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It was on their way back to the castle as the sun set on the Lands that Buffy first met Darla. 

The blonde vampiress was slowly riding towards them, a fact Gunn and Oz, as well as Angelus, didn’t consider a coincidence. Buffy had noticed only a lone woman riding the same path as them and for a brief instant Angelus wondered if he could simply ignore his sire. Deciding that ignoring Darla was more dangerous than acknowledging her, Angelus asked himself why he had yet to behead his dear sire. 

He didn’t have any answers for himself, except for that ennui that had plagued him until his meeting with Buffy. Well, nothing like remedying that now.

They pulled to a halt near the horse, a decent animal that wasn’t nearly as fine as those they were riding, but Buffy noted the Aurelius colors and banner draping the beast, authentic, Buffy was sure, but old, worn. She said nothing, watching it all instead. 

“Darla,” Angelus acknowledged with a curt nod and a forced smile approaching a scowl. “You’re still in the Kingdom?” He had known that, of course, but simply hadn’t cared, too intent on his new wife and exploring everything she had to offer him. Another mistake it was now too late to remedy. 

“Angelus, childe,” the blonde purred as she leaned forward on her tired mount.

“Ancient and King, Darla, you’d do well to remember that.” Angelus said in an unaffected voice. He had no feelings for his sire whatsoever and didn’t care to expend energy on her that would be much better spent on his wife.

“What a way to treat your Sire.” She said the word, Buffy thought, as though it meant something more than Angelus took it for. She’d have to ask her husband about that. “I merely wanted to…congratulate you on your recent…” mistake “marriage.”

When no one said anything, Darla shrugged a slight lift of her shoulders and tittered a little laugh, obviously forced. “I never got the chance to congratulate you that day,” the vampiress continued seemingly forgetting that she had all but threatened Buffy’s life days before the ceremony took place and even before that wasn’t invited to the wedding ceremony. “And I wanted to meet your bride; I’ve heard so many…wonderful things about her.” The bitch.

Buffy raised an eyebrow, not missing the pause in the sentences, nor the insincerity in the other woman’s voice. Calling on all her royal bearing, she offered a slight smile, nodding her head once in acknowledgement of the greeting. 

“It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, Darla, Sire of Angelus the Ancient of Aurelius.” Buffy said formally, then, because she knew the look of a striking snake when she saw one, “Will you not join us for supper this eve? It will be our…pleasure, to have you as our guest.” 

Anger and jealously flashed through Darla at the use of guest, but was quickly extinguished. “That would be most thoughtful,” she accepted, refusing to use Buffy’s title, a deliberate slight. She wasn’t, however, brave enough to call her by ‘Buffy,’ either. 

Angelus spurred his horse forward, then, Buffy following as they left Darla behind. Not far enough, he thought as his eyes strayed to Buffy’s smug smile, she was coming for dinner. Maybe over dessert he’d kill her.

Once in the privacy of their chambers, Angelus could no longer contain the curiosity and anger that coursed through him. He knew Darla and the games she played; Buffy’s safety was suddenly in question. No matter the strange emotions (was that what they really were?) cursing through him, she was his wife and queen; only he hurt her. “Why did you invite her to dinner? Do you have any idea what she’s capable of?” 

He had stalked forward, a predator to her prey, and Buffy found herself caught between the stonewall and his hard body. She realized, as she met his eyes, that she wasn’t afraid, and thought that odd considering her husband’s legendary temper. Taking one of his hands in hers, Buffy smiled up at him. True, he towered over her and completely hid her slender body from view with his broad shoulders, but she felt protected by that rather than intimidated. 

Probably wouldn’t do to tell him that, though.

“I know the look of a woman scorned, my lord,” she began. “As your sire it was a great insult to exclude her from the wedding ceremonies, though you’ve told me why that was. But you tiring of her means little to a woman who still wants you. Pride is one thing, Angelus, but that woman wants you at all costs.” 

