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Faith stumbled along the road; trying to find her way to the mansion where she had last heard Buffy was staying. 

That was all she heard before passing out again, the pain in her side – bruised and broken ribs – combined with the pain in her leg – her left one was badly damaged from the last fight she was in – all combined with her gnawing hunger to make her dizzy and occasionally delusional. 

All she knew was Buffy, mansion, outskirts of LA. She couldn’t even remember where she had heard this information, but that was where she was currently headed. She had no idea what had happened these last weeks, no idea why Buffy was even in this house and not in Sunnydale protecting the Hellmouth. Had she had to retreat? Or had they won and she was advancing? 

No idea that she was about to walk into her worst nightmare. 

The lights from the manor ahead blazed brightly in the black sky, eclipsing even the stars as they shone down on her. She breathed a strained sigh of relief as she spotted the long winding driveway but collapsed in front of the closed and locked wrought iron gate. With the last of her waning strength – and she was annoyed with herself for beginning so much like a measly human – she passed through the magickal barrier and pressed the intercom button. 

Faith didn’t realize that she was also on candid camera and that as soon as the intercom sounded several curious members of the household wandered into the former dining room to see who had arrived. 

Giles started to laugh as he saw the bedraggled woman, and the sound was not a pleasant one. “I thought she was dead. When was the last time anyone heard from her?” It was a somewhat rhetorical question – no one really cared. 

Curious, Spike wandered closer and joined in. Willow looked to see what was going on and couldn’t stop the growl that escaped her lips. Faith was not her favorite person. 

Angelus and Buffy arrived last, and when they saw who it was laying in the middle of their entrance, a wicked gleam shone in their eyes. Licking her lips, Buffy smiled at her lover, her thoughts showing clearly on her lovely face. Angelus smiled back, agreeing to her unspoken words. 

At Giles’ question, the group shrugged, clearly not caring when it was, only that there was another person from their past. Another person to torture and maim and eventually kill. As if suddenly remembering that there were others in the room that held a grudge against Faith, Buffy turned to her best friend. 

“I want her, Will.” The feral gleam in her eye told the group all they needed to know. Buffy had never forgiven the other slayer for the things she had done, starting from betraying them all, to poisoning Angel, to switching bodies with her. 

Willow pouted, “Buffy…” At her friend’s look, she acquiesced. “Okay, but can I watch? And maybe help a bit? Oh, and I want a taste; I’ve never had slayer blood.” Well, not live slayer blood at least. 

Buffy nodded, “Of course.” Glancing at Angelus she added, “I hear there’s nothing quite like it.” Turning to Giles, she asked, “Giles?” 

The newly turned vampire shrugged. “I don’t care what you do with her, but I’m with Willow…I want to help. She’s a bitch, and we all have something against her, but I think you’re right…she’s done some of the worst things imaginable to you, Buffy, she’s all yours.” 

Spike didn’t care; he’d met the bint once or twice, and that was after her ‘I’m all evil’ stage. Still, he didn’t care for her. Although the idea of torture did turn him on and he knew for a fact that Willow got off on it…could have possibilities.
Blissfully unaware that her torture and eventual death were being bartered within the stonewalls, Faith pressed the button again and hoped that someone inside was either familiar and would help or was a good samaritan and would help. Either way she needed help, and prayed to whatever god listened to redeeming slayers that she would get some, soon. 

She had lost consciousness by the time the group sauntered slowly down the driveway. It was just as well, for her at least, as they all had a wild animalistic look in their eyes that would have given them away in a moment. 

That and since they were all vampires now, her slayer sense would have been going wild. 

Angelus looked down at the girl his alter ego had once promised to help and laughed. Scooping her in his arms, throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of wheat; he ignored the faint moan of discomfort coming from the slayer and carried her up the drive, his hand entwining itself with his mate’s. 

Faith came around slowly to the softness of a hand gently cleaning her myriad wounds. It felt nice, this ministration of love and care. Softness greeted her back, the thick down of a plush duvet and Faith sighed, snuggling deeper into the warmth and comfort. Someone held a glass of liquid to her mouth and she drank greedily, letting the cool water slid down. 

Wherever she was, whoever was caring for her, she had no desire to ever leave. She figured she wasn’t in heaven for a number of reasons. One, everything still hurt; in heaven the pain would be gone, right? Two, she wasn’t entirely sure that she had earned enough redemption to ever make it to the peace and rest that was the promise of heaven in just about every culture. 

Three, she heard familiar voices in the background and since she was fairly certain that the voices belonged to friends, she must have reached her destination…wherever that had been. She had been searching for them, after her run in with minions of Wolfram & Hart, trying to warn them about…something.

Vaguely she wished that she could remember what that was, but she was so tired; down to her bones, her soul was weary, everything hurt and so she relaxed, listening to the soft voices above her that told her to sleep, that she needed to rest. She believed them, and let her mind shut down, slipping back into blissful unconsciousness. 

And never realized that she was chained to the bed she had been so comforted by, that her rescuers were her oldest and only friends and that they were only keeping her alive, only making her well again so that they were the ones to have the pleasure of destroying her. 

When she awoke, three days later, she wished that she had still been unaware.
Angelus let his mouth trail across Buffy’s stomach, tongue lapping at her naval, swirling around it before continuing his journey down her body. Soft purring escaped her lips as his tongue found her throbbing clit and teased the hardened nub. 

Her hands were loosely tied to the bedposts with silk scarves – they were trying something new that didn’t involve chains and an exercise in self restraint…when it came to this at least. And she whimpered as he continued down her luscious body, not giving her the release her body craved, though she didn’t break the bindings. 

Legs that had been left unbound wrapped around him, urging him back to her wet core with a cry of need. Refusing to be dissuaded from his journey, Angelus growled low in his throat and clasped her thighs, pushing them firmly away from him. 

