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The scowl was going to become a permanent part of his face. 

Angel scowled the entire way to the hospital, a low growl rumbling through the car as well, making the human inhabitants that much more uncomfortable, and wondered why he thought anything was different between he and Buffy now. She was obviously content with what she had or, more specifically, who, in Angelus. Maybe she had really wanted his demon the whole time and Angel was a convenient carrying case. 

But she brought you back, a little voice whispered, sparking a ray of hope in Angel. Another voice, however, insisted on reminding the vampire that she now had Angelus permanently; and Angelus, Angel was sure, was more than happy where he currently was. He was Angel’s demon and his responsibility and yet Buffy had taken him into her because it was the only way to free Angel.  

And there were things that Angelus couldn’t do with Buffy; like the fact that Angelus couldn’t really make love to her, couldn’t spend that eternity together Angelus wanted with her. Or, well, they could but… 

Actually there were a lot of flaws in Angel’s thinking but he couldn’t focus on that as he pulled into the emergency parking and yelled for help. 

“What happened here?” A nurse asked as she yelled for two stretchers. 

“I don’t know,” Angel lied, completely unsure on how to explain the obvious torture his friends had gone through at his own hands so settled for part of the truth, “I found them like this.” 

The nurse shot him a look but said nothing as a doctor and several other medical personnel rushed out and surrounded Cordelia and Wesley. The staff were obviously used to this sort of thing, especially now, Angel thought, with the crackdown Angelus had on the city. 

Terminology was shouted back and forth but Angel understood none of it. There was paperwork to be filled out, but he maintained his story that he found the couple and knew nothing about them. The police were called but Angel planned on being long gone before they had a hope in hell of arriving. Blood was called for to pump into both Wesley and Cordelia; there was something about an IV, dehydration and malnutrition and then a shocked gasp from the doctor. 

“Christ almighty, what the hell?” The doctor asked as she opened Cordelia’s mouth, ostensibly to check for blockage or something. “Her tongue is missing,” the woman said, looking horrified and young at the same time despite what she much have seen in a downtown LA hospital emergency room. “Good Lord, what did this to her?” 

I did, Angel wanted to say. I did that to her because my dark side makes the demon that used to reside within me all that angrier, all that crueler. 

Angel said nothing, however, to that and no one looked to him for answers, too focused on the woman in front of them. He watched for a few more seconds as they wheeled his friends into the brightly lit hospital, until they were out of even his sight and hearing range. 

And without turning back or checking to see if they were going to be okay, he got back into his car and left LA. There was nothing he could do for them here, and he was needed elsewhere. And by someone who needed him, even if she refused to admit it to herself just yet.
“Are you sure about that?” Gunn asked again, watching the petite blonde as she careened through the streets. He closed his eyes for a second as she took a corner entirely too fast for his battered body, but opened them almost instantly – if he was going to die, he wanted to see it coming. “Are you sure that Angelus is permanently gone and Angel is really in charge of his body?” 

“Positive,” Buffy answered as she had every other time he had asked the question on the short trip from the penthouse to here. “The demon no longer resides within Angel, making him simply a…vampire with a soul.” 

Somehow that sounded wrong, and it was far from simple. 

“Wasn’t he that before?” Gunn asked, purposely keeping his voice level as the car bounced roughly several times in succession as Buffy rolled over an inconvenient curb. “A vampire with a soul?” 

“No,” Buffy said, shaking her head and shooting a look back at the wounded man. Gunn opened his mouth to plead with her to keep her eyes on the road but shut it again when he saw the look on her face. There was raw pain there, hope and something else, something he couldn’t place. 

“Before he was a vampire with a soul sharing space with a demon.” Buffy wondered how much of the demon had merged with the soul and vice versa. She snickered when Angelus protested that thought. “The soul wasn’t…permanent. It was there, it was real, but it wasn’t a stable,” she said for want of a better word. “Anyone could take it away and…and they have, or tried at least.” 

Everyone was silent – though the silence was also from the sheer terror they felt as Buffy drove but neither male voiced that – so Buffy continued. “Now he’s a vampire, albeit slightly enhanced thanks to the First and the Turok-Han, with all the drawbacks to sunlight and garlic he had before. But now, instead of the demon within, there’s only the soul.” 