His eyes flickered golden but he said nothing, allowing her to continue. “Inviting her here, to privately dine with us gives you and me a chance to see what she’s really after. Darla doesn’t exactly strike me as the patient or subtle type, and I doubt very much that the evening will pass without her making a play for you.” 

The smile was sudden, feral. Maybe he had married the right woman after all. “Such a lovely devious mind you have, my love. You are quite correct; Darla knows no subtly, nor does she care overmuch for anything but her own desires. When the old Ancient died she assumed she was next, and when I challenged her it was a shock both personally and to what she considered her feminine charms.” 

Buffy refrained from commenting on those ‘charms’ as Angelus’ large hands picked her up then, bringing her eye to eye with him. He crushed her mouth, claiming her once more with his. Breaking away, Angelus smirked again.

“I truly adore your mind.”
Dinner was a simple affair, four courses with blood wine for the vampires and the same white wine Buffy enjoyed earlier for the Queen. 

The couple had debated where to hold the meal, the formal dinning hall was large – hugely large – and could accommodate up to 200 guests, but didn’t seem appropriate for what they’d planned. Finally deciding on the West Salon, they watched as two footmen set up a rectangular table and three chairs; Angelus and Buffy at opposing ends as befitted their stations, with Darla in the middle. 

Placing a kiss on Buffy’s palm, Angelus waited with his wife on a couch placed near the fireplace, not lit on this warm evening. An arm lay across the back of the plush settee and Buffy curled into him, careful not to crease her dress. “Are you sure of this? It’s growing obvious that Darla doesn’t mean to leave this time, I wouldn’t put it past her to try and somehow take over your position here.” 

“Yes, I’m sure. As you said, she looks like she means to stay; better to have her close than not.” 

Angelus nodded, her thoughts following his almost perfectly. “I agree, but I don’t like it. You’re never to be alone with her, understand?” 

“Yes, Angelus,” Buffy agreed, a laugh in her voice. Overprotective wasn’t a strong enough word to describe her husband. 

“I’m serious, Buffy.” Her name was a growl. “I won’t allow her to harm you, and she will never take your place. But she’s devious, sneaky and completely unscrupulous.” He ignored Buffy’s snort of amusement and her mumbled, ‘So are you,’ and continued. “She’s weak, but her mind is one-tracked.” 

“And I can handle myself, Angelus, you know that. I have magickal skills she will never equal and I can handle a sword as well as anyone. I know what she wants and am not about to let her have it. You are mine, Angelus,” Buffy said as she turned to face him on the settee, “And I’m not letting you go.” 

The smile was lighting quick and smug, a male arrogance that should have offended her but that only made her want him more. She was about to kiss him, those lips too much of a temptation for her to resist, when the butler announced their visitor. 

“Well, then,” he said as they stood, his lips brushing hers in a promise of things to come, “It seems our guest has arrived.” 

The first thing Darla noticed was Buffy’s dress. It was a deep purple, the sleeves tight to the elbow before opening into a flowing mass of lacey material to end at her wrists. The bodice was tight, showing her curves nicely, and the floor length of the dress made the elf seem otherworldly, as if she were indeed a sprite from the human stories of the mortal realms.

All this made Darla scowl and wish, in a moment of insecurity, that she’d dressed in something other than the black figure hugging one-piece. Insecurity was something the vampiress wasn’t used to, so she sought to degrade Buffy another way. 

The new queen was too short, Darla thought as she tried to push that uncertainty to the back of her mind, she was an elf, not a vampiress, what did she know of keeping Angelus satisfied? Of ruling the kingdom and keeping her people provided for? She obviously looked like a child playing at dress up though Darla knew Buffy to be several hundred years old. Insecurity slammed through Darla again and for the first time she wondered at her plan that maybe…but any thoughts along those lines were quickly dismissed. 

“Angelus, darling,” the elder vampire said as she glided into the room, bowing quickly at the look on her childe’s face. “How I’ve missed you.” 