Taking one slender foot in his large hands, he leaned back and played his mouth over the arch, running blunt teeth over the sole eliciting a gasp partway between laughter and need. Moving back up, he held her right thigh tight against the bed as he sucked the pulse point there. The fingers of his other hand found her arching core and plunged inside, growling when her inner walls clamped around them. 

Gasping in need, Buffy pressed her thigh closer to Angelus’ mouth, begging him without words to bite her, to draw her blood into him, to share what they were. Smiling against her skin, he vamped out and slowly, almost softly, sank his teeth into her sweet flesh. Her legs clamped around his head, holding him close though he had no intension of ever moving. 

With an inarticulate shout she came, bowing up from the bed, grinding herself against Angelus’ hand as she pressed her thigh even closer to his wonderful mouth. Long minutes later she returned to earth, still tied to the bed, Angelus now lapping at the rapidly closing wounds on her thigh. 

Purring in pleasure and desire, Buffy urged him higher, and he complied, knowing what she wanted…it was the same thing he wanted. Positioning himself at her entrance, Angelus leaned foreword to kiss her, her blood still in his mouth. With one sure thrust, he entered her, pausing a moment in pure enjoyment as she clamped around him. 

Moving one hand to untie her, allowing her soft hands to touch him, Angelus continued to thrust inside of her welcoming wetness. Her nails dug into his back, her legs wrapped around his slender hips, and she picked up the pace of their mating. 

“Buffy!” Her name echoed around the room as Angelus felt his release thunder through him. This was why, in the weeks since her turning, he had never so much as thought about looking at another woman. Buffy satisfied him completely, every fantasy he’d ever had, every passion, every desire he could name and most he couldn’t. 

Their passion was never ending and was going to destroy the world. Yes, he thought as he collapsed into her waiting arms, the world would burn from their passion.

Confused at the shouted name, Angelus struggled awake, looking around, trying to ascertain if she had somehow escaped her bonds and was now attacking them. He hadn’t sensed an attack, highly doubted that the slayer could escape her bonds let alone expect to win against them, but that didn’t mean…seeing nothing but the darkness of their room, he finally asked, “What about her?”

They were lying in bed, heavy curtains drawn against the midday sun, a thick duvet covering them. Angelus didn’t remember falling asleep; the last thing he did remember was rolling Buffy into his arms, still intimately entwined. Since they were still in that position, he assumed that they had fallen asleep shortly afterwards. 

It took Angelus a moment to realize that Buffy hadn’t spoken the other slayer’s name, or, more importantly, hadn’t consciously spoken it. Buffy was still asleep, in the midst of a nightmare, one that obviously involved Faith. 

Once he came fully awake, he also noticed that her grip on him was a crushing one. Angelus knew that Buffy held no love for the slayer, even after she accepted her back into their group; though that could have been more because they needed all the warriors they could get rather than out of any sense of forgiveness. 

“Buffy, darling, wake up.”

No response. She continued to thrash on Angelus’ chest, dislodging him from inside her as she rolled onto the bed. Now she was mumbling something about Angel and Faith. Seeing no help for it, knowing that he was about to get injured, Angelus clasped his hands around her wrists, holding her body down with his and tried again. 

It took several moments to wake her, and when he finally succeeded, she did so with a violent start. Confused, she looked at him for a minute, trying to figure out where she was in relation to her dream. 

“Angelus!” She wrapped her arms tightly around him, holding him close, not noticing the rivulet of blood that tracked down his face from her nails. They were sitting up in bed, Angelus leaning against the headboard and Buffy straddling his hips, her face buried in the crock of his neck. 

If anyone had seen them together they would not have believed that two of the most vicious creatures alive (or undead, whatever) were cuddled into each other. Or that one of them was crying. Angelus’ hands roamed over her soft flesh in soothing circles and he whispered softly as he tried to calm her. 

Buffy cried quietly into his chest, wrapping herself tighter around him, unwilling to let him go for fear of losing him again. It was her only fear, the one thing left in her non-existent soul and in this new life that she couldn’t possibly handle: Angelus leaving her. Not out of some misguided sense of honor, no, she knew better than that, but of him being forcibly – for that was the only way either of them were leaving again – taken away from her. Finally her sobs quieted and she loosened her grip, but only slightly. 

“Want to tell me about it?” He asked in the same soft tone that he had only with her. They never talked about the gentleness that sometimes overtook them, simply went with it, knowing that it was one more way for them to be together. And that was what was important. 

“She tried to kill you again. Tried to poison you, stake you, kill you and I couldn’t save you.” Though the sobs had quieted, the memory was still vivid and she refused to let him go. 

“Buffy, look at me,” Angelus waited until she lifted her eyes, eyes that showed fear for the first time since he found her in Belinda’s shack of a lair. “Baby, she can’t hurt us any more. You saw her, she’s hurt and disoriented and certainly isn’t in any position to do either of us any harm.”

His hands still stroked her flesh softly, lovingly, and he pressed gentle kisses to her forehead, eyelids, cheekbones and finally her lips. “We’ll take care of her, I promise. We’ll make her pay for everything she’s ever done to anyone. To you, to me, to Willow and Giles. I promise.” 

“I know,” She said on a sigh, but she was still cold. Not in the undead cool flesh way, but bone deep cold where only Angelus could warm her. “But it seemed so real, I just…I can’t lose you again.” 

“You never will, love, I promise. We’re joined, bound, remember? Nothing can separate us, not even death.” He pressed his lips to hers again, watching her eyes as the emotions in them went from fear to acceptance of his promise, to cloudy with desire. “Let me warm you, love, let me make you forget everything, Faith, the past, everything but me.” 

How had he known that she was so cold? Just one more thing Buffy loved about him, how he always knew what she needed without words. “I love you, Angelus,” She said the words that had never really been spoken between them as his mouth worshipped her body, every curve and valley, every angle, every inch of skin. 

“And I love you, my heart.”