Gunn was still confused and Connor was faring not much better. “And how is that possible?” Connor asked even though Doyle assured him that this was the case and it was real. 

“Magick,” Buffy shrugged, looking across the car to Angel’s son. “I have no idea how it happened – well, okay I do, I preformed the ritual – I just don’t know the logistics. But magick’s a tricky thing and frankly, the less I know, the happier I’ll be.” Maybe not safer, Buffy amended silently thinking of all the ways it had helped her over the years, but she didn’t want to end up with an addiction like Willow. 

Willow, God, I’m so sorry… 

“So Angelus can never come out to play again,” Gunn said and there was a hint of something in his voice Buffy couldn’t quite place. Disappointment? She knew he held a grudge against the demon, and frankly couldn’t’ blame him, but Buffy hoped that grudge didn’t transfer itself to Angel. He had enough to deal with without Gunn trying to kill him the moment his back was turned.
They hadn’t made it far. 

Angelus was quiet which was just as well as Buffy didn’t feel up to dealing with him now. It would have been nice if he had a suggestion or two about what lay before her, though. She knew he had blocked LA off from the rest of the world but this was different than what she had encountered at her arrival. This was more. 

Buffy should have figured that the First would do something to make her life even more difficult. Setting up demonic road blocks just somehow never entered into it, though. But that was exactly what she found herself faced with as she barreled the SUV through the still nearly deserted streets of pre-dawn LA heading north towards Sunnydale. 

“Damn it, why is it my life is never simple? Leave LA, get to Sunnydale, seems simple enough,” she muttered to no one in particular, “But no, now I have to fight my way through just to get on the damn highway.”

“I think,” Gunn said, staring out the window into the moonlit sky with something akin to horrified fascination, “That we have bigger problems then that, Slayer.” 

Buffy looked behind her, trying to figure out what Gunn was talking about and followed his line of sight out the car window. Oh, wow, that was something she didn’t need. 

“The Beast,” Connor said somewhat unnecessarily. 

“Of course,” Buffy agreed, her mind racing with possible scenarios on just how to defeat this walking statue of rock. “Okay, here’s the plan; I kill it” this was a poor plan already, “Everyone else stays here.” And then in a hopeful voice, “Does anyone know how to kill it?” 

‘You are not killing it, lover! I refuse to let you put your life in danger,’ Angelus roared from within her, breaking the self imposed silence he had been brooding in since she had left the penthouse. 

Her companions shook their heads, no and Buffy scowled – both at their lack of knowledge and at Angelus. “Shut up, Angelus,” she muttered, “If you have nothing constructive to add, don’t say anything at all.” 

Gunn looked at her again, having never really received a reasonable explanation out of her on what exactly happened to the demon, but no one said anything. 

Reaching deep within her Buffy tried to tap into the collective knowledge of the slayers but was coming up with a blank. At first Buffy wasn’t sure if it was because she didn’t really know how to tap into their consciousness or what, but no, that wasn’t it. They simply had never faced it before in the collective history of them and had no clue where to even begin to start. 

“Okay,” she murmured wondering if merely thinking what she wanted to say was the same when it came to Angelus, “I changed my mind, lover; talk to me. You’re the one who forged the alliance, how do you kill it?” There was a beat when he said nothing and Buffy sighed, mentally saying, ‘Stop pouting, Angelus, and help. Remember, I die, you die.’ 

‘Ah, but you’re never going to die, baby.’ He purred, though anger still vibrated with every word, ‘And neither will I.’ 

While his words were true, and Buffy couldn’t ignore that, she wasn’t about to let that stop her from what she had to do. “Doesn’t matter,” she murmured, “Now how do you kill it?” 

‘There’s a dagger made of rock in one of the bags. Stab him with it and you should be able to kill him.’ 

“Should?” Buffy asked aloud then, “Where did you get this rock dagger? And how do you know?”

‘Should because obviously no one’s ever killed him before and I got it when the First was remaking me from the Turok-Han. Saw it lying around…’ Angelus sighed and said instead, ‘Okay, saw it being guarded by a bunch of bringers and swiped it from under their noses; thought it might be useful for something someday. You know how I hate to take orders, baby. I figure anything the First was afraid of enough to have it guarded almost constantly was useful.’ 