“Darla,” the flat reply echoed in the sudden silence of the salon and neither Angelus nor Buffy moved to physically greet their guest. Darla was hard pressed not to flinch; his voice was so hard and cold, his eyes shinning with malice and disgust. 

Still, she’d find a way to win her childe back from the elf. She was sure of it. 

Now if only she could ignore the grudgingly admitted beautiful elf.
“Darla, you must ride with me some time,” Buffy offered as dessert was served. She didn’t wish to admit it, but she found her husband’s Sire to be moderately intelligent, well read, and occasionally witty. When that scathing wit wasn’t directed towards her that was.

Add to the fact that the Queen had no desire to let Darla out of her sight and it was almost perfect. 

“Riding? Yes, I’d like that.” 

Throughout the meal, Darla had tried to dominate the conversation, reminiscing about past exploits – the bloody ones and the sexual ones – with Angelus but at every turn, the newly married couple bested her. If it wasn’t Angelus directing his commentary on various stories directly to Buffy, it was Buffy adding her own comments on the situation. 

A week! Darla fumed as she thought about it, one measly week they’d been married and already they acted as if they’d known each other forever. It was disgusting, revolting, a behavior no vampire would be caught dead in actually behaving. Angelus laughed, he smiled, his eyes trained solely on the elf. Those brown depths lit with a brightness Darla had never before seen.

She was insanely jealous. 

And to make matters all the worse; she admired Buffy’s ability to hold her own. 

Honestly, what was this world coming to? And now, to agree to a riding date with the little elf? Maybe she had spent too much time in the mortal realms. It was corrupting her. 

“Excellent, I’d like a chance to acquaint myself with the workings of the castle and the hierarchy of the kingdom, so how about a week from today? I shall enjoy hearing more about your time in the mortal realms.” 

A footman entered with the cake Cook had prepared especially for this dinner and Buffy waited while he served it. “I, myself, found the mortal realm to be dirty and crass, the people had no sense of humor and the conditions in which they lived were absolutely appalling.” 

Darla nodded. “I agree, they hold themselves in high esteem, they are the rulers of their lands, humans, and no one is to question them. Dictatorship is all well and good, but they abuse it in ways the Lands haven’t seen in eons. They treat their people with less respect than a Clou’ret Worm deserves,” she said with a sneer for the parasitic creature, “While they live in large castles and their peasants starve.”

Darla paused to savor a piece of Hunter Chocolate dipped in the juice of a blood pear before continuing. “The worst, by far of course, are the Watchers. They herald themselves as the guardians between the humans and anything and everything else. Superstition is high, but a lovely concept of burning at the stake is new and rather more prevalent.” 

“I had noticed that,” Buffy agreed as she ate her own piece of cake, sans the blood pear juice. “There, everything in the Lands is known, but feared. Vampires are hunted as much as elves, dragons as much as griffons as much as sphinxes; they don’t bother to learn of the things they seek to destroy before doing so.” 

“And yet every so-called country or tribe or clan there has one of our Dragons or Beasts on their self-styled coat of arms.” 

Angelus sat back, savoring his own slice of cake and listening to his wife and sire as they compared notes on the mortal realm. A small smirk played around the corner of his lips. Darla was indeed outclassed, always destined to be second to Buffy. She was smart, Angelus never would have tolerated her as long as he initially had if she’d not been, but Buffy was always at least a step ahead of her. And yet his beautiful wife was enjoying, the conversation, from what he could tell. 

He’d be sure to tease her about it later. Still, Buffy befriending Darla was probably for the best…and there went his lovely visions of torturing and eventually beheading Darla. His sire was mercurial in her moods and unpredictable at best. Maybe there was a way for him to turn that to his advantage, have her as a companion to Buffy during those times he couldn’t be there. 