It was the first time he had ever said the words aloud, though Buffy had always known. Still, hearing them shot a wave of heat through her that went a long way towards warming her. Angelus’ mouth and hands, and teeth and tongue did the rest.
Long, long hours later, they finally made their way to kitchen. While it was true that vampires didn’t eat in the normal human sense, that didn’t mean they couldn’t enjoy food. And Spike had decided that the kitchen needed restocking. Of course it also needed a good cleaning, but he wasn’t going to do that; though he’d make minions to do it. 

By the time Buffy and Angelus joined them, they had a wide variety of foods piled on the long kitchen island. Willow and Giles were sampling the various delicates, comparing remembered tastes with new textures. Joining the group, but forgoing food in favor of the opened bottle of red wine, Buffy looked at them. 

“If you want Faith, I’ll share her.” She said it to no one in particular, but all three stared at her in shock.

”What made you change your mind, Buffy?” Giles asked, though he had a pretty good idea.   

Shrugging, she looked at her mentor. Better than anyone he knew what she had gone through with Faith and what her death would mean to her. But in the long hours Angelus had shown her his love and devotion, worshiping her body with hands and mouth and teeth and words, she had realized something else. 

That Faith’s death, while eminently pleasurable, couldn’t change the basic facts of her life: Buffy had what she always wanted, and very soon she’d have Cordelia to play with. It was terribly unfair of her to hog all their family just for her own sadistic fun. Not that it wouldn’t be fun, but she was willing to share. 

“Just sharing, that’s all. I figured that you had issues with Faith as well that you may like to work through with her. I’m not saying,” She hastened to add, “That I won’t participate in her…reeducation, I just believe in sharing the fun. Well, in this particular case.” 

“Would you like to kill her or change her? I’m sure she’d make for a vicious vampire. We could keep her as a minion, certainly not a favored childe.” Giles said, pouring more wine for himself as well. 

It was interesting, this change in his taste buds. Naturally he assumed that dead taste buds couldn’t actually taste anything. He was wrong, the flavor was there, just changed, enhanced in ways he had never before imagined. He could identify the texture and so many more of the ingredients that went into certain foods. It was fascinating. 

Buffy shrugged, but the glint in her eye said that she hadn’t thought of that one before. The slow cruel smile that spread over her features made Angelus want to gather her back into his arms and take her away from prying eyes. “That’s entirely up to you, but we do need someone to clean the place.” 

Giles looked at Willow, silently asking her opinion. It was so nice to have been a family before they were a family; made things like this so much more interesting. Willow had a pretty good idea what he preferred. Turning her, making her into a kind of slave... 

Nodding, Willow agreed with Giles’ silent assessment. “Perfect,” She said, smiling, then, turning back to Giles, “When do you want to start?”
Rupert Giles wasn’t dead and Ripper hadn’t replaced him. The two halves of his personality had always been there, battling for domination with the ever changing rules of his world. 

Ripper wasn’t the total man he had been back in his black magick days, Rupert was still alive and well, just not overly concerned with the way things were going. It wasn’t until his wake-up call that he tried to repress everything that made him Ripper. When Buffy had turned him, that slice that was all Watcher that was all Rupert, disappeared completely. 

He was still as smart as ever, still as insightful and inquisitive; those things certainly weren’t Rupert or Ripper, but the man that housed both. No, the only true change was that there was no conscious, no right or wrong vibe telling him that this was wrong, absolutely and utterly. He had often ignored that little voice and now that it was gone, didn’t miss it at all. 

So as he sat in his room, waiting for Faith to awaken or the sun to set or something equally useful, Giles paged through one of his vast collection of books. There were two fledglings in the basements waiting to rise, and Giles knew that more would be made tonight. The foot soldiers were the first step in their plan. 

He had two jobs since awakening; find the means to advance their more long range plans, and discover any and all side effects, complications, and or problems with a slayer being turned into a vampire. 

So far as anyone knew this was the first recorded event of such a turning and since it was the Slayer, one would think that if it happened before then the Sire would have bragged about it until even the Watchers Council, in all their pompous blindness, had heard of it. But there was nothing in the journals, nothing in the texts and scrolls and tombs that lined the newly revised library in the mansion in which they all lived. 

The library door opened and Angelus walked in. “I have a little task I’d like for you to perform, Giles,” he said. 

Giles closed the book he was reading and looked at the older vampire. He may have a deep-seated dislike of Angelus, but that didn’t mean Giles disagreed with the plans he and Buffy had. In fact, he was looking forward to it. 

“Paul Stewart owns a club on Sunset. I’d like you and Willow to check it out.”
Desperation flowed through Cordelia’s veins as she tried again to contact…anyone. Angel was gone, as was Buffy. She couldn’t find Willow or Giles or Xander, hell at this point even Spike would have been a welcomed voice. But they were all gone and she had a sickening feeling that she knew what had happened to them. 

Faith hadn’t reported anything in weeks and was also presumed dead, though Cordelia had tried to contact her, too. There was something still there, a pulse resonating through Cordelia whenever she sought the second slayer’s soul. She was alive, but in what condition? 

Dawn had always been nothing but static to her, that whole Key thing wasn’t conducive to soul reading. Too much latent energy flowing through the young woman, drowning everything else out. 

When she had first realized her new powers, after her return trip as a ‘higher being,’ (and what a joke that was) included tracking and contacting a person via their soul Cordy had thought it useful, handy, and extremely convenient. Now she was beginning to think that it only added to her pain. 

Most of her friends were dead. Or worse…turned. There was no other explanation for it. And Cordelia, once May Queen, Homecoming hopeful, ‘Queen C’ of Sunnydale, promising actress, Vision Girl, friend to the sweetest half demon and vampire with a soul, was out of options. 

And scared out of her mind. 

