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Welcome to my webpage, I hope that you like it!

Hiya! Welcome to my site! It's me the Great and Powerful Shanna!!! Nah, joking. This is just my site to display things that are important to me and that are going on in my life. Have a peek around, and I hope you like what you see. If anyone has anything that they would like me to add let me know. :)

This is me!

For those of you who don't know, I have had alot going on in my life in the past couple of months. For starters I finally graduated with my B.S. degree in Animal and Poultry Sciences. Also, I was accepted into the Kenutcky Equine Management Internship for the Spring of 2004. So, I am in Kentucky and will be here for the next six months working on a Racing Thoroughbred farm. But the greatest thing that has happened to me is that I am finally "with" Larry, the man of my dreams. He has been my best friend for six and a half years. He is the one person that has always been there for me regardless of what crazy things have been going on in my life. So, I just want to make it as plain as possible...


Family Pic Page
Friends Pic Page
Busch Gardens pic page
School Adventures