“Gunn, go through the bags behind you, see if you find a hunk of rock there.” Buffy instructed in a rush of words as the beast continued his inexorable march forward. Lucky for her it was a slow moving creature, no doubt due to its size and weight. “Connor, change of plan. I’m stronger, I’ll distract it, you move in for the kill.” 

Buffy turned her gaze to Angel’s son and ignored the stab of jealously and longing that shot through her – and Angelus’ silence – as she continued. “Apparently all you have to do is stab him with this rock thingy and he’ll die.” 

Connor opened his mouth to protest and Gunn made a disagreeing noise as well but Buffy vehemently shook her head no. “Listen, I can take him, trust me. I…I have slayer power, after all,” she said, shortening the rather lengthily explanation as to what exactly she was now and why and how. “I can take him.” 

“Faith couldn’t even defeat Angelus,” Gunn said as he threw weapons out of one of the bags in search of the rock Buffy described. “And she’s the slayer, too; what makes you think you can do better?” 

Buffy laughed, “Please! I so can kick Faith’s ass and have before.” Obviously no one ever told them why Angel was so gung-ho on helping the younger slayer or why she needed help in the first place. “But that isn’t the point,” Buffy said, getting back on track. 

“No,” Gunn disagreed, pulling open another bag. “The point is…” he stopped and held up a pair of underpants that couldn’t really be called that, they were that skimpy. “Oh, never mind. I get how you defeated Angelus now,” he smirked and turned to look at Buffy, whose face was pink with embarrassment, still holding her panties. 

“It’s not in that bag,” she said rather unnecessarily. “And the point is that…” Damn it, she was going to have to tell them something; why was she bothering, anyway? She was going to do this whether they agreed or not. The rest of the demons weren’t doing anything but blocking her exit, but the Beast was only a few dozen yards from the car now. 

“Short version and I’d appreciate it if you said nothing to anyone: I have all the powers of all the slayers that ever came before me making me not only super strong – stronger than I was before – but immortal.” Buffy paused as Gunn shouted an ‘Ah-ha!’ then smiled as he handed it to Connor. “So, I’ll distract him and Connor, you kill him. Gunn, get in the driver’s seat and be prepared to make a really fast getaway. We’re probably going to need it.” 

The men were about to protest once again but Buffy hopped out of the car, grabbing a sword that Gunn hastily handed her just as she did so. “So, you’re the beast. Fitting name,” Buffy taunted the rock creature as she sauntered near the towering beast, wondering if he even cared what she was saying, “I mean you are big and ugly. And lava is so last season.” 

He stopped before her and cocked his massive head to the side. “You are the slayer. You are Angelus’ and I am not to harm you in any way.” 

Buffy paused in her advance and wondered at that but didn’t have the time to ask her new demon what the hell the creature before her meant; of course it was also pretty self explanatory. “Right, well, see it’s like this; I don’t care what you’re going to do or not do, I’m going to kill you.” 

And with that she attacked, swinging her sword at the Beast’s head not at all surprised when the steel slipped off it without so much a scratch to the being. Damn, this was going to be harder than Buffy thought. Still, it didn’t slow her down and faster then anyone but the Beast could follow she swung bow after blow at the creature, dodging out of the way each time he roared. 

But he did nothing to retaliate. He knew nothing could harm him just as he knew his master would be beyond angry if he did something to Buffy when Angelus obviously wanted her. 

“I see,” Buffy said, panting slightly but exhilarated from the workout. “You’re too scared of going against your master. I understand, really I do. You can’t do anything on your own, you don’t know how. Or is it,” she laughed, circling the creature a fierce grin on her face, “You are afraid if you go against your master’s wishes then Angelus will become the favorite and you’ll be reduced to number two?” 

With a roar, the Beast attacked. 

Buffy wasn’t sure if it was her words, only some of which she remembered coming out of her mouth, or he finally got tired of letting her attack without any retaliation, but he swiped those nasty looking claws at her. Jumping back Buffy took a second to look at her stomach; four long but not too deep gashes welled with blood and the silk top was beyond repair. Damn it, that shirt hadn’t been cheap! 

With renewed energy, Buffy blocked everything else out of her mind, focusing solely on the creature before her. She leapt at the beast, a battle cry echoing from her mouth. Buffy had no idea where Connor was, no idea that he and Gunn were doing their best to ward off the suddenly advancing demons. Didn’t know that Angel was screeching to a halt directly behind her SUV, joining the battle in a haze of anger and fear for her. 

