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Welcome one and all to my homepage. This page documents my and Woody's
adventures of Japan.
Basically I made this page because majority of the people I know won't get to see my photos
in person, as they are living in Japan or elsewhere is Australia.
So I make this page for you guys, please enjoy.
Also note Woody did not join me on all adventures, somedays he just needed some
veggin' out time! As our schedule was hectic! Plus in some places
I thought it was a little disrespectful!
However before we start on the important stuff here are some pictures of woody before
the adventure started.

I would just like to say the plane kicked bottom! I had my own tv screen
and could pick what movies I wanted to watch and not only that I could play games as well!
I was very happy however on way home I think I annoyed the people next to me cause I couldn't sleep
so I was constantly watching movies or playing games.

To view such pages just click on the photos below to direct you!





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