They were about to lose their war. There was no way they could hope to win against the combined forces of Angelus and Buffy. Buffy was the only one to ever defeat Angelus, well, except those gypsies, but Cordy doubted their willingness to help this time. They just didn’t seem the type to do something out of the kindness of their hearts. But she’d not rule it out just yet. 

If Buffy was indeed a vampire now and of course with Angel…Angelus, then Giles was certainly with them as well. Xander, Willow, and Spike were wild cards, though Cordelia suspected Angelus’ need for revenge on his childe. 

“Wesley, Gunn, Fred!” Cordelia shouted her remaining friends’ names as she strode across the field. It was freezing in Russia, whoever had said Russia in winter was beautiful had never had to fight in the damn country. Hitler, though the analogy was a poor one, would have understood her feelings.

Great, now she was losing her mind, comparing their (epic) good verses evil battle with a crazy fanatic’s quest for world domination. Focus, Chase, focus! 

They were waiting for her, knowing what she was going to tell them, hoping they were wrong. The look on her face was not helpful. 

“I can’t contact anyone. I think…” She couldn’t finish the thought. It proved unnecessary; everyone gathered knew what had happened. 

Fred, who had never seen Angelus and had only seen Angel with Buffy briefly that once before they split their army, asked, “Where do you think Angel’s gone?” She couldn’t separate the friend she knew from the demon. 

Cordelia looked at the younger woman. She was still an innocent in many things, despite all she had seen and done in the years since her rescue from Pylea. Cordelia’s heart broke for that lost innocence and remembered when her own naivety had been destroyed. 

“To Sunnydale, of course. He’s gone to find Buffy. Despite what happened…before, I think, now, that all he ever really wanted was her. It was just the feelings she brought out in him that he tried to destroy. He never could harm her.” 

Fred still looked confused. She had only ever heard stories, and those vague and second hand and full of the viciousness that was Angelus. “Will he hurt her?” 

Destroyed innocence… “I think she was already hurt by the time he arrived, Fred.” Cordelia struggled to say more, but nothing else was there. 

Wesley took pity on his friend and tried to explain what he could. Did confidences count when the person who confided them was gone with no hope of returning? 

“Fred, um, Angel’s…that is, Buffy…it’s suspected that she was already killed. Angelus set out for revenge on whoever had killed his mate. If that wasn’t the case, and Buffy had been turned instead, other than it being the first known case of a slayer being turned, I’m sure that they are still together and um…” 

He looked helplessly at Cordelia. Angel had always been in control of the demon since Fred’s arrival in their group. The only time he had come close to losing that control was when Connor had been…taken and even that was tamed compared to Angeles. But if someone had harmed Buffy in any way, if someone else had had the audacity to turn his mate…things did not bode well for that someone. 

“The world as we know it is about to fall apart.” This was from Gunn, though the words were Cordelia’s from so long ago. 

Fred was still confused. Sure she had seen Angel angry, depressed, livid, even. But she couldn’t imagine him as anything other than her friend, the one who had rescued her from Pylea. 

The three members of their group took pity on her, but there was nothing they could say, it wasn’t something that could be understood in the academic sense and the concrete proof would get them all killed. 

“Right,” Cordelia said, taking charge. “We have two choices, possibly three. We can stay here and continue our fight, though if Angel and Buffy have indeed turned all dark side on us then we’re pretty much going to lose. We can abandon it all and head to California to stop the soulless duo and hope we don’t get ourselves killed, something in which I don’t have a lot of faith…” 

And the third option?” Gunn asked, but he suspected the answer. 

“We send someone there, scope out the situation and hopefully live long enough to report back.” 

Wesley sighed. “I don’t like any of those options, frankly. But I think we should go with the last one.” 

There was silent agreement all around. “Any volunteers?” 

“Before we decide,” Fred interrupted, “Shouldn’t we tell Connor?” At everyone’s look, the one that said she was crazy and none of them would be the ones to say the words, Fred continued. “He is Angel’s son; doesn’t he have the right to know?” 

Connor and Angel had formed a strong bond over the years of fighting side by side, but if he was faced with the soulless creature he had always believed his father to be…there was just no telling what the child would do to the father. 

Reluctantly Cordelia nodded. “Yes, he should know that his father is dead and not coming back anytime soon.” Then, sighing at the thought, “Should we draw straws or something?” 

Wesley spoke up first, “I think you should do it, Gunn.” 

Shocked, the other man had thought Wes was going to volunteer Cordelia, the man in question violently shook his head. “No way, man, I’m not going to be the one to tell the kid something like THAT!” 

“He’s closest to you, Gunn, all that bonding over weapons and battle techniques. He trusts you far more than any of us.” 

“And he really doesn’t like me.” Cordelia piped in, her wistful expression quickly covered. She knew that Connor blamed her for the distance between Angel and him, and Cordelia had tried to bridge the gap between them, but there was always something blocking her way. She didn’t know if it was the fact that she and Angel had been lovers for however brief a time, or something else, but Connor had never really accepted her. 

“I’ll do it.” Fred said her voice small and nervous. She had been the first to make a connection with the displaced boy, having been trapped in a different dimension for years herself. Still, that didn’t mean that he was going to just accept what she told him. 

“As soon as he returns form patrol, I’ll speak with him.” She swallowed painfully. “Just hover in the background, please? Just in case.”

Lilah was in a fix, there was no doubt of that. 

But that wasn't what fascinated her so. This wasn’t the first ‘fix’ she found herself in and with any luck it wouldn’t be the last. Her situation could be manipulated to her way; she was sure, given enough time. It was the enough time part of the equation that was currently in question. 

But since there wasn’t anything she could do about that just yet, she studied her surroundings, the people (vampires? Could she call them people when they technically weren’t? Was there a proper term for this?) she knew and the ones she had only read about. It was the couple in front of her that gave her pause that intrigued her most. That made her wonder. 