The second the demons saw Angel they stopped, thinking Angelus was going to kill them for attacking his son and mate. They didn't know that Angelus was within the slayer or that Angel was going to do the same thing on the same basis. All they knew was that their lives had been reduced to minutes and the faster they left the better chance more of them had to survive. 

Connor threw one look at his father whose face had shifted and whose eyes, rather than vampire golden were blood red, and raced to where Buffy fought the Beast. She was bleeding badly, he could smell it, and wondered how she still managed to continue. Gripping the rock dagger tighter in his hand, Connor waited a moment, then another before he saw his opening. 

By this time Angel had finished with those remaining demons and was advancing on the Beast. But whether he was stalking towards the battle to kill the Beast or to help Buffy, both the same, really, Connor didn’t know. All he knew was that Buffy was bleeding and Angel wasn’t happy and…ah, there was his chance! 

Stepping forward, he jammed the dagger into the Beast’s back, leaping out of the way the second he had done so. With a howl of pain and anger, the Beast fell to his knees. He tried to reach around his back and remove the dagger, but couldn’t and it was too late anyway; his large rock body was already coming apart. 

It wasn’t happening fast enough on its own for Angel who was in a fine temper; the smell of Buffy’s blood, the fact that he hadn’t been there to protect her, the very idea that this beast had touched her, harmed her… 

Angel let out a roar that echoed through the nearly empty streets, shattering nearby windows and causing a few brave souls to peak out from the relative safety of their homes to see what the hell was going on. He threw himself at the Beast, tearing the being apart with his bare hands, the roar still echoing from his lips. Connor looked at his father warily, wondering if the vampire was going to turn on them next, but Buffy just looked at him for a moment, a soft sad smile playing on her lips and Connor wondered at that. 

Crawling over to where Angel continued to break, smash, and generally dismember the dead creature formerly known as The Beast, Buffy put a small hand on Angel’s arm, “Angel,” she whispered, “Angel, stop.” 

Turning to face her, his eyes still blood red, his lips pulled back over fangs in a fierce snarl, Angel looked at her for a moment before pulling her close, crushing her in his embrace. “Buffy,” he said in a guttural voice, running scraped and raw hands through her hair, checking her injuries. “Buffy.” 

“You’re hurt,” he said after a moment, neither of them noticing Connor and Gunn watching them with something akin to awe at both the change in Angel and Buffy’s actions. “God, Buffy…” 

Angel pulled her away from him for a moment to look at her stomach, the gashes already closing, as were the various cuts and scraps adorning her arms and face. Framing her face, Angel kissed her gently, the move such a contrast from moments ago when he destroyed anything left of the Beast with his bare hands. 

Pulling away and out of his arms, though reluctant to break the kiss, Buffy cupped his cheek. She hated to ask, didn’t want to be too abrupt or callous, but they hadn’t time to indulge in personal feelings. They never did, it seemed. “You okay now?” 

Suddenly ashamed of his actions, though not really knowing why, Angel turned to look at what remained of the First’s chief minion. All he could say in his defense was that she was in danger and that always made him a little crazy, more than a little, actually. “Yeah, thanks,” Angel nodded, concern for her overwhelming everything, “Buffy-” 

Turning back to her, he noticed she was gone, already in the car with Connor and Gunn. The two men looked at him for a moment but then Buffy must have said something to them because they nodded and drove away. Cursing at her once again, Angel picked himself off the now empty street and made his way to his own car. 

Climbing into the driver’s seat, he closed his eyes and focused on Buffy. She was hurt, that much was true, but not as badly as the condition of her clothing and the sheer amount of blood he scented led him to believe. From the look of her, her wounds had seemed fatal, but he wasn’t sensing anything like that now. And she was tired, so very tired but content. Content? 

Angelus. Angel knew, without a doubt, that his former demon was soothing her in a way Angel couldn’t. In a way he, Angel, wasn’t allowed. It wasn’t surprising, Angelus comforting Buffy, for the demon would do – and had done – anything in his power to make sure no on but he had hurt her. But it pissed Angel off anyway. 