Trust was a separate issue with Darla and one Angelus was sure didn’t exist between him and his sire. Granted, Angelus intended those times he wasn’t with Buffy to be few and far between, but it helped to have someone other than Oz guarding Buffy.  Frowning at the wine, the Ancient wondered if he’d consumed too much; was he actually thinking of having Darla guard Buffy?

More along the lines of her being close by: keeping the largest threat to Buffy near them was the easiest way to keep an eye on her.

Speaking of Oz, Angelus wondered how the elf guard was settling in. He knew that his own First had made overtures towards a solid working relationship, but he, himself, had been too immersed in Buffy to inquire as to the status of that relationship. Oz was willing to die for Buffy and Angelus expected nothing less; but he also needed to work with the other castle guards to ensure he complete safety.

Bringing his attention back to the conversation, Angelus noted that both women had finished their desserts and were confirming their plans for their ride. He was surprised, and was equally hard pressed to hide it, when Darla turned down Buffy’s tentative offer of a guest room. So far as he knew his Sire was more than eager to return to court life. The first step in that would be to return to the castle. Interesting. 

As they watched the carriage start for town, Angelus twined his fingers with Buffy’s. “I didn’t expect you to invite her to stay here, my love. Why did you?” 

Shrugging, she turned to her husband, rising on her toes to nibble at his mouth for a moment. “I don’t know. It just seemed…natural. I have this horrible feeling I actually liked her.” Buffy shook her head, causing the mass of curls to bounce along her chest and shoulders. “Maybe it was bad wine.” 

“Let’s get to bed, love. Maybe you’re just tired.” But as they walked up the grand staircase, ignoring the guards that lined the hallway and Oz and Gunn’s omnipresent shadows, Angelus remembered something else from the night’s conversation. 

Closing the doors behind them, knowing either Oz or Gunn would be present at all times, he asked, “Were you serious about wanting to be a part of life here?” 

“Yes,” Buffy replied as she turned her back for his agile fingers to begin unclasping the row of buttons holding her gown closed. She’d had her personal maid help her dress, but had sent the woman off to bed knowing that Angelus wouldn’t want her hovering.  Besides, the vampiress was too terrified of the Ancient to do anything quickly; this was much better all around.

“I’m well versed in both court life and the practical running of a castle and kingdom. It seems only logical that I put that knowledge to good use. Moreover, how would I spend my time as you attend court and meet with your council?” 

“You’d be by my side, of course. You are my Queen, Buffy,” Angelus said as the last button slid free and her gown pooled to the floor. Flinging it negligently onto the high-backed cushioned chair, he started on his own clothes and Buffy finished her nightly rituals. 

“I expect you to be by my side during all formal court sessions, and any meeting with the council, not to mention the Continuum. What would you do, exactly?” 

“It’s always best to learn the running of a specific castle from the ground up, I’ll spend this week on that, and being introduced to your council, then I’ll let you know.” 

She climbed into the high bed, naked but for the emerald and ruby encrusted artfully woven ring she wore signaling her marriage. Angelus’ was similar in design, the artwork the product of half the metalworkers in the kingdom during the three weeks since announcing their marriage and the actual ceremony. The Magick and Earth rings always emitted a faint glow whenever they were in close proximity to each other and in the week since the marriage ceremonies, hadn’t lost one ounce of luster.

She tracked Angelus as he walked across the room, double-checking that their door was secured before heading to their bed. Buffy smiled, her husband was nothing if not efficiently paranoid when it came to her safety. She couldn’t help but be pleased with that. Surely, that was a sign that he felt more for her than lust and affection, right? 

But then he turned those deep eyes on her, a matching spark of lust lighting them and all Buffy cared about was his body joined with hers. It had only been a week; there was all the time in the world.
Buffy started in the minion quarters. 

Minions, servants, it was all the same in the vampire community, but Buffy preferred to think of them as servants. Minions also encompassed the indentured slaves that worked the fields, any non-royal vampire, and almost all of the vampires who had fled to the mortal realm over the years. While many of them insisted they were ‘masters’ in their own rights, it was nothing more than a joke to those in the Lands.