They were totally wrapped in each other. Not necessarily to the exclusion of all else, but close. No, they were aware of their surroundings, of Dawn’s every whimper, of Spike’s every snarky comment to both the tied trio and the copulating couple, of Faith’s wide-eyed disbelief at the nasty little turn her quite unlucky life had taken. It wasn’t that so much as the air surrounding them, enveloping them. 

It was wild and untamed, feral and fierce, a quality that bespoke their duel natures. Vicious demons capable of the most unspeakable horrors and gentle lovers, tender and caring. 

Heathcliff and Cathy of Brontë’s classic love story.  

Angelus was Heathcliff in a way; not as the starving child from Liverpool who wanted the one thing he was told he could never have, no, well, not really. Still there was some comparison there; Angel was the more likely candidate for that part of the character, always wanting Buffy but never allowed to keep her. Angelus seemed intent on making up for his souled half’s misfortune. It was in his complete and absolute loyalty to Buffy that the comparison was brought so stringently to the fore. 

The wildness about him, the untamed quality that always followed him even when he was Angel. And the utter devotion to Buffy, his Cathy, the driving force that led him to first Sunnydale and then LA to seek his redemption so that someday he might be worthy of her. (In his own mind at least, out of the two whose opinions actually mattered, he seemed to have been the only one to think he wasn’t ‘worthy’ of her.) 

His malicious and cruel hatred against anything and everyone who ever stood between he and his beloved. 

And Buffy. As slayer she held in her passions, restrained herself because she feared that once she let go, that control would never return. Her temper was whip-quick and lethal, and she was never as civilized about things as she pretended; as she had the world believing. Her only true passions were Angel/Angelus and slaying. Only around Angelus did she show a softer side; well, that may have been relative in both cases, but there was a devotion there that couldn’t be denied.

Beautiful and heart wrenching and erotic and lethal. Their relationship possessed all these qualities and more. An epic romance that defied the laws of nature yet that stood before her in all its wonderful passion. 

Despite her dire circumstances and the possibility that she’d not make it out of here alive, Lilah found herself…jealous. What was it like, she wondered as they sat in the huge chair adorning the center of the room, to feel a passion, a love, a need that eclipsed all else?
“Now tell me again; minions are vampires that drank too little from their sire and as a consequence rise earlier than others?” Buffy leaned back into his arms, her hands reaching behind her to caress his ever present erection. 

“What did you think they were?” The question was a whisper, as he blew his unneeded breath softly against her ear, smiling at the shiver that raced through her as her hand tightened on his aching cock. 

“People too stupid in life to really make it as a vampire. Sire’s that turned these too stupid people because they needed gofers or followers to make them look strong.” She wondered if they could assuage this unceasing need for each other (for the moment anyway) before they began on their new guests. 

“How many years were you the slayer and you never knew the difference?” His voice was incredulous, yet his hands feather light as they skimmed over her bare thighs, exposed by her short skirt. (He was truly torn by her attire; he loved the sight of all that flesh that craved his touch as surely as he craved to touch her. However he was insanely jealous of anyone looking at that same flesh. A definite dilemma.) Closer, closer he traveled until those clever hands touched just the outside of her swollen lips, teasing her unbearably. 

Sucking in her breath out of reflex, moving her hips closer to those talented fingers of his, Buffy tried to concentrate on the conversation. “It never came up and I never cared. I killed them all; it really made no difference to me. Of course I knew the difference, but I didn’t know the difference in turning them…Ah, yes, please, right there.” 

She stifled a moan as his fingers plunged into her, uncaring of the audience surrounding them. Growling low in the back of his throat, Angelus moved his other hand to the snaps of his pants. Freeing his cock, he lifted Buffy just high enough to thrust into her, biting the back of her neck as he did so. 

Moving her legs so that her shins lay against the cushion of the chair, straddling his lap and leaning forward just enough to slam back onto him, Buffy let her lover set the pace. It wasn’t slow by any means; they had indulged their desire for the slowness of lovemaking most of the night before. Tasting, teasing every inch of skin over and over until it was all almost too much only to start everything all over again. 

No, this was a quick fuck before they got down to work. 

Minutes only had passed before Buffy felt her orgasm rip through her, roaring loudly over the pounding in her blood even as Angelus’ extended fangs slid into her neck, sending another spasm of pleasure tearing through her as he came hard inside her welcoming body. 

For long minutes they sat there, oblivious of their surroundings or the people that were still in the room as they shared a kiss. Finally Spike asked in a voice that suggested he was aroused and impatient at the same time. “You two ready now?” 

Smiling in the direction of his childe, Angelus chuckled, “Of course, my boy.” 

The double entendre wasn’t lost on any of them. Spike laughed, and again wondered at this new and not insane Angelus. He had always thought that living buried beneath the soul had caused his Sire no end of problems and once freed he had just taken everything out on everyone around him. 

It was kind of nice to have him back, would have been even nicer if their relationship could go back to the way it used to be, but that…discussion was for another time. Right now he needed to update them on what had happened while they were indulging in each other…and leaving him out of the fun. 

“Giles and Willow are checking out that club like you wanted, they should be back soon, it’s almost sunrise. Faith here regained consciousness a bit ago, but hasn’t said a word. Just keeps shaking her head and closing her eyes as if this were all a dream or something and she was going to wake up like some princess.” 

He crushed his cigarette onto the floor, where about half a dozen others littered the area, and walked over to his master and mistress.  Spike was under no delusions as to the pecking order of this particular hierarchy. He was second, along with Willow and Giles, there was no way he’d ever be master in his own right again.

And he was fine with that most of the time, fine with doing as he pleased, having less responsibilities than Angelus. He knew eventually his name would be feared the world over as it once was, and for now Spike was content to wait that moment. Long range plans were never really his thing, but they certainly were his now not insane Sire’s. 

Still, there was something to be said for second in command to Angelus and Buffy. Especially with the grand plans they had designed. Sure, it was going to take a while, years probably, but they had that time. And more besides. And in the mean time those plans were going to be…just plain fun.