Starting the car and pulling past the broken and deserted blockade, Angel pushed thoughts of Angelus away and wondered anew what these new slayer powers had done to her. And what consequences there were for housing that much power. 

Entering the highway, Angel didn’t bother finding her vehicle; he knew where she was going anyway and was only a few minutes behind her. He’d find her; they’d have a little talk, destroy the First, and have a real talk. Angel wasn’t letting Buffy get away this time.

No matter what Angelus was whispering to her.
Buffy closed her eyes, listening on one level to Angelus as he held his anger in check to soothe and comfort her pain first. The anger, she knew, would come later once she was healed. Another level focused on her healing, what the slayer abilities did to her body and were currently doing to her. 

But Buffy was all too aware that Angel was trying to figure out what the hell was happening to her. Join the club, she wanted to say, I want to know, too. She could feel him just as clearly as ever, despite the fact that Angelus – who she could apparently also feel if the past few days were any indication – was within her. 

Turning to look at the woman stretched out on the back seat, Connor asked the question that everyone wanted to know. “How did you heal that fast? Do all slayers have that ability or is it just you?” 

“I always had accelerated healing, part of the slayer package really. But this is new, even for me. Must be all the power of the slay-” Doubling over, curling protectively onto her side as Gunn swerved the car at her cry of pain, Buffy gasped for breath. Sharp cramps stabbed through her, and the pain was almost unbearable. Her heart rate accelerated and her eyes screwed shut as the pain continued to pound her in uncompromising waves. 

“Buffy!” Connor shouted, turning around and trying to climb over his seat or through the console, anything to get to the wounded slayer. “Damn it, I knew your injuries were more serious than you were letting on. Buffy,” he shouted again when he received no response.

Gunn still drove, faster now, his eyes intent for obstacles in their path though he was sure there weren’t any cops on the road to pull him over. Just as well, he hadn’t his wallet on him and hence no license. Not the most grievous of sins he’d ever committed, but today, with the way their luck was running, they’d be thrown in jail until after this apocalypse. 

“What did you do to me?” She gasped, curling tighter into herself, fear and pain in her voice, “Damn you, Angelus, what did you DO?” 

In that moment, even with the strong fear that ran through her, Angelus understood what was happening to Buffy. 

It wasn’t just the slayers or her new healing powers that wracked her body with pain. It was a combination of things: her slayer power was indeed a lot for her human body to handle and this healing made her weaker, too weak to control it; the combined power of the slayers pushed his poisonous vampire blood out of her system but accepted one part of him because they were mated, causing the turning to be incomplete; the one aspect of vampirism that Buffy’s body retained was the fact that she needed blood.

And it wasn’t, as both he and Angel thought before, just a need for blood. It was his blood. Sire blood. 

“AH!” She shouted as convulsions wracked her again and again, her entire body shuddering with the force of her pain. 

‘Buffy, baby listen to me.’ Angelus said, keeping the simultaneous fear – he was not about to lose her now – and triumph – she still needed him granted, it was Angel’s body now, but she still needed it – out of his voice 

‘Focus, baby, focus on something else; think about our cottage, baby, about how we’re going back there once this whole First thing is done with.’ She wasn’t listening and he had to resist cursing at her. ‘Damn it, Buffy!’ 

He growled, ‘I know you want to die, I know you’re tired of this world and tired of life. I know you want to leave all this behind, but damn you, and me, too, I won’t let you!’ His roar penetrated her pain and Angelus finished, adding a taunting reminder, ‘Besides, if you die now, how will you ever avenge Willow’s death?’ 

A small portion of her brain focused on his words and Angelus allowed himself a smile of success as Buffy tried to focus more and more of her attention on him and not her pain. The smile was short lived when Connor, not fully understanding what was happening despite his apparent newfound knowledge of just about everything, climbed over the seat and pulled Buffy’s still quaking body onto his lap. The boy rummaged through the bags in the back until he found a blanket, covering Buffy with it and maneuvering her so her head rested on his lap. 

Angelus did his best to stamp down the streak of jealously and continued to calm Buffy, all the while wondering when he had become the damn nursemaid. 

Running his hands through her hair, sticky with blood and sweat, Connor wondered briefly where these words of comfort came from as he whispered them to the shaking slayer. 

“How is she?” Gunn asked long minutes later when her whimpers quieted. 

