficult targets. Remember a direct hit with twin ABTs will kill a Pegasus instantly.

OPTION 2: This set-up is the more common used. As before you have the twin Demios laser but this time you have the power of duel sols. This is deadly for the quick kill, but it does require a pilot with high accuracy.

OPTION 3: This set-up gives you the Disruptor Torpedo. It means if ( and i mean IF ) you hit with the Disruptor you will open a gap in your opponents shields, combine this with the speed of the Pegasus and you could get a quick kill, however the Disruptor is slow to recharge (very slow).(Tip by -=SM=- Delta)


The Pegasus has a limited number of weapon slots and as such means you cannot add everything you would wish to add. The basics of course should be there; lateral thrusters, speed boost, boosters, lead target assist.

OPTION 1: This hardware set-up gives the Pegasus high speed in the form of the speed booster upgrade (remeber the Pegasus key advantage is its speed so you may as well increase that advantage). It also goves you the bonus of the shield upgrade (25% more shields). This is key for those extended duels and could save your life.

OPTION 2: This hardware set-up is exactly the same as Hardware Set-up Option 1 except you get the weapon upgrade (25% more weapons power). This means that this Set-up should be used in conjunction with Weapon's Set-up Options 1 and 2 as this allows you to launch twin ABTs and more Disruptor torpedos (both are high on energy usage). Without this upgrade you can only launch one ABT and that is pretty usless against everything.


These tips tell you both how to fly and both how to beat a Pegasus. These tips come straight from the mouths of those that fly them.

The pegasus is a very light ship... Even though she is a light ship the pegasus is very versitile. Pegasus Pilots must create many different fighting patterns. A Pegasus is a tough one to hit because of its small size.. She is extremly quick and agile, use those traits to your advantage... You must be constantly moving.. Due to the constant moving you must learn how to dodge and hit your target in conjunction. Dont overuse your burners because you'll have a tougher time fighting without them. Use your burners in quick spurts, since the peg can accelerate fast there is no need for long burner bursts. You must learn to lat left or right in equal comfort, and learn to use your lats and reverse engine in conjunction as well... As I said before the pegasus is very versatile, if you master it you will see what I mean.

(Tip by -=SM=- Delta)

are we allowed to give ratings???? I will lol listen to the man folk delta knows what he's doin in a peg. no many around that are better. the only thing i can think of to add to this, that delta forgot is keep your narrow profile to your opponent. nearly impossible to hit from any distance that way. even with rails.

(Tip by Krashburn)
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