Grinning as Angelus smoothed Buffy’s too short skirt over her ample curves, Spike decided to embrace his sire in deed as well as word. Certainly he had said he was going to follow Angelus, but at the time that was part to stay with Willow and partly to keep himself alive and not in pain. 

“And Damon? Have you found anything on him?” 

Narrowing his eyes, Spike’s grin turned feral and vindictive; he didn’t like the fact that the weakling had escaped his notice all these years. “Oh, yes, Sire.” He answered, the promise of retribution clear in his voice, and noted Angelus’ raised eyebrow at the proper form of address. He had spent most of his night hunting up information about the older vampire while the two before him had been hunting for food and fun. “You’ll be happy to know that even here his name bears the stigma of rejection. His forces are small and weak. But he does have one advantage.”

Angelus stood, breathed deeply in pleasure at the mixed scent of their combined essence still floating in the air and the stench of fear and blood. His hand rested lightly on Buffy’s back as they walked over to the table holding an assortment of wine. Pouring a flute full for her, then for himself, he silently inquired Spike’s preference. A little shocked that Angelus had even bothered, but doing his best not to show it, Spike nodded. 

“Advantage? What would that be?” Ah, an excellent vintage; the previous owner had indeed known his wines. 

“He’s business partners with Stewart; it’s a semi-informal alliance, but one that’s kept him alive for over a decade.” 

That was news. “Really? Looks like poor Paul will soon be in need of a new partner, then.” 

This was it, his chance to re-earn his place by his sire’s side and not just because Spike was one of the few childer left Angelus could even tolerate. “I’d like him, Sire.” Plus it never hurt to be respectful. 

Angelus growled softly, but asked, “Damon? Why, William?” 

“He got away. No one’s ever escaped me alive.” He turned to Buffy who was listening to the conversation attentively but mutely, and grinned, “With the exception of the slayer, unless either you or I wanted them to. I was unaware that he still lived until you told me so.” 

Angelus thought about this for a bit, weighing his need to inflict serious damage on the vampire who had ogled his mate and caused him so much aggravation over the years verses Spike’s need for revenge and redemption in his Sire’s eyes. He felt Buffy’s presence both by his side and through their Joining link. Looking at her she smiled, hard and fast, but said nothing. This wasn’t her battle, it was his. Let Spike earn his place by their sides, or not? 

If the look on her face and the feelings coming through their Joining bond were any indication, she wanted Spike to have this chance. Sure, she understood Angelus’ need, probably better than anyone, but Spike had something to prove, not only to his Sire – that he could be trusted – but to himself as well. That he could do this wasn’t in question, but that he wanted to, voluntarily, to prove his fealty was something else entirely. 

“Alright, Spike, he’s yours.”

Nothing showed on Spike’s face, instead he nodded and drained his glass. “Thank you, Sire. What do you want to do about Stewart?” 

Shrugging, turning his attention back to a fitfully sleeping Lilah, Angelus said, “Let’s wait and see what Willow and Giles come up with. Then we’ll decide.”
Willow and Giles were making their way back from Club Infinity looking slightly disheveled but laughing like fools. By the time they made it into the house, the sun was just peaking over the horizon. 

“Where have you two been?” Buffy asked, eying the lightening sky, “And have you been in a fight?” She sounded more annoyed at being left out than the fact that they had been in one. 

“Yes, Willow was, at least. I felt it my duty to protect her.” 

Willow laughed at that, a cold yet oddly mirthful sound that bounced off the walls and disagreed. “I didn’t start it, but man was it fun.” Turning to the trio, for Spike and Angelus had joined them by this time, Willow explained. 

“Some lowly little vamp and his four lowly little buddies recognized me from Sunnydale, thought he could make a move. Didn’t realize I was already a vampire – stupid minions –until I changed as I threw him up against the wall.” 

Giles laughed, “On the other side of the room.” 

Eyes flashing with blue sparks of power, Willow added, “It was fun. Well, needless to say this precipitated our introduction to Paul. He was most surprised that The Order of Aurelius had a resurgence of life and is eager to meet with you, Angelus.” 

Giles picked up the story as both he and Willow left out the remainder of their night of fun, sex, and feeding. It wasn’t like the three standing before them wouldn’t know, it just wasn’t relevant to any of them. “We didn’t tell him of Buffy, as you wanted.” He nodded in her direction. “But he was most curious as to the…circumstances surrounding your return. And, though he said nothing, more than interested as to the identity of your mate.” 

Buffy grinned and walked closer to Angelus. “I think it’s time to pay a little visit to Mr. Stewart.” 

Her lover agreed, only too readily.
Paul Francis Claude Stewart, late of His Majesty’s Royal Scottish Court, liked to think of himself as a reasonable business partner. He ran his clubs with minimal fuss, allowing his cliental to do pretty much anything they wanted; and as the majority of those who entered knew what the club held, that was just about everything. He had only two rules, no slayer and no cops. It paid being a respectable business man and that was what he intended to keep on being. 

At the moment he was anything but pleased. 

Damon I have no last name of the Order of Aurelius was currently the brunt of his displeasure. The older vampire was annoying at the best of times, but Paul had owed him and so allowed the alliance, both the business aspect and the protection one, that was about to give him so much trouble. 

Things had changed in the vampire community over the last fifty years or so, the world was becoming closer. Maybe not in a positive relationship kind of way and certainly not in a humans are becoming smarter kind of way; but it was easier to read the news in Bangladesh and Bulgaria and things like mysterious deaths and strange sightings were spread farther and faster than ever before. Demons of all kinds had to hide more often, be more careful; the good life they had enjoyed for millennia had come crashing down around them. 

And never more so than the news that Angelus, once the infamous Scourge of Europe had turned traitor and worked for the Powers. Now, as Paul sat in his black leather chair, looking out the tinted windows of his office several floors above his favored club, he thought back to what he knew about the other vampire. 