“Asleep, I think. We’ll wake her later, once we reach Sunnydale.” Connor said, wondering if Gunn knew the way to the small suburban town. And hoping that there was a map in the car if he didn’t.
They stopped for food just inside the town borders. 

“Buffy,” Connor said, gently shaking her awake. He doubted the two hour nap she had was enough to replenish her, but there was no help for that now. “Buffy, wake up, we’re in Sunnydale.” 

Slowly blinking her eyes open, Buffy looked into the soft concerned ones of Angel’s son. What happened, she wondered as she slowly sat up, the blanket still clutched around her shaking body, what happened? The now nearly constant and almost accepted voice of Angelus was absent, if his somehow soothing presence was not, so Buffy looked around, trying to remember. 

“Sunnydale?” She asked, blinking against the predawn light. “We’re here?” 

“Yeah,” Gunn said, standing by the opened driver’s side door and stretching. He grimaced and gasped at the aches that Angelus had inflicted but otherwise said nothing. If he survived this he vowed he was taking a week’s vacation someplace with scores of hot women who did nothing but massage his aching, yet hopefully healing, body all day long. 

Looking at the disoriented slayer, Gunn and desperately wanted to ask her why she was talking to herself, but refrained. Buffy didn’t look all that stable at the moment. 

“This is the only place that’s open, or at least the only one I could find; don’t really know where I’m going in this town,” he said, opening the back door and helping Buffy out. She still had the blanket wrapped around her but it seemed she wasn’t aware of that. She was still shaking, too, but seemed unaware of that as well. “Are you sure you’re alright? If you direct me, we can go to the hospital first.” 

“No,” Buffy said immediately, shaking her head slowly when she realized it was throbbing. “No hospitals. They don’t like me any more than I do them. But food,” she said, smiling at the man before her, “Food sounds great.” She wasn’t exactly ready to find her friends just yet. Not just yet. 

For the moment she did, dreams became reality and reality came crashing down around her. 

The looks they received as they walked into the diner were a mixture of curiosity and ignorance. Obviously battle weary humans weren’t uncommon in Sunnydale and Connor wondered at that. If it was such a common thing, would the townsfolk be a little more willing to help? Obviously not, from the looks of things. 

They ordered, ate as quickly as they could, and realized that they had no money to pay for their meal. Cursing, Buffy, still wrapped in the blanked and still shaking, trudged back to the car, rooting through her bag until she found her wallet. They paid and left, heading towards Buffy’s house. 

A strange sense of anticipation and dread wove their way through Buffy as they drove closer to their destination. She was almost sure what they were going to find and dreaded it, but still maintained a small spark of hope that her dream had been wrong, her house was still standing, the Turok-Hans were not an army and Willow was still alive.

Three blocks from the house Buffy realized the futility of that hope.

The entire area was blocked off, but the deep crater was visible from where Gunn stopped the car. 

“It’s true, then,” Buffy whispered, to herself, to Angelus, to her companions. “It’s true; I’m too late. God, Will, I’m sorry, so very sorry.” 

A single tear tracked down her face and Buffy absently brushed it away. “Looking up at the sky she vowed, “I swear to you Willow, I will stop them. I will win.” 

Determination flooded through her and Buffy turned on her heel, walking back to the car, not even glancing behind her to see if Gunn and Connor followed. “If they’re not here, they can’t be at Giles’ he was staying with me. The high school? No, they wouldn’t have gone there no matter what,” she continued, though no one but she and Angelus understood what she was talking about. 

“Why go to the one place the First is strongest? No one else has a house in Sunnydale.” Buffy sighed as she relaxed against the front seat, closing her eyes. “Maybe Robin knows where they are, Gunn, make a right here, we’re going to the high school.” 

Just as Gunn was about to obey her directions, Angelus laughed. ‘They’re not going to the high school, lover; and who’s Robin?’ 

“Back up, Gunn,” she said, suddenly realizing where everyone had gone and ignoring Angelus’ question about Robin. “Make a left instead, I know where everyone went.”
The mansion was much the same as it had been the last time Buffy visited bare months ago. 

It was the one place in Sunnydale where she could go to relax, get away from everything and everyone and where no one even thought to look for her. When Giles showed up with the first batch of SIT’s Buffy suggested Angel’s old house as place for storage. No one even batted an eye at that. And Buffy hadn’t thought to ask why then; maybe her secret wasn’t as much of one as she thought. 