Buffy found it was just easier to separate them by other titles. 

She and Oz, whose tour was led by the head of the household staff, Jonah – the longest to hold the position since Angelus’ rise to power – learned about everything from the cleaning of the stone cells to when the high rising parapets were built and why. No detail was omitted, not the amount of cleanser used nor the type, she met every servant in her employ and tried her best to remember their names. 

The guards for the currently empty dungeon cells, maids for every room, the cook – who took one look at Buffy and proclaimed her underfed and then proceeded to whip up a delicious meal of wild game, imported elf vegetables – something Angelus insisted upon when their marriage was announced – and pudding for dessert. 

Jonah watched as his new mistress laughed with Francesca, the cook, as she finished the pudding, her First standing stoically next to her, his own bowl of pudding empty. Honestly the butler hadn’t much faith in his new mistress, she was Elfin, first of all, not Vampire, and the whole thought of his Master actually marrying someone was so completely foreign that Jonah at first thought that it was some kind of trick. 

But in the days preceding the marriage, he had learned enough about his mistress to grant her a chance, understanding what his master had seen in the spirited elf. Now, as they made their way to the gamming stables then to the horse stables, Jonah realized that this was what he had been afraid of. 

More to the point, he had been concerned that the new Queen wouldn’t take an interest in the running of the castle. It was her duty to see to it, as befitted such a position, and while Jonah was resistant to change as a rule, he had the feeling that his new mistress wouldn’t alter that much of the day-to-day activities. 

His smile broadened when she inquired about her own horse, glaring at the young stable hand until the lad scrambled away to fetch the beast when he at first offered only a verbal reply. Oh, yes, Queen Buffy was going to fit in just fine here.
“What have you been up to, my love?” Angelus asked as they took their dinner together in their rooms. “I missed you at the midday meal, but was informed by a rather haughty Cook that you were dining in her kitchens this day.” 

Buffy laughed, enjoying the scowl on her husband’s face; he didn’t like his authority questioned, even when it was something as simple as a meal with his wife. Or maybe especially when it was that.

“I toured the castle; Jonah spent a considerable part of his day showing me the inner workings of my new home and when we stopped by the kitchens Cook insisted I eat where she could see me. I think she believed me to have no appetite at all.” Buffy leaned closer, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. “I didn’t wish to tell her that I needed all the strength I could get, my husband keeps me very busy.” 

“Busy, eh?” Angelus countered. “And what think you of this, ah, busyness?” 

“A very pleasurable way to spend my time, my lord.” Buffy said as she fed him a bite of the blood meat-pie. “Very pleasurable indeed.” 

“Good,” he whispered as his lips brushed hers. “I’d hate to bore you.” 

“Never, my Angelus, never.” Buffy said as his tongue licked along her jaw. “Wait,” she said, though she didn’t mean it in a stop kind of way. “Do you,” her shy insecurities were back with what she was about to suggest. It was odd, Buffy had never been afraid to say what was on her mind; it was this, the potential sharing of emotions, which frightened her, made her timid around Angelus. 

“Do you, ah, want to try and feel each other’s emotions again?” 

Angelus locked hooded eyes with her hopeful bright green ones. “Yes, my Beautiful Buffy,” he said and kissed her again. “Close your eyes and just feel.” 

The rest of their meal was forgotten. 

Nearly empty plates clattered to the floor, wine spilling into the cracks of the stone, just barely missing the antique rug showing the first members of the Vampire Continuum. Angelus told her on her first day with him that he enjoyed starting his day by stepping on their faces, a sign of disrespect that had mysteriously earned him high marks in both his kingdom and with the current Continuum. 

Angelus gently pushed her onto their bed, one hand already finding its way underneath the simple cotton gown she’d worn on her tours. Her skin was smooth as silk and he wondered if he’d ever tire of feeling her skin under his. Vampires were naturally cooler than their Lands brethren were, and Angelus delighted in the feel of his wife’s body as she heated under his touch. 