Not his reputation, that was there for anyone to know, no the more interesting aspects of his personality. He had disappeared at the turn of the twentieth century and hadn’t reappeared until close to the end of it. And that was when the rumors had really started flying. 

His business in LA, his close ties with The Powers, his legendary clash with Wolfram & Hart…and something about the slayer (slayers?), too, though those rumors were a bit harder to nail down. It was easy enough to confirm his good deeds, they both lived in the same city and Angelus usually wasn’t one to keep a low profile. But he had never bothered Paul so Paul hadn’t bothered with him 

Then the end battles had begun and Paul had his own concerns. Concerns that were quickly dissipating the more he contemplated Angelus’ return. Damon was a thorn in his side, his constant blustering and boasting of being directly descendant from Aurelius had never really held appeal, but he had strong connections, even if the vampires to whom he had these connections hated him as much as Paul did. 

That and he had inadvertently saved Paul’s life; though how that happened Paul was still trying to discern. Still, it was a debt Damon was all too eager to reap, so Paul had acquiesced, extending his protection and his business to the little man. It had worked for several years, but for a creature that based his life in centuries, a decade was too long to be associated with the other vampire. 

If Paul knew anything about Angelus it was that the other demon had lofty goals. Oh, sure, at first it was kill and maim and torture as many humans as he could possibly get his hands on, but after just a few years, things changed. Subtly at first, and Paul would never have thought of it again if the other vampire hadn’t returned, but hindsight is a wonderful thing at times. 

It was true that Angelus had never been interested in the more political aspects of the vampire community, but he always knew what was happening no matter his place or mindset. But this time Paul was sure that those things were exactly what interested him. 

Now the two that had disrupted his club the night before…they were interesting. One whiff and he could smell the blood line of Aurelius and fainter, but Angelus on them as well. He wasn’t entirely sure that they had been turned by Angelus himself that was harder to detect, maybe a childe of his, but there was power there and a lot of it. 

They had made the offer, a simple meeting with Angelus and his new mate, at a time and place convenient to Paul. It was a deceptively simple offer, but Paul had been more than intrigued and had agreed. There were several private rooms on the second level of the Infinity and he had offered them. They had accepted, and had resumed their night of… entertainment – minus the violence that had heralded their arrival. 

The questions now were: One, what Angelus’ current plans were; Paul very much doubted that they included a relapse into his old ways he wasn’t exactly known to repeat his previous exploits, and two, who this mysterious mate was. That was the question more than anything else that kept plaguing Paul. Everything he knew and had heard about the younger vampire suggested diversity, variety, and a short attention span when it came to women….and men alike. Sex for vampires wasn’t really gender based. 

The only beings ever to keep his attention for longer than say a month or two were his own progeny and his sire. And even that was fleeting when there were others in the picture. But Darla was dead…how had that happened again? Paul didn’t know but was willing to bet that Angelus hadn’t cared all that much; he had never been overly concerned about anything other than his own survival. 

Now, as he watched the day progress with little interest, he wondered what Angelus would bring to their meeting; he was looking forward to doing business with his old friend (while that may indeed have been too strong a word for their relationship they had gotten on well enough in the past) and eagerly anticipated having a stimulating conversation for the first time in entirely too long. 

Standing and stretching, he moved from the opaque window to the bed in the side room. He hadn’t slept since closing the club thirty minutes before sunrise, trying to better understand the new situation in which he found himself. But he was going to need his wits about him for the upcoming meeting, which was no doubt going to be very interesting. 

Not to mention the meeting of this mate. Angelus was hardly one for monogamy, but the way the man, Giles he had called himself – was there a reason he should know that name? – had said it, it sounded…permanent. 

Wouldn’t that be interesting?
The meeting wasn’t scheduled until midnight, giving them plenty of time to indulge their vindictive urges against the three humans who currently hung along the basement wall.

Willow, more than pleased to get both Faith well, parts of her, and eventually Dawn unless they needed her for something, was currently awaiting Giles so they could begin. Spike was doing something for Angelus and would join them later, as would Buffy and Angelus. 

Turn her; don’t turn her, that is the question of the day. Or at least the moment. While it might be amusing to see the bad girl Faith as a lowly minion, there was something to be said for her wild tendencies. Who knew what kind of vampire she would make? And it wasn't like they could just undo the change once it was done; make her stronger into a true childe. No the change, once done, would be permanent.
Still, Faith as their willing slave…the thought made her smile, her predatory teeth flashing in the dimness of the basement.

On the other hand, there was the torture and sadism part of the program. Killing her, while fun, would only leave her dead. But could they trust her? No not even when she had a soul was she trustworthy, though her attempt to amend those infractions had seemed genuine enough at the time – and were highly amusing now. Still there was something to be said for holding grudges through existences. Losing her soul hadn’t changed Willow’s hatred of the slayer no it had only increased it exponentially.

Well, there was fun to be had first and Willow planned to have some.

With or without Giles who was late. What on earth was he doing up there anyway? Just then the man in question walked through the door. “Ah, good, you’re here. I was going to start without you on the psychopathic super bitch.” 

“Wouldn’t want to miss all the fun. But I think we should keep her alive for a bit; a new slayer isn’t exactly what we need at the moment.”

“Hmm, true. How about we see how much she can stand first? Then we’ll decide.”

“Works for me,” Giles agreed his eyes hard and his mouth twisted into a cruel smirk.
Faith had seen and done a lot of things in her life. 

From her drunken mother to her Watcher being gutted right in front of her. Her spiral into the darkness that had always haunted her and her alliance with the mayor against the only people who had ever tried to be her friends. Her coma and her shared dreams with Buffy and her eventual reawakening only to plan her revenge against her sister slayer and Angel. Her time in prison; her release – not for good behavior but because Angel, Buffy, Giles and who knew who all else had planned her escape because she was needed for the end battles – and her time in Russia.