She walked in through the garden into the great room, accustomed to the memories that always assaulted her when she came here. Giles sat in front of the fireplace, staring into the dieing embers, a glass of whisky in his hand. Anya and Dawn were curled up on opposite ends of the couch, asleep, Faith in a chair near the door, also asleep and various SIT’s were strewn about the floor. 

Buffy frowned for a moment – were there more of them? 

“Raiding my liquor cabinet already, Giles?” Buffy asked, smiling wearily at her one time watcher and mentor. 

Looking up sharply, Giles quickly stood and wrapped his arms around her slumped and trembling shoulders, holding her close for a minute before pulling back and smiling at her. “Buffy, you made it.” 

By now everyone was awake but only a few were happy to see the slayer.  

“Buffy!” Dawn said, rushing to her sister’s side. “Are you ok?” She asked, pulling the blanket back and gasping at the sight that greeted her.  

“Dawnie, no, no I’m fine. Really. Slayer healing and all that,” she said, pulling her sister back in her arms for another hug though her own pain was a constant reminder that she wasn’t fine. But Buffy’s eyes roamed the crowded great room, searching for her redheaded friend.  

But Willow was no where to be found. 

“Well, well, look who it is,” one of the SIT’s said, Rona Buffy thought. “The conquering hero come back to gloat.” The young woman made a show of looking around the room. “But where’s your prize? I don’t see anyone other than you.” 

Just then Gunn and Connor walked in carrying their bags of weapons. All non-SIT’s looked towards the SIT’s, giving them a look that clearly told them to shut the hell up. Then, when there was no Angel forthcoming, they turned to Buffy. 

“He’s coming, Giles,” Buffy assured everyone. Then again they had stopped for breakfast and no matter how quickly they had eaten, Angel should have caught up with them. Then again, he probably didn’t know where they were staying now that her house was destroyed. 

“Angel’s behind us, in his car; he needed to take Wesley and…Cordelia,” her voice was bitter on the other woman’s name, but if everyone noticed it no one said anything, “To the hospital.” Nor did they question the need for a quick trip to the hospital. She looked around the room once more, clearly searching for someone. 

“Willow…?” When no one met her gaze, Buffy asked again, panic coating her voice. “Willow, where is she? S-she’s…I-I had this dream and she…she did this spell a-and she warned me about.” Buffy looked about the room once more, wildly hoping her friend was someplace, hiding or something, ready to spring out and shout ‘surprise!’ 

“I’m sorry, B,” Faith said her voice breaking as she walked closer to the blonde, genuine sorrow in her voice. “She…she saved us, did this wicked spell, took out all the vamps that had attacked. We, there was no warning, we never knew they were coming.” 

Buffy just nodded, no words coming to her for their comfort or hers. Dawn wrapped her arms around the smaller woman and held her close, her own sorrow too close to the surface to help her older sister. The SIT’s continued to stare at them; still wondering where Buffy had been and why no one questioned it now. 

Gunn lowered himself to the newly deserted couch, groaning anew at his aches and pains. “So, this is the Sunnydale gang, eh, Faith? Huh, heard a lot about you guys. Anyone got some aspirin?” 

Anya nodded, “Yeah, there’s some in one of the bags, I’ll get it.” 

“So, ah,” Giles began, waiting for the younger man to provide his name.  

“Gunn,” Faith supplied, moving to the man, gingerly touching the wounds on his face and wondering what else was bruised or broken. 

“Right, Gunn, ah, what happened in LA?” 

Gunn looked to Buffy then to Connor, and Dawn took that as her cue to escort Buffy out of the room. Whatever had gone on in the city of angels it had obviously had a profound effect on Buffy. Had the spell not worked? Or worse…had it? 

“Come on, Buffy,” Dawn said, “How about I run you a nice hot bath. You need to relax, get cleaned up, and sleep a little.” 

Buffy just nodded; the comfort her sister was obviously trying to give her lost on the slayer. All she could hear was Angelus voice, a soothing cadence that reminded her of his eternal presence. 

Once she was gone, heading up the stairs to another part of the house, Gunn turned back to the crowd. “Where do you want me to begin?”

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