“Yes, Angelus,” Buffy breathed as her hands roamed over his back, tugging the shirt, already out of his breeches, over his head, tossing it someplace not on his body. Feeling a boldness that had come with the days and night spent in her husband’s arms, Buffy pushed him off her, rolling until she straddled his waist. 

Her hands explored every inch of his exposed chest, recalling the contours of him as if it had been years rather than hours since they’d last loved. She loved that her heat transferred to him, warming him, it brought him pleasure, she knew, because in the middle of the night he’d curl around her tighter, trying to ward off the chill of the evening. 

Leaning down, Buffy’s lips followed her hands, teeth lightly skimming over his flesh. When she encountered his pants, she quickly disposed of them, her goal his straining erection. The moment her hot lips closed over him, Angelus’ hands tangled in her hair, her name a hiss of satisfaction on his lips. Teasing him inch by inch, Buffy soon abandoned his cock to nibble along his inner thigh, smiling at the coarse hair that brushed her face. 

“What do you feel, Angelus?” Buffy asked as she kissed her way back up his body. 

“Buffy,” he hissed again, hands still tightly tangled in her hair, torn between wanting her lush lips back on him and simply burying himself inside her delicious heat. “You,” he said as he tried to clear the haze of lust from his mind. “I feel you not only as your lips kiss my skin, but my cock in your mouth as you take me deep into your throat.” 

Buffy smiled, her lips finding their way back to his. Without waiting for him to ask, for she could indeed feel his frustration at her question, she said, “I feel your body heating from mine, I feel your need to have me and have me now, no more waiting.” 

With that, Angelus grabbed her hips, moving her over him and watched with lust-filled eyes as Buffy sank onto him, taking him deep into her body, so beautiful, so passionate. 

She moved swiftly, his passion triggering her own and somehow blending into one red-hot ball of desire that was not so much Buffy and Angelus as THEM, together. His hands on her hips urged her faster and Buffy was happy to oblige. When his long fingers teased her clitoris, Buffy stiffened atop him, her mouth opened in an aborted cry of release, her breath caught someplace in her chest. 

Dazed for a long moment, Angelus watched her face, so expressive in her passion for him. When her inner walls began to lessen their orgasmic clamping around him, he flipped Buffy onto her back, his face shifting at the prospect of her delicious blood. Quickly thrusting into her, he licked the wound on her neck that would scar, eventually, should he actually stop reopening it several times a day, and sank his fangs gently into her soft skin, his climax flashing through him as another swept her in its arms. 

Collapsing on her chest, Angelus rolled them until Buffy curled around his larger body, fitting perfectly with him. Her lips touched his chest, but he knew she was tired. That didn’t stop his hands from slowly running the length of her spine, needing to touch her though they had just sated – momentarily – their desire. 

“Sleep, love,” he murmured and thought, before he, too, relaxed into sleep, that this forever thing might not be so bad.
“How was your riding date with Darla?” Angelus asked a week later as Buffy met him in the deserted throne room. 

Buffy had already met and charmed every member of his council and the seven vampire advisors eagerly agreed to her attendance in all future meetings. She had convinced him, before the Welcoming Ball held a week after their marriage,  to tour the villages and towns nearest his castle and Angelus was surprised, and something else, something approaching embarrassed, when the townspeople cheered her as they rode down the street. His name was mentioned as well, though the addition did little to quell his desire to maim everyone who yelled it, it was more an ‘Angelus and Buffy’ chant.

Buffy laughed, he scowled. The townspeople hadn’t cared; the jubilance over his marriage hadn’t abated one ounce. Just his luck. 

It was downright bizarre and Angelus wondered if this new era his marriage apparently ushered in was something to be glad of or crush as soon as possible.