It all paled in comparison with the myriad emotions that battled for dominance when she had awoken several hours ago. Her hopes for her friends had been dashed. Indeed, her friends were all dead and the only thing left in their place was the body, filled with every dark, sadistic, cruel, and malicious emotion ever to have a place in the human psyche.

She was chained to a wall in a wine cellar next to Dawn and Lilah and it didn’t look like any of them were leaving any time soon. She was in more trouble now than in all her previous attempts at attention combined. And her friends were the ones wielding the knife.

Or more specifically, the knives, the whip, the other countless pointy objects she couldn't identify through her blackened eye…were those hedge sheers? Oh, yes, the fists and the kicks, the ever popular salt in open wounds. And if that wasn’t enough, Giles had started the mental portion of the program soon after the first lash of the whip touched her exposed skin.

Physical abuse was one thing, and in moderation she could probably have handled it. But Faith was weak, always had been and always would be. Her self esteem was nil even after all this time and Giles knew exactly which buttons to push and when. He was a master, almost as good as Willow was at letting that whip fly.

God, couldn’t she alternate between the infernal whip and something else? 

“You’re nothing but a whore, Faith,” He said in that English accent of his making the word ‘whore’ into something more something worse, if that was possible, than if it had been said in a flat American accent. 

“A whore who couldn’t decide which side she wanted to be on so tried both, who had others telling her what to do. Couldn’t even make up your own mind, and I wonder why that is. Could it be because you’re weak? Because it’s easier to go with the flow than it is to make your own path? Easier to pretend amends when we all know that no matter what you do there is no forgiveness?”

Giles was good, Spike gave him that. Playing on the girl’s need for love and attention, her shame of her past, her hope for a future. He gave her no reprieve, no relief, minute after minute, insult after insult. But the best thing about his words was that he made nothing up. 

No lies were spoken, no truths hidden. Everything Giles said to Faith, about her and her past, her actions, everything…was perfectly true. And after a while…she believed it as well. 

“Let’s face it, Faith. No matter what you do, it’ll never be enough to make up for what you’ve already committed. I doubt you’ve ever read the book, but in Dante’s ‘Inferno’, the worst level of Hell, the ninth circle, Cocytus, is reserved for traitors, for betrayers. Those who betrayed those closest to them, Judas, Brutus…and now you.”

Spike watched his lover as she let the whip land over various parts of Faith’s skin with varying degrees of brutality…and wished it were him she was whipping instead of the bitch slayer. He was turned on like he couldn’t believe and she wasn’t, more the pity, even doing anything to him. But he could smell her arousal, the scent permeating the air, and knew he was close to grabbing her, dragging her to the back of the wine racks, and, uncaring who saw or heard them, pounding into her until they both screamed for more.

By the time Angelus and Buffy joined them, for the final part of Giles’ mental torture, Faith was only semi aware, her mouth bleeding and jaw broken – Giles was tired f her screaming. If she had wanted to ask for mercy, she wouldn’t have been able to do so.

They walked in just as Spike’s control snapped and he grabbed Willow, dragging her out of the room, but only making it as far as the stairs. Their growls of passion could be heard by all three vampires, making them grin despite themselves.

“And I though we were bad,” Buffy said as her hand drifted down Angelus’ chest, caressing his marble skin through the silk of his shirt.

Giles looked at them, sighing. He really needed to find someone who could keep up with his appetites longer than a few hours. This was getting ridiculous. “You two are.” He said as he watched Angelus pull Buffy closer, crushing hers lips beneath his.

And it was still hours before sunset. 

Angelus pulled back, complimenting Giles. “Nice touch there, Giles. I like the ‘Inferno’ reference. Makes me think of another betrayer but Wesley’s still far down on the list yet.” Giles was good there was no doubt of that. And Angelus found himself almost…proud of the man. Interesting.
Dawn was mad. 

Not mad as in extremely angry or irritated or aggravated or annoyed. Mad as in…‘MAD’ 

She was insane, crazy as a loon, mad as a hatter, cuckoo, batty, loopy, nutty. You name the adjective she was all that and more. Still a child in so many ways, she wasn’t able to handle the physical and emotional torture inflicted upon her by the various members of the small clan. 

So she hung there, not completely comprehending what was happening, yet totally aware of it on some dim level that hid and cowered, trembling with trepidation levels below her conscious mind. 

She hung there, wrists bleeding from the weight of her body being supported solely by the chains; numerous wounds, cuts, scrapes, gashes, some healed some not some in the process of healing, all covering her once flawless skin.

She hung there…broken. 

Her magickal bonds had long since been released, allowing her the chance to escape, should she remember she had them and remember how to access them and remember who she was and remember where she was and remember everything or anything at all would have been nice… 

But she simply hung there, staring at the scene before her and to the far left of her, wondering who these poor schmucks were and wasn’t it a shame, yes, such a pity that they were in such pain and where had that yell come from, surely not her, yes, it was a shame…
“I think we broke her.” Buffy commented to the group in general as Angelus continued to caress her bare stomach from behind long, long hours after the start of Faith’s shove into madness.

They were starring at Dawn who stared back, a blank look in her eyes that bespoke of nothing, absolutely nothing. Giles leaned on the far wall, smoking a cigarette he had swiped from Spike. The fact that her lover and her father figure were sharing smokes was only a little disturbing to the new and improved Willow as she watched Buffy goad Dawn into a reaction. Any reaction would have done, but the girl was obviously beyond everything. 

Giles crushed the butt out and walked towards them, admonishing, “Will you please stop that?” 

The comment was directed not only at Buffy and Angelus, but Willow and Spike who were practically fucking each other against the stone wall that lined the room instead of making Dawn suffer. Though that was relative; could you make someone suffer if they weren’t aware of the pain?

He really needed to find himself a woman who could keep up with his appetites.


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