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Stargate SG1 Sims

!!!Under Construction!!!

Opening of the SIMs has been pushed back, as some of the site is not ready yet. We are hopeing two more weeks will be enough. We are taking the first 12 names sent in for team leaders (Colonel) now so if you are interested in starting a team go to the bottom and let Latar know.

This is a Daniel Jackson friendly page!!!
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret Productions. This site is not reconized by Stargate or it's affiliates. This site is for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended.

Fan Fic Postingget this gear!
Post your Stargate Fan Fic, email Lo'Lara with the link or your story.

Sim Teams

  • Will be added as needed.
  • Will have no less than 6 and no more than 8 members per team.
  • Each team must have at least one of each: Colonel, Major, Captain, Sergeant, Leutenant and Archeolgist.
  • All members must read the Stargate Primer, before joining a team.
  • Any name used in the movie or series can not be used, unless you are from an alternet universe. i.e. Colonel O'Neill (AU)
  • All SIMS will be on AIM. times will be schedualed by the General of SGC.
  • All individual SIM teams will be open to management only. (i.e. Lo'Lara and/or Latar)
  • All alien allies are allowed to be on the teams, except those of the four races. (Asgard, Nox, Ferling, Ancients).
