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A Rock Band in the near but far future find the remains of the super morphers in the year 2020. The Aba Modes and something called the Green Warrior is all that is left as an evil is reborn. These 6 rockers have to save the world while juggling a carrier and a personal life. Welcome to Power Rangers Battle Force!
(there not your fathers rangers)


These plays are NOT suttable for CHILDREN. Get PERMISSION to read these if you are UNDER 18.(these are not the nice rangers you see on TV) There is some talk about DEATH, SUICIDE, DRUG USE and ABUSE , SEX. There is also EXTREEM VIOLENCE (Stabbing Aliens, Blood Oozing, Self-Mutilation, Beheadings and More),ADULT LANGUAGE, so ya its a bit more edgey. So I don't get in trouble just get premission.
Also please check Updates Page for ANY warrings on new stoies put up! Thank You.

^ PRBF's Sister Site^

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DISCLAMER:Charaters From the TV show Power Rangers. The Band or consiring the band Linkin Park. The heavy metal band Inferno. The Scifi Book 'Scales' Power Rangers Mystic Force(Archmage Lord's Fiction)and are of there own Copywrite/Creator/or Band. Also all 'sim shots' are property of EA GAMES. All of these listed things are not clamed by me in any writen,or stated form. For information on these people/charters/show please visit my link section.Thank you. No Profit is made from the operation of this web site.

CLAMER:The Charaters of Jason Thompson, Ming Lee, Derek Bontiville, Amanda (Walsh) Bontiville, Laurie Johnson, Devy, Mattie Andrews, Ross,Jasmine,Sandra Breckenridge Etc...
and any other charaters not in the disclamer above are strickly mine! Please DO NOT duplucate or STEAL under any sucantances!
Also the story line is strickly my own thought up over years of work. I copywrite all my plays, and songs. A stolen storyline and or song can lead to problems. If you wish to use an Idea/Song, please contact me. Thank you.

Power Rangers Battle Force (2004-2010)
Mel T & Heather C.