“Not as bad as expected,” Buffy answered, bringing him back to the present. “She behaved herself; no assassination attempts, now overt threats. No real subtle threats, either. We chatted about the mortal realm, about the old Ancient and his death but not about her aborted secession to this throne, and about family, mine and hers.” 

Angelus’ eyes narrowed at that even as he growled in pleased approval when she climbed onto his lap rather then sit on her own throne. They were currently alone but that wouldn’t stop him from the kiss he placed on Buffy’s already parted lips. The mating of their mouths deepened, both sighing at the contact. 

“What else did she do?” Angelus asked when they broke apart, not trusting his sire in the least. 

“Nothing, Angelus,” Buffy promised. “She didn’t even bring a guard as is her right. It was she and I and Oz, and the contingent Oz demanded we have. You know,” she said, changing the subject slightly, “It’s really annoying when you try to enjoy a nice private ride with half an army galloping behind you.” 

“Had you never been guarded before?” Angelus asked, ready to beat her for putting her life in danger and possibly finding her father and doing the same to him for allowing such a thing. Oz was next, as he was Buffy’s First, and it was his duty, sworn on his life, to protect her. 

“Of course,” she hastily assured him when she saw the murderous glint enter his eyes. “But I usually lost them and though it was possibly only a handful of times, I avoided Oz, too.” 

“Buffy,” he warned and that murderous glint didn’t lessen. In fact, his beautiful brown eyes flashed a golden she found alluring. “You are never, do you hear me? NEVER to leave this castle without your guards, I don’t care how much you hate it; Oz is always with you, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that he’s so easily avoided. If I’m not with you, he is and that’s final.” 

Buffy nodded, a coy smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “Yes, my lord,” she said but kissed him before he had a chance to say more on the subject. 

Buffy knew that the guards were important. Peace might have prevailed in the Lands for millennia, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t factions out there that would love to kidnap her. And she had no intention of allowing that to happen. Her safety was unimportant, second to Angelus’ in her opinion. If she was in danger Buffy knew, without a doubt, that he’d risk everything to find her, placing himself in danger to do so. 

“Is the council meeting today?” She asked though she knew full well that they weren’t. 

“No,” Angelus mumbled into her neck, his hands already pushing her heavy riding skirts out of his way as he sought her core, her heat drawing him. He felt Buffy’s fingers at the waist of his pants, her mouth clamping down hard on his neck, the exact spot she had drank from him during the ceremony and his eyes rolled back. 

Working faster now, he growled, “If anyone every sees you like this but me, they’re dead,” before impaling her with his erection. He never heard her gasp of agreement as their passion exploded between them.
The moon was high in the sky that night as they strode, hand in hand, through the inner gardens. 

“I think that we can read each other’s emotions only when those emotions are running high,” Angelus said suddenly. 

He’d given it a lot of thought that day, as Buffy was on her ride with Darla. Angelus didn’t like not knowing how she was with his manipulative sire and needed to know she was safe, despite Oz and the Royal Guards with them. He had spent considerable time trying to find that bright light he always associated with Buffy, and while Angelus knew that it was there, an elusive beacon, he couldn’t grasp it. 

“What do you mean?” 

Without giving away his concerns, Angelus explained, “I tried to feel you today, the way I do when we make love. You were there, I know that, but I couldn’t consciously reach you.” 

Buffy was silent for a bit as she thought this through. She had been so busy today with Darla; trying not to look too paranoid, but not a pushover, either, and while her thoughts often drifted to Angelus, she didn’t think of their newborn bond. But, now that she did, Buffy realized he was right. 

Following him down another path, Buffy said, “Maybe this is just the first step. I admit I was surprised that we could read each other so quickly; all that I’ve read on it says that this takes time. Then again,” she admitted looking up into his eyes, “There isn’t a lot on this kind of bonding. It’s as rare in elfin society as it is in vampiric.” 

“So we’ll have to work on it, is that what you’re telling me?” Angelus asked with a wicked gleam in his eyes as he spun her outwards, only to catch her in his strong arms. “I can live with